Jessica Fellowes
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Jessica Fellowes — новинки

  • The World of Downton Abbey (Text Only) Jessica Fellowes
    ISBN: 9780007457113
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Collins
    Язык: Английский
    Downton Abbey portrays a world of elegance and decadence, a world of duty and obedience and a world of romance and rivalry: this official companion book to series 1 and 2 takes fans deeper into that world than ever before.Using a thematic structure to highlight the main storylines, such as the family, daily life, war, servitude, society and style, different characters come to life in each chapter. The text also gives insights into the political and social history of the period, and real-life characters and situations for comparison and illustration.Step inside one of the most beautiful houses in Britain, past Carson the butler at the front door and into the grand hallway. Catch a glimpse of the family having drinks in the drawing room before dinner, dressed in their evening finery, whilst Lord Grantham finishes writing a letter in his study. Then climb the grand sweeping staircase to the maze of rooms upstairs and peak through Lady Mary’s open door to see Anna, her maid, tidying scent bottles and jewellery on the ornate dressing table. Having admired the view of the parkland surrounding the house, follow Anna down the servants’ stairs and into the kitchens to watch Mrs Patmore frantically preparing dinner. Mrs Hughes keeps a watchful eye from her study and the world of Downton comes alive before you.Experience the inner workings of the downstairs life and be dazzled by the glamour of upstairs life with profiles of all the major characters, interviews with the actors, behind the scenes insights and in-depth information on costumes and props.This is a must for any fan of Britain’s most watched period drama.
  • The World of Downton Abbey Jessica Fellowes
    ISBN: 978-0-00-743178-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Collins
    Язык: Русский
    The official companion to series 1 and 2. Downton Abbey portrays a world of elegance and decadence, a world of duty and obedience and a world of romance and rivalry: this companion book, full of rich historical detail, takes fans deeper into that period than ever before. Step inside one of the most beautiful houses in Britain, past Carson the butler at the front door and into the grand hallway. Catch a glimpse of the family having drinks in the drawing room before dinner, dressed in their evening finery, whilst Lord Grantham finishes writing a letter in his study. Then climb the grand sweeping staircase to the maze of rooms upstairs and peak through Lady Mary's open door to see Anna, her maid, tidying scent bottles and jewellery on the ornate dressing table. Follow Anna down the servants' stairs and into the kitchens to watch Mrs Patmore frantically preparing dinner. Mrs Hughes keeps a watchful eye from her study and the world of Downton comes alive before you. Experience the inner workings of the downstairs life and be dazzled by the glamour of upstairs life with profiles of all the major characters, interviews with the actors, behind the scenes insights and in-depth information on costumes and props.
  • The World of Downton Abbey Jessica Fellowes
    ISBN: 978-1250006349
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: St. Martin's Press
    Язык: Английский

    A lavish look at the real world--both the secret history and the behind-the-scenes drama--of the spellbinding Emmy Award-winning Masterpiece TV series Downton Abbey April 1912. The sun is rising behind Downton Abbey, a great and splendid house in a great and splendid park. So secure does it appear that it seems as if the way it represents will last for another thousand years. It won't. Millions of American viewers were enthralled by the world of Downton Abbey, the mesmerizing TV drama of the aristocratic Crawley family--and their servants--on the verge of dramatic change. On the eve of Season 2 of the TV presentation, this…

  • Mitfordide m?rvalood. S?rav noor surnu Jessica Fellowes
    ISBN: 9789985348086
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    „Mitfordide m?rvalood. S?rav noor surnu” on teine raamat Jessica Fellowesi krimiromaanide sarjast, mille tegevustik on tihedalt p?imunud paljulapselise Mitfordide aadliperekonna eluk?iguga kahe ilmas?ja vahelisel ajal. Mitfordide lapsehoidjal Louisa Cannonil tuleb taas kord leida vastused m?rvajuhtumis, mis k?igi arvates on juba lahendatud.On aasta 1925. Mitfordide vanim t?tar Nancy naudib juba t?iskasvanuelu ning k?ib l?bi glamuurse ja l?bujanuse seltskonnaga, keda k?mulehtedes kutsutakse s?ravateks noorteks inimesteks. Nende legendaarseks ajaviiteks on m?ngida aardejahti, mis viib neid sageli p??rastesse seiklustesse ?le terve Londoni, seekord aga korraldatakse aardejaht Asthalli maam?isas ?sja seltskonda astunud Pamela Mitfordi 18. s?nnip?eva t?histamiseks. M?ngu l?puks on ?ks osalejatest j?hkral ja traagilisel moel oma elu kaotanud. Mitmete asjaolude t?ttu vahistab politsei kiiresti Dulcie Longi nimelise toat?druku, kuid Louisa on tema s??tuses veendunud ning asub oma hea s?bra, noore politseiseersandi Guy Sullivani abiga otsima t?endeid selle kohta, kes v?is olla tegelik m?rvar.Mitfordide m?rvalugude sarjas on varem ilmunud „Juhtum rongis”.
  • Mitfordide m?rvalood. Juhtum rongis Jessica Fellowes
    ISBN: 9789985345672
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    London, 1919. Nooruke Louisa Cannon p??ab meeleheitlikult leida p??seteed nii vaesuse ja viletsuse kui ka oma kurjade kavatsustega onu eest. Talle avaneb v?imalus oma elu muuta, kui selgub, et Mitfordide aadliperekond otsib oma viiele t?trele lapsehoidja abilist. Louisa kohaneb peagi turvalise eluga Oxfordshire’is asuvas Asthalli m?isas ning temast saab oma hoolealuste s?ber ja usaldusalune. Eriti l?hedane s?prus seob teda Mitfordide vanima t?tre, temperamentse ja terase 16-aastase Nancyga. Samal ajal vapustab kogu Inglismaad j?hker m?rvajuhtum – p?ise p?eva ajal tapetakse rongis teenekas halastaja?de. Kui ootamatult selgub, et tapetul oli mitmeid seoseid Mitfordide l?hikondlastega, otsustavad Nancy ja Louisa anda oma panuse kurjategija tabamiseks, taipamata esiti, kui keerulistesse olukordadesse nad seet?ttu sattuda v?ivad. Jessica Fellowes on v?tnud oma romaani aluseks t?estis?ndinud m?rvaloo, mille ohvriks oli halastaja?de Florence Nightingale Shore, kuulsa nimekaimu ristit?tar. Politseil ei ?nnestunud s??dlast v?lja selgitada ning Fellowes on loonud selle juhtumi alusel oma ilukirjandusliku versiooni. Mitmed tegelased, sealhulgas v?rvikas Mitfordide suguv?sa, on samuti reaalselt eksisteerinud, kuid raamatu tegevustik on autori fantaasia vili. Jessica Fellowes, kelle sulest on ilmunud muuhulgas mitu seriaali „Downton Abbey“ ?levaateraamatut, pakub lisaks p?nevusloole ka detailit?pseid kirjeldusi elust-olust Esimese maailmas?ja j?rgsel Inglismaal.