Брайан Джей Джонс

Brian Jay Jones

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 59 читателей
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Новинки Брайана Джея Джонса

  • Джордж Лукас. Путь Джедая Брайан Джей Джонс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-098641-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Полная парадоксальных откровений книга посвящена едва ли не самой противоречивой фигуре в истории мирового кинематографа. Пожизненный нонконформист, ставший миллиардером. Ненавистник рутины, подменивший актерское мастерство техническими решениями. Противник "бездушной машины Голливуда", построивший компьютерную фабрику грез. Он всегда верил в себя, но превзошел даже собственные ожидания. Лучшая в мире вещь — приключения в далеких-далеких странах, объяснял Лукас ошеломительный успех "Звездных войн" и Индианы Джонса. Он не только стал автором блокбастеров, но и научился ставить их на поток. Делая сиквелы и новые версии, он придумывал, как…

  • George Lucas Брайан Джей Джонс
    ISBN: 9781472224330
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Hodder
    Язык: Английский
    The essential biography of the influential and beloved filmmaker George Lucas

    On May 25, 1977, a problem-plagued, budget-straining independent science-fiction film opened in a mere thirty-two American movie theaters. Conceived, written, and directed by a little-known filmmaker named George Lucas, the movie originally called The Star Wars quickly drew blocks-long lines, bursting box-office records and ushering in a new way for movies to be made, marketed, and merchandised. It is now one of the most adored-and successful-movie franchises of all time.

    Now, the author of the bestselling biography Jim Henson delivers a long-awaited, revelatory look into the life and times of the man who created Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Indiana Jones.

    If Star Wars wasn't game-changing enough, Lucas went on to create another blockbuster series with Indiana Jones, and he completely transformed the world of special effects and the way movies sound. His innovation and ambition forged Pixar and Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, and THX sound.

    Lucas's colleagues and competitors offer tantalizing glimpses into his life. His entire career has been stimulated by innovators including Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola, actors such as Harrison Ford, and the very technologies that enabled the creation of his films-and allowed him to keep tinkering with them long after their original releases. Like his unforgettable characters and stories, his influence is unmatched.
  • Jim Henson: The Biography Брайан Джей Джонс
    ISBN: 0345526112
    Год издания: 2013
    Язык: Английский

    For the first time ever-a comprehensive biography of one of the twentieth-century's most innovative creative artists: the incomparable, irreplaceable Jim Henson. He was a gentle dreamer whose genial bearded visage was recognized around the world, but most people got to know him only through the iconic characters born of his fertile imagination: Kermit the Frog, Bert and Ernie, Miss Piggy, Big Bird. The Muppets made Jim Henson a household name, but they were only part of his remarkable story. This extraordinary biography--written with the generous cooperation of the Henson family--covers the full arc of Henson's all-too-brief life:…
