Киркпатрик Хилл

Kirkpatrick Hill

  • 3 книги
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Киркпатрик Хилл — новинки

  • Bo at Ballard Creek Киркпатрик Хилл
    ISBN: 0805093516
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
    Язык: Английский

    It's the 1920s, and Bo was headed for an Alaska orphanage when she won the hearts of two tough gold miners who set out to raise her, enthusiastically helped by all the kind people of the nearby Eskimo village. Bo learns Eskimo along with English, helps in the cookshack, learns to polka, and rides along with Big Annie and her dog team. There's always some kind of excitement: Bo sees her first airplane, has a run-in with a bear, and meets a mysterious lost little boy. Here is an unforgettable story of a little girl growing up in the exhilarating time after the big Alaska gold rushes.

  • Do Not Pass Go Киркпатрик Хилл
    ISBN: 1416914005
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский
    Deet's world turns upside down when his father is arrested for drug use. It doesn't seem possible that kind, caring Dad could be a criminal! After all, he only took the pills to stay awake so he could work two jobs. Now what will happen? How will Deet be able to face his classmates? Where will they get money? And most importantly, will Dad be okay in prison?

    Hurt, angry, and ashamed, Deet doesn't want to visit his father in jail. But when Mom goes back to work, Deet starts visiting Dad after school. It's frightening at first, but as he adjusts to the routine, Deet begins to see the prisoners as people with stories of their own, just like his dad. Deet soon realizes that prison isn't the terrifying place of movies and nightmares. In fact, Dad's imprisonment leads Deet to make a few surprising discoveries -- about his father, his friends, and himself.

    With moving realism, Kirkpatrick Hill brings to light the tumultuous experience of having a parent in jail in this honest and stirring story of a young man forced to grow up quickly.
  • The Year of Miss Agnes Киркпатрик Хилл
    ISBN: 0689851243
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Margaret K. McElderry Books
    Язык: Английский
    A year they'll never forget
    Ten-year-old Frederika (Fred for short) doesn't have much faith that the new teacher in town will last very long. After all, they never do. Most teachers who come to their one-room schoolhouse in remote, Alaska leave at the first smell of fish, claiming that life there is just too hard.
    But Miss Agnes is different -- she doesn't get frustrated with her students, and she throws away old textbooks and reads Robin Hood instead! For the first time, Fred and her classmates begin to enjoy their lessons and learn to read and write -- but will Miss Agnes be like all the rest and leave as quickly as she came?