Лора Маршалл

Laura Marshall

  • 7 книг
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 383 читателя
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5 69
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3 104
2 23
1 8

Лора Маршалл – лучшие книги

  • Запрос в друзья Лора Маршалл
    ISBN: 978-5-906986-90-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Аркадия
    Язык: Русский

    Могут ли тени прошлого испортить жизнь, или это сделает твоя нечистая совесть? 1989 год, небольшой английский городок. Старшеклассница Луиза знакомится с новенькой девочкой, Марией Вестон. Почувствовав взаимную симпатию, девушки становятся близкими подругами, однако вскоре цепь зловещих событий приводит к внезапному и загадочному исчезновению Марии на выпускном вечере. 2016 год, Лондон. Луиза - теперь успешная бизнес-леди - получает в "Фейсбуке" Запрос в друзья от… Марии Вестон! Разве такое возможно? Что это - чья-то злая шутка, или призрак Марии явился спустя двадцать пять лет? Прошлое с его роковыми тайнами возвращается, день за…

  • Friend Request Лора Маршалл
    ISBN: 9780751568356
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский
    Maria wants to be friends.
    But Maria is dead.
    Maria Weston wants to be friends with me
    Maybe that had been the problem all along: Maria Weston had wanted to be friends with me, but I let her down.
    She's been hovering at the edge of my consciousness for all of my adult life, although I've been good at keeping her out, just a blurred shadow in the corner of my eye, almost but not quite out of sight.
    Maria Weston wants to be friends.
    But Maria Weston has been dead for more than twenty-five years.
  • Three Little Lies Лора Маршалл
    ISBN: 9780751568370
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Sphere
    If he isn't guilty . . .
    Who is?

    Sasha North has gone missing.
    Everyone says she's run away, but I know better. We've been best friends since we were teenagers, since Sasha swept into the neighbourhood and brought colour to my life. Until a brutal attack changed both our lives forever.
    I know what happened that night. I know who wants revenge.
    And if Sasha has been taken, does that mean I'm next?
  • Three Little Lies Лора Маршалл
    ISBN: 9780751573053
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Sphere
    Someone told a lie.
    Someone knows the truth.

    Someone is watching you.


    When Sasha North comes into Ellen's life, Ellen falls under her spell. As Ellen is welcomed into Sasha's family, she doesn't see the darkness that lies beneath their bohemian lifestyle. Not until a brutal attack changes all their lives forever.

    Ten years later, Ellen and Sasha share a flat in London, still bound together by that night. When Sasha disappears, Ellen fears the worst. The police won't take her seriously, but the events of the past give Ellen good reason to be frightened.

    What really happened that night? Who is telling the whole truth? These are the questions Ellen must confront when searching for her friend. But someone knows Ellen is looking. And they don't want the answers coming out . . .