Алан Гратц

Alan Gratz

  • 17 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 439 читателей
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5 199
4 123
3 49
2 13
1 2

Алан Гратц - аудиокниги

  • Беженец Алан Гратц
    ISBN: 978-5-00115-707-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Clever, Клевер
    Язык: Русский

    Трое детей. Три разных судьбы. Всего один шанс, чтобы выжить... Германия, 1938 год. Его зовут Йозеф. Он бежит из фашистского Берлина, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Куба, 1994 год. Ее зовут Изабель. Она бежит от уличных протестов в Гаване, чтобы найти безопасный дом. Сирия, 2015 года. Его зовут Махмуд. Он бежит из Алеппо, чтобы найти убежище от войны. Этих детей разделяют десятилетия, океаны и континенты, но невероятным образом их истории связывает единый финал.

  • Projekt 1065 Alan Gratz
    ISBN: 0545880165, 9780545880169
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский

    Infiltrate. Befriend. Sabotage. World War II is raging. Michael O'Shaunessey, originally from Ireland, now lives in Nazi Germany with his parents. Like the other boys in his school, Michael is a member of the Hitler Youth. But Michael has a secret. He and his parents are spies. Michael despises everything the Nazis stand for. But he joins in the Hitler Youth's horrific games and book burnings, playing the part so he can gain insider knowledge. When Michael learns about Projekt 1065, a secret Nazi war mission, things get even more complicated. He must prove his loyalty to the Hitler Youth at all costs -- even if it means risking…

  • Code of Honor Alan Gratz
    ISBN: 0545695198
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Live by the code. Die by the code?

    Kamran Smith has it all. He’s the star of the football team, dates the most popular girl, and can’t wait to enlist in the army like his big brother, Darius. Although Kamran’s mother is from Iran, Kamran has always felt 100% American. Accepted.

    And then everything implodes.

    Darius is accused of being a terrorist. Kamran refuses to believe it. But Darius has been filmed making threats against his country, hinting at an upcoming deadly attack. Suddenly, everyone in Kamran’s life turns against him and his family.

    Kamran knows it’s up to him to clear his brother’s name. In a race against time, Kamran must piece together a series of clues and codes that will lead him to Darius—and the truth.

    But is it a truth Kamran is ready to face? And is he putting his own life at risk?

    Acclaimed author Alan Gratz (Prisoner B-3087) takes readers on a heart-pounding, nonstop adventure through underground intelligence bunkers and dangerous terrorist cells, weaving a gripping tale about the War on Terror—and the bond between brothers.