Сара Пекканен

Sarah Pekkanen

  • 22 книги
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Сара Пекканен - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • The Opposite of Me Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781439121986
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Washington Square Press
    A funny, poignant debut novel about the complicated bonds of sisterhood. When Lindsay's controlled life falls apart and she's forced to move home, she uncovers some revelations that call into question the identities she and Alex have developed their whole lives.
  • Naine meie vahel Sarah Pekkanen
    Язык: Эстонский
    Hiljuti oma jõukast abikaasast lahutanud kolmekümne kaheksa aastane Vanessa lamab voodis oma tädi korteris. Tal ei ole lapsi, raha ega tõelisi sõpru. Kogu tema elu on keerelnud karismaatilise ja kirgliku Richardi ümber. Kui Vanessa kuuleb, et Richard on kihlatud naisega, kellega mees teda on petnud, variseb Vanessa elu kildudeks. Mõni nädal enne Nellie ja Richardi pulmi on pisimgi detail juba paigas. Pealtnäha on Nellie nagu paljud teisedki noored naised Manhattanil, kuid tegelikult ei ole ta nii muretu, kui esmapilgul paistab. Kui Nellie mõistab, et Richardi endine abikaasa ei pruugi mehel minna lasta, hakkab talle aina enam tunduma, et keegi jälgib teda. Seda raamatut lugedes eeldate te nii mõndagi. See on armukadedast naisest, keda painab kinnismõte rivaalist. See on nooremast naisest, kes on otsustanud abielluda mehega, keda ta armastab. Esimene naine paistab kui täielik katastroof, noorem naine on täiuslik. Te eeldate, et teate motiive, taustalugu, suhete anatoomiat. Te eksite. „Riuklikult kaval kassi-hiire mäng.“ ― New York Times Book Review
  • Żona między nami Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9788381165327
    Издательство: PDW
  • Things You Won't Say Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781442377202
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Every morning, as her husband Mike straps on his SIG Sauer and pulls on his heavy Magnum boots, Jamie Anderson tenses up. Then comes the call she has always dreaded: There’s been a shooting at police headquarters. Mike isn’t hurt, but his long-time partner is grievously injured. As weeks pass and her husband’s insomnia and disconnectedness mount, Jamie realizes he is an invisible casualty of the attack. Then the phone rings again. Another shooting—but this time Mike has pulled the trigger.

    But the shooting does more than just alter Jamie’s world. It’s about to change everything for two other women. Christie Simmons, Mike’s flamboyant ex, sees the tragedy as an opportunity for a second chance with Mike. And Jamie’s younger sister, Lou, must face her own losses to help the big sister who raised her. As the press descends and public cries of police brutality swell, Jamie tries desperately to hold together her family, no matter what it takes.

    In her characteristic exploration of true-to-life relationships, Sarah Pekkanen has written a complex, compelling, and openhearted novel—her best yet.
  • These Girls Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781442364530
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Family secrets may shape us all, but it’s the rich, complicated layers of friendship that can save us.

    Cate, Renee, and Abby have come to New York for very different reasons, and in a bustling city of millions, they are linked together through circumstance and chance.

    Cate has just been named the features editor of Gloss, a high-end lifestyle magazine. It’s a professional coup, but her new job comes with more complications than Cate ever anticipated.

    Her roommate Renee will do anything to nab the plum job of beauty editor at Gloss. But snide comments about Renee’s weight send her into an emotional tailspin. Soon she is taking black market diet pills—despite the racing heartbeat and trembling hands that signal she’s heading for real danger.

    Then there’s Abby, whom they take in as a third roommate. Once a joyful graduate student working as a nanny part time, she abruptly fled a seemingly happy life in the D.C. suburbs. No one knows what shattered Abby—or why she left everything she once loved behind.

    Pekkanen’s most compelling, true-to-life novel yet tells the story of three very different women as they navigate the complications of careers and love—and find the lifeline they need in each other. Download and start listening now!
  • Best of Us Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781442359970
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    An all-expense-paid week at a luxury villa in Jamaica—it’s the invitation of a lifetime for a group of old college friends. All four women are desperate not just for a reunion, but for an escape: Tina is drowning under the demands of mothering four young children. Allie is shattered by the news that a genetic illness runs in her family. Savannah is carrying the secret of her husband’s infidelity. And, finally, there’s Pauline, who spares no expense to throw her wealthy husband an unforgettable thirty-fifth birthday celebration, hoping it will gloss over the cracks already splitting apart their new marriage.

    Languid hours on a private beach, gourmet dinners, and late nights of drinking kick off an idyllic week for the women and their husbands. But as a powerful hurricane bears down on the island, turmoil swirls inside the villa, forcing each of the women to reevaluate everything she knows about her friends—and herself.
  • Catching Air Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781442369207
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    From the internationally best-selling author of four books, including The Opposite of Me, a vibrant novel about two married couples who pursue a dream to open a bed-and-breakfast in small-town Vermont. In Catching Air, Pekkanen turns an unflinching eye on the tangled relationships of two pairs of 30-somethings.

    A chance to run a B&B in snowy, remote Vermont - it’s an offer Kira Danner can’t resist after six soul-crushing years of working as a lawyer in Florida. As Kira and her husband, Peter, step into a brand new life, she quells her fears about living with the B&B’s co-owners: Peter’s sexy, irresponsible brother Rand, and Rand’s wife, Alyssa…who is essentially a stranger.

    For her part, Alyssa sees taking over the B&B as the latest in a string of adventures. Plus, a quiet place might help her recover from the news that she can’t bear children. But the idyllic town proves to be anything but serene: Within weeks, the sisters-in-law are scrambling to prepare for their first big booking - a winter wedding - and soon a shy, mysterious woman comes to work for them. Dawn Zukoski is hiding something; that much is clear. But what the sisters-in-law don't realize is that Dawn is also hiding from someone…
  • Opposite of Me Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781508268321
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Twenty-nine-year-old Lindsey Rose has, for as long as she can remember, lived in the shadow of her ravishingly beautiful fraternal twin sister, Alex. Determined to get noticed, Lindsey is finally on the cusp of being named VP creative director of an elite New York advertising agency, after years of eighty-plus-hour weeks, migraines, and profound loneliness. But during the course of one devastating night, Lindsey’s carefully constructed life implodes. Humiliated, she flees the glitter of Manhattan and retreats to the time warp of her parents’ Maryland home. As her sister plans her lavish wedding to her Prince Charming, Lindsey struggles to maintain her identity as the smart, responsible twin while she furtively tries to piece her career back together. But things get more complicated when a long-held family secret is unleashed that forces both sisters to reconsider who they are and who they are meant to be.
  • Perfect Neighbors Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 9781508214670
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    How well do you ever really know the family next door?

    Bucolic Newport Cove, where spontaneous block parties occur on balmy nights and all of the streets are named for flowers, is proud of its distinction of being named one the top twenty safest neighborhoods in the US. It’s also one of the most secret-filled.

    Kellie Scott has just returned to work after a decade of being a stay-at-home mom. She’s adjusting to high heels, scrambling to cook dinner for her family after a day at the office—and soaking in the dangerous attention of a very handsome, very married male colleague. Kellie’s neighbor Susan Barrett begins every day with fresh resolutions: she won’t eat any carbs, she’ll go to bed at a reasonable hour, and she’ll stop stalking her ex-husband and his new girlfriend. Gigi Kennedy seems to have it all together—except her teenage daughter has turned into a hostile stranger and her husband is running for Congress, which means her old skeletons are in danger of being brought into the light.

    Then a new family moves to this quiet, tree-lined cul-de-sac. Tessa Campbell seems friendly enough to the other mothers, if a bit reserved. Then the neighbors notice that no one is ever invited to Tessa’s house. And soon, it becomes clear that Tessa is hiding the biggest secret of all.
  • The Getaway Sarah Pekkanen
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Audible Originals
    Язык: Английский
    In this short thriller from number one New York Times best-selling authors Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, narrated by actress Kate Mara, a young woman’s dream getaway becomes her worst nightmare.

    Prepare yourself for a transformative experience. Sometimes, life’s setbacks contain hidden gifts. Here at Lakewood, you’ll find the space to unwrap them.

    A weekend at the Lakewood Retreat is exactly what Chloe Powell needs. Freshly unemployed after her boss loses a reelection campaign, the former press secretary desperately wants a break from the bustle of Washington, DC. A flier posted at her yoga studio leads her to the getaway, which looks amazing: Organic meals, celebrity testimonials, and a serene private property within driving distance of the city.

    It’s so perfect, in fact, that Chloe’s barely bothered by the intensely personal questions she’s asked in her application, or the unnerving social experiments her enigmatic host, Sebastian, imposes on her once she arrives at his remote cabin. But when a mysterious new guest shows up, Chloe can no longer suppress her rising panic: This place is not at all what it seems.

    A pulse-pounding story from the first minute to the last, The Getaway explores the weight of the small choices we make every day, and their staggering, unintended consequences.
  • You Are Not Alone Сара Пекканен
    From Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, the authors of the top ten bestseller The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl, comes You Are Not Alone - a gripping novel about a group of women who appear to have the perfect lives, but all is not what it seems…
    You probably know someone like Shay Miller. She wants to find love, but it eludes her. She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end. She wants to belong, but her life is becoming increasingly isolated.
    You probably don't know anyone like the Moore sisters. They have an unbreakable circle of friends. They live a life of glamour and perfection. They always get what they desire.
    Shay thinks she wants their life.
    But what they really want is hers.
  • Тот, кто всегда рядом Сара Пекканен
    ISBN: 978-5-17-127478-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Шэй Миллер хочет найти любовь — и каждый раз терпит неудачу.
    Хочет реализовать себя, но в ее работе нет перспектив.
    Хочет найти свое место в жизни, но всегда оказывается на ее задворках… до тех пор, пока не встречает сестер Мур.

    Кассандра и Джейн живут идеальной жизнью, именно такой, о какой мечтает Шэй. И стоит им пригласить девушку в свою компанию, все как будто бы налаживается.
    Шэй так сильно желает понравиться сестрам, что готова отдать за это жизнь.
    И, похоже ей, действительно придется это сделать.
    Потому что сестры Мур всегда получают то, что хотят.
  • Жена между нами Сара Пекканен
    ISBN: 978-5-17-123296-2
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ, Жанры
    Язык: Русский
    Недавно Ричард оставил Ванессу ради более молодой и красивой женщины. Теперь сломленная жизнью, увядшая бывшая жена живет у своей тети, много пьет, постоянно лжет и пытается где-нибудь подкараулить свою "замену".

    Нелли — прелестная, энергичная невеста Ричарда. Она собирается уйти с работы, чтобы счастливо жить и растить детей вместе со своим идеальным мужем.

    Есть ли между этими женщинами что-то общее? Знают ли они по-настоящему мужчину, который их связывает? И знают ли они себя?

    Постепенно за простым на первый взгляд любовным треугольником раскрывается сложная, запутанная история страдания, обмана и насилия. Только финал объяснит читателю мотивы персонажей — как и им самим.
  • The Golden Couple Sarah Pekkanen
    ISBN: 125027320X, 978-1250273208
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: St. Martin's Press
    Язык: Английский
    Wealthy Washington suburbanites Marissa and Matthew Bishop seem to have it all―until Marissa is unfaithful. Beneath their veneer of perfection is a relationship riven by work and a lack of intimacy. She wants to repair things for the sake of their eight-year-old son and because she loves her husband. Enter Avery Chambers.

    Avery is a therapist who lost her professional license. Still, it doesn’t stop her from counseling those in crisis, though they have to adhere to her unorthodox methods. And the Bishops are desperate.
    When they glide through Avery’s door and Marissa reveals her infidelity, all three are set on a collision course. Because the biggest secrets in the room are still hidden, and it’s no longer simply a marriage that’s in danger.
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