Ричард Престон

Richard Preston

  • 17 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 329 читателей
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Лучшие книги Ричарда Престона

  • Эпидемия. Настоящая и страшная история распространения вируса Эбола Ричард Престон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-111644-6
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    Когда случается страшная эпидемия, все мы становимся равны перед вирусом. И даже в наше время, в век высоких технологий и открытий в медицине, появление нового вируса вызывает страх и панику… по крайней мере, в самом начале. Мы не можем контролировать все вокруг, но мы должны знать, как вирусы проявляют себя, как они размножаются, где их слабые места, и как нам уберечь себя. В этой книге описывается история возникновения и распространения первого вируса Эбола, смертность от которого достигала 90%. Она основана на реальных событиях и рассказывает, как человечество боролось с ранее неизвестной опасностью, какие шаги предпринимало, как сумело…

  • Кризис в красной зоне. Самая смертоносная вспышка эболы и эпидемии будущего Ричард Престон
    ISBN: 978-5-00139-020-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Альпина нон-фикшн
    Язык: Русский

    Лихорадка Эбола — смертоносное вирусное заболевание родом из Африки. Эта напасть, как и COVID-19, пришла к нам из животного мира — от летучих мышей. Человечество оказалось перед лицом врага безоружным — не было ни лекарств, ни вакцин. Лихорадка стремительно охватила Западную Африку. Эпидемия, как пожар, распространилась на страны трех континентов, и сдержать вспышку удалось лишь ценой объединенных усилий ученых и врачей из США, Африки и Европы. Захватывающая книга Ричарда Престона бросает читателя в самое пекло эпидемии, описывает судьбы людей, чьи героические действия преградили путь беде, показывает уязвимость систем современного…

  • Микро Майкл Крайтон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-097285-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Майкл Крайтон – автор многочисленных бестселлеров №1 по версии "Нью-Йорк таймс", получивших всемирную известность. Его книги разошлись в мире тиражом более 200 миллионов экземпляров. Внезапная смерть помешала писателю завершить "Микро", и честь дописать роман выпала известнейшему популяризатору науки Ричарду Престону.

    Тройное самоубийство по предварительному сговору – для другой версии просто не хватает улик. Но неужели три человека в самом деле договорились нанести себе множество тончайших глубоких порезов, чтобы истечь кровью друг у друга на глазах? Тайну этих смертей невольно предстоит раскрыть семерым молодым ученым, изучающим мир дикой природы. Перейдя дорогу амбициозной биотехнологической корпорации, они обречены познакомиться с этим миром гораздо, гораздо ближе, чем им хотелось бы…
  • The Demon in the Freezer Richard Preston
    ISBN: 0641781415, 9780641781414
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский

    The first major bioterror event in the United States-the anthrax attacks in October 2001-was a clarion call for scientists who work with “hot” agents to find ways of protecting civilian populations against biological weapons. In The Demon in the Freezer, his first nonfiction book since The Hot Zone, a #1 New York Times bestseller, Richard Preston takes us into the heart of Usamriid, the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, once the headquarters of the U.S. biological weapons program and now the epicenter of national biodefense. Peter Jahrling, the top scientist at Usamriid, a wry…

  • The Cobra Event Richard Preston
    ISBN: 0752817124, 9780752817125
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Арабский
    The Cobra Event is a petrifying, fictional account of a very real threat: biological terrorism.
    Seventeen-year-old Kate Moran wakes one morning to the beginnings of a head cold but shrugs it off and goes to school anyway. By her midmorning art class, Kate's runny nose gives way to violent seizures and a hideous scene of self-cannibalization. She dies soon after. When a homeless man meets a similarly gruesome — and mystifying — fate, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta sends pathologist Alice Austen to investigate. What she uncovers is the work of a killer, a man who calls himself Archimedes and is intent on spreading his deadly Cobra virus throughout New York City. A silent crisis erupts, with Austen and a secret FBI forensic team rushing to expose the terrorist.

    Even more frightening than Preston's story about the fictitious Cobra virus, however, is the truth that lies beneath it. As the author writes in his introduction, "The nonfiction roots of this book run deep.... My sources include eyewitnesses who have seen a variety of biological-weapons installations in different countries, and people who have developed and tested strategic bioweapons." In fact, the only reason The Cobra Event was not written as nonfiction is that none of Preston's sources would go on record.

    Woven throughout the novel are sections of straight nonfiction reporting that reveal the terrifying truth about the development of biological weapons and the clandestine operations of Russia and Iraq. Three years of research and more than 100 interviewswithhigh-level sources in the FBI, the U.S. military, and the scientific community went into The Cobra Event. The result is sure to shock you.
  • The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring Ричард Престон
    ISBN: 0812975596
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Random House Trade Paperbacks
    Hidden away in foggy, uncharted rain forest valleys in Northern California are the largest and tallest organisms the world has ever sustained–the coast redwood trees, Sequoia sempervirens. Ninety-six percent of the ancient redwood forests have been destroyed by logging, but the untouched fragments that remain are among the great wonders of nature. The biggest redwoods have trunks up to thirty feet wide and can rise more than thirty-five stories above the ground, forming cathedral-like structures in the air.

    Until recently, redwoods were thought to be virtually impossible to ascend, and the canopy at the tops of these majestic trees was undiscovered. In The Wild Trees, Richard Preston unfolds the spellbinding story of Steve Sillett, Marie Antoine, and the tiny group of daring botanists and amateur naturalists that found a lost world above California, a world that is dangerous, hauntingly beautiful, and unexplored.

    The canopy voyagers are young—just college students when they start their quest—and they share a passion for these trees, persevering in spite of sometimes crushing personal obstacles and failings. They take big risks, they ignore common wisdom (such as the notion that there’s nothing left to discover in North America), and they even make love in hammocks stretched between branches three hundred feet in the air.

    The deep redwood canopy is a vertical Eden filled with mosses, lichens, spotted salamanders, hanging gardens of ferns, and thickets of huckleberry bushes, all growing out of massive trunk systems that have fused and formed flying buttresses, sometimes carved into blackened chambers, hollowed out by fire, called “fire caves.” Thick layers of soil sitting on limbs harbor animal and plant life that is unknown to science. Humans move through the deep canopy suspended on ropes, far out of sight of the ground, knowing that the price of a small mistake can be a plunge to one’s death.

    Preston’s account of this amazing world, by turns terrifying, moving, and fascinating, is an adventure story told in novelistic detail by a master of nonfiction narrative. The author shares his protagonists’ passion for tall trees, and he mastered the techniques of tall-tree climbing to tell the story in The Wild Trees—the story of the fate of the world’s most splendid forests and of the imperiled biosphere itself.
  • Crisis in the Red Zone: The Story of the Deadliest Ebola Outbreak in History, and of the Outbreaks to Come Richard Preston
    ISBN: 0812998839, 9780812998832
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    The 2013-2014 Ebola epidemic was the deadliest ever--but the outbreaks continue. Now comes a gripping account of the doctors and scientists fighting to protect us, an urgent wake-up call about the future of emerging viruses--from the #1 bestselling author of The Hot Zone, soon to be a National Geographic original miniseries.

    This time, Ebola started with a two-year-old child who likely had contact with a wild creature and whose entire family quickly fell ill and died. The ensuing global drama activated health professionals in North America, Europe, and Africa in a desperate race against time to contain the viral wildfire. By the end--as the virus mutated into its deadliest form, and spread farther and faster than ever before--30,000 people would be infected, and the dead would be spread across eight countries on three continents.

    In this taut and suspenseful medical drama, Richard Preston deeply chronicles the outbreak, in which we saw for the first time the specter of Ebola jumping continents, crossing the Atlantic, and infecting people in America. Rich in characters and conflict--physical, emotional, and ethical--Crisis in the Red Zone is an immersion in one of the great public health calamities of our time.

    Preston writes of doctors and nurses in the field putting their own lives on the line, of government bureaucrats and NGO administrators moving, often fitfully, to try to contain the outbreak, and of pharmaceutical companies racing to develop drugs to combat the virus. He also explores the charged ethical dilemma over who should and did receive the rare doses of an experimental treatment when they became available at the peak of the disaster.

    Crisis in the Red Zone makes clear that the outbreak of 2013-2014 is a harbinger of further, more severe outbreaks, and of emerging viruses heretofore unimagined--in any country, on any continent. In our ever more interconnected world, with roads and towns cut deep into the jungles of equatorial Africa, viruses both familiar and undiscovered are being unleashed into more densely populated areas than ever before.

    The more we discover about the virosphere, the more we realize its deadly potential. Crisis in the Red Zone is an exquisitely timely book, a stark warning of viral outbreaks to come.
  • The Boat of Dreams: A Christmas Story Richard Preston
    ISBN: 074324592X, 9780743245920
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Touchstone Books
    Язык: Английский
    In 1969, William Foster, Sr., a thirty-three-year-old army reserve soldier, is lost in action in Vietnam. He leaves behind his beloved wife, Sarah Ann; a six-year-old daughter, Lila; and a thirteen-year-old son, Will, Jr. They live in a trailer on the coast of Maine, and parked beside the trailer is their father's beautiful but unreliable lobster boat, the "Sarah Ann." The "Sarah Ann'"s graceful curves and beautiful wood are a painful daily reminder of Will Sr.'s plans and dreams -- dreams now lost with him.The December afternoons are lonely and dark for Lila and Will, who must come home alone from school while their mother works. They get scared when they find evidence that someone has been visiting the trailer, and when they come home to find a rugged, cantankerous, somewhat smelly old man watching TV, it takes them a while to realize he's...Santa Claus.

    What Santa does with the lobster boat and how he handles Will's one and only Christmas dream -- to have his dad back -- is the story of "The Boat of Dreams." It brings laughter, surprises, and tears and tells through an unforgettable story how love is the one power that can overcome all.
  • American Steel: Hot Metal Men and the Resurrection of the Rust Belt Ричард Престон
    A chronicle of the efforts of America's ninth largest steel company to build a new steel plant in the Midwest's Rust Belt presents true-life characters and suspense in its exploration of the American steel industry