Lightning on the Wave – лучшие книги
- 8 произведений на 3 языках
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Из тьмы приходит утро Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Английский The AU of Prisoner of Azkaban and the one where Harry finally finds out the full truth about October 31, 1981. Harry struggles to rebuild himself after the shattering events of his second year. He will finally learn the truths he needs to know...but they're hardly going to be pleasant ones.
The title is from Swinburne's The Garden of Proserpine: Pale, without name or number,
In fruitless fields of corn,
They bow themselves and slumber
All night till light is born;
And like a soul belated,
In hell and heaven unmated,
By cloud and mist abated
Comes out of darkness morn. -
A Song In Time of Revolution Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Английский This is Year 6, the AU of Half-Blood Prince. Revolution is never an easy choice—and worse when you’re trying to respect the free will of everyone, wizard and magical creature alike. Prophecy and politics and the Ministry... Harry doesn’t need any more complications. While this contains character backstories and concepts from that book which will count as spoilers, the plot by this time looks almost nothing like HBP's, save for the occasional homage. The title is from Swinburne's poem of the same title: Where the waters are emptied and broken, the waves of the waters are stayed;
Where God has bound for a token the darkness that maketh afraid;
Where the sword was covered and hidden, and dust had grown in its side,
A word came forth which was bidden, the crying of one that cried:
The sides of the two-edged sword shall be bare, and its mouth shall be red,
For the breath of the face of the Lord that is felt in the bones of the dead. -
Свободу, но не мир Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Английский The AU of Goblet of Fire. The plot will follow the Tri-Wizard Tournament for only part of the story and twist rather violently in the middle and at the end. Training his brother, negotiating with former Death Eaters, juggling responsibility and duty... Harry's life is running away with him, as he struggles to balance. Also, there will be the first mention of HP/DM slash. The title is from Swinburne's To Victor Hugo : But we, our master, we
Whose hearts, uplift to thee,
Ache with the pulse of thy remembered song,
We ask not nor await
From the clenched hands of fate,
As thou, remission of the world's old wrong;
Respite we ask not, nor release;
Freedom a man may have, he shall not peace. -
Wind That Shakes the Seas and Stars Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Английский The AU of Order of the Phoenix: Snape begins the year with a mistake that sets his ward against him. Now Harry is using all his own considerable cunning to ride out the multiple storms, even as the Second War goes into motion. It follows the beginning of the War and the gathering of Harry's allies. Also complete. The title is from Swinburne's Ilicet Wind wherein seas and stars are shaken
Shall shake them, and they shall not waken;
None that has lain down shall arise;
The stones are sealed across their places;
One shadow is shed on all their faces,
One blindness cast on all their eyes. -
Оберегая Коннора Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Русский У Гарри есть брат-близнец Коннор, который является Мальчиком-Который-Выжил. И вся жизнь Гарри проходит в тени брата, посвященная защите Коннора. Но есть люди, которые считают такое положение вещей несправедливым. Примечания переводчика:
Первая из 7 частей большой серии the Sacrifices Arc альтернативного развития событий из вселенной Гарри Поттера. -
И только лишь змея Lightning on the Wave
Язык: Русский AU of CoS, Slytherin!Harry. Harry goes back to Hogwarts, determined to protect his brother Connor, the BoyWhoLived, and stay in the shadows. But last year two people learned the truth about Harry... and this year, two more will.
This is the AU of Chamber of Secrets. It becomes considerably darker than the first year and involves Harry's Parselmouth skills (as you may have been able to tell from the title). Said title is from Swinburne's Anactoria: I would my love could kill thee; I am satiated
With seeing thee live, and fain would have thee dead.
I would earth had thy body as fruit to eat,
And no mouth but some serpent's found thee sweet.