Линда Ла Плант

Lynda La Plante

  • 35 книг
  • 10 подписчиков
  • 363 читателя
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Лучшие произведения Линды Ла Плант

  • Вне подозрений Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Above Suspicion
    Дата написания: 2004
    Перевод: Елена Любимова
    Язык: Русский
  • Красная Орхидея Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Red Dahlia
    Первая публикация: 2006
    Линда Ла Плант - известная английская писательница, сценарист, в прошлом актриса. Из ее романов особенным успехом пользуются книга о детективе Анне Тревис.
    ...Почему больше чем полвека спустя после таинственной гибели в Лос-Анджелесе начинающей актрисы по прозвищу Черная Орхидея детективам лондонской полиции Анне Тревис и ее харизматичному шефу Джимми Ленгтону приходится вникать во все подробности того давнего дела - одного из самых громких и загадочных убийств XX века? Удастся ли им остановить безжалостного и дерзкого маньяка? В свое время убийца Черной Орхидеи так и не был найден. Не станет ли их расследование, по аналогии названное журналистами "делом Красной Орхидеи", новой главой в книге знаменитых нераскрытых преступлений? Или на сей раз возмездие настигнет преступника?
  • Лучшая половина мафии Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bella Mafia
    Дата написания: 1991
    Перевод: О. Качковский, Е. Денякина, Т. Трефилова
    Язык: Русский
  • Несущий смерть Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Deadly Intent
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Линда Ла Плант — известная английская писательница и сценарист. Среди ее романов особенным успехом пользуются книги о детективе Анне Тревис из убойного отдела лондонской полиции, в том числе роман «Несущий смерть». …Имя Александра Фицпатрика хорошо известно правоохранительным службам западных стран, и в США он по-прежнему объявлен в федеральный розыск, хотя вот уже десять лет, как Фицпатрик бесследно исчез – возможно, его даже нет в живых. Во всяком случае, одиозный миллионер-наркоторговец давно отошел от дел. Поэтому когда следователь Анна Тревис выдвигает версию о причастности Фицпатрика к цепочке загадочных лондонских убийств, ее никто не принимает всерьез. Никто, за исключением проницательного Джимми Ленгтона, который одним из первых понимает, какая опасность нависла над Англией: в Лондоне объявился безжалостный убийца, несущий смерть и горе десяткам, сотням тысяч людей…
  • Чистая работа Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Clean Cut
    Первая публикация: 2007
    Как связаны между собой страшная смерть темнокожей проститутки и убийство скромной лондонской библиотекарши? Зачем лондонской полиции понадобилось прибегать к помощи специалистов по магии вуду? Детектив убойного отдела Анна Тревис и ее бывший шеф и возлюбленный Джимми Ленгтон вынуждены сводить воедино два, три... четыре совершенно самостоятельных, казалось бы, дела! Несмотря на звериную жестокость преступников, едва не отправивших Ленгтона на тот свет, несмотря на изобретательность банды нелегальных иммигрантов, торговцев людьми и наркотиками, упрямым полицейским все-таки удается связать воедино все нити. Чистая работа!
  • Prime Suspect Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Prime Suspect
    Дата написания: ~1991
    Первая публикация: March 1, 1991
    Язык: Английский
    In the dark night of the soul . . . . If Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison hadn't been a woman, she might not have noticed the victim's shoes . . . . and that they didn't match the size given on the info sheet now so obviously misidentifying the dead blonde as a hooker named Della Mornay. Being so through, so good at the details, made Jane a top investigator; being a woman made the boys in the squadron want to see her fall on her face. But Jane Tennison was determined to catch the madman stalking women in London's street shadows. She had a prime suspect, and she needed to make the charges against him stick. She also needed to keep her own secret in check: she couldn't let anyone see that she was falling apart inside, as her obsession with cracking this case and breaking out from under the heel of the station house boy's club took over life, destroying her relationship with the man she loved, pushing her closer and closer to the dark urges of a killer . . . .
  • Silent Scream Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Silent Scream
    Дата написания: ~2009
    Первая публикация: September 3, 2009
    Язык: Английский
    Film star Amanda Delany has the world at her feet. Never one for the quiet life, she has had a string of affairs with the hottest actors around. Then, coming home late from a night shoot, Amanda puts the key in her front door for the very last time. The next morning, Amanda's body is found, stabbed many times, only her beautiful face left unharmed. DI Anna Travis is ordered to the team assigned to the Delany murder, headed by Anna's former lover, the demanding DCI James Langton. Anna is shocked by the truth behind Amanda's public image: her addictions to drugs and starvation diets; her cold, unemotional parents; her elusive film agent; and the former lovers so quick to distance themselves. But Anna has challenges of her own to overcome too. Promotion to Chief Inspector is within her grasp, but when the time comes for her to stand before the board, she faces a shocking accusation of personal misconduct.
  • Wrongful Death Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wrongful Death
    Первая публикация: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Duty to the job or personal ambition? Anna Travis must decide where her loyalties lie . . . Six months ago, London nightclub owner Josh Reynolds was found dead from a single gunshot wound to the head, the gun held in his right hand. His death was quickly determined to be a suicide, the investigation was closed . . . a case done and dusted. Until now. A young man, awaiting trial for armed robbery has informed his guards that Reynolds was murdered, and that he has information to share with the police. DCS James Langton tasks DCI Anna Travis to review the case. As soon as she wraps up the investigation, Langton tells Anna, she can join him at the FBI Academy in Virginia for training.
  • Murder Mile Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Murder Mile
    Дата написания: ~2018
    Первая публикация: August 15, 2018
    Язык: Английский
    February, 1979, 'The Winter of Discontent'. Economic chaos has led to widespread strikes across Britain. Jane Tennison, now a Detective Sergeant, has been posted to Peckham CID, one of London's toughest areas. As the rubbish on the streets begins to pile up, so does the murder count: two bodies in as many days. There are no suspects and the manner of death is different in each case. The only link between the two victims is the location of the bodies, found within a short distance of each other near Rye Lane in Peckham. Three days later another murder occurs in the same area. Press headlines scream that a serial killer is loose on 'Murder Mile' and that police incompetence is hampering the investigation. Jane is under immense pressure to catch the killer before they strike again.Working long hours with little sleep, what she uncovers leaves her doubting her own mind.
  • Silent Victims Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Silent Victims
    Дата написания: ~1993
    Первая публикация: December 13, 1993
    Язык: Английский
    The drag queen named Vera Reynolds swayed on-stage singing "Falling in Love Again." And a sixteen-year-old boy lay in Vera's fire-engulfed apartment . . . very, very dead. He was a "rent boy," a sex-for-hire street kid who catered to the tastes of special customers. It was the kind of murder Soho's Vice Squad saw often. But the influential do-gooder who was a prime suspect in this one made the young boy's death different--a ticking bomb able to blast open the nasty, secret lives of politicians, judges . . . and cops. Detective Jane Tennison had moved up the career ladder through sheer guts and an unstoppable passion for justice. Now, on her first day as the head of the Vice Squad, she caught a case threatening to wreck her career. She had been told whom to arrest--and whom to back off from-in the murder of the "rent boy." And she couldn't go with the program. She knew a destroyer of children was out there. She knew she had a choice: to save her future or go after him like an avenging angel, and damn the consequences to hell . . .
  • Blind Fury Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Blind Fury
    Дата написания: ~2010
    Первая публикация: June 10, 2010
    Язык: Английский
    A motorway service station on the M1: dimly lit, run down, poorly supervised, flickering lights, dark corners; a favourite stopover for long-distance lorry drivers on their way up north from London. Behind it, a body is found in a ditch, that of a girl barely out of her teens. She appears to have no family, no friends, no connections anywhere. Other girls have gone missing in the vicinity and no one has stepped forward to claim them. Anna Travis is assigned to the case. Her blood runs cold when she receives a letter from a lifer -- someone she was responsible for arresting in the past -- who writes to her from prison, asking her to visit him urgently. For he claims he knows who the killer is…
  • Tennison Линда Ла Плант
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Tennison
    Дата написания: ~2015
    Первая публикация: September 24, 2015
    Язык: Английский
    1973. After leaving the Metropolitan Police Training Academy, 22 year-old Jane Tennison is placed on a probationary exercise in Hackney, London where criminality thrives. At first she struggles to deal with the shocking situations she faces, receiving no help or sympathy from her superiors. Jane feels out of her depth in this male-dominated, chauvinistic environment. Then she is given her first murder case . . .
  • Blood Line Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Blood Line
    Дата написания: ~2011
    Первая публикация: June 23, 2011
    Язык: Английский
    Under the watchful eye of Detective Chief Superintendent James Langton, Anna is given her first case. But is it a full-blown murder investigation or purely a missing person's case? An ominous pool of blood and no victim lead Anna on a desperate hunt for a man who has disappeared without trace.
  • Backlash Lynda La Plante
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Backlash
    Дата написания: ~2013
    Первая публикация: October 15, 2013
    Язык: Английский
    It is late at night on a notorious council estate in London. A van - painted with a grinning clown's face on the side - is being driven erratically. When the police pull over the driver to question him, they discover, inside the van, the body of a young woman. A murder suspect, an arrest, a confession. A case done and dusted?