Эвелин Блох-Дано

Evelyne Bloch-Dano

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  • Madame Proust: A Biography Эвелин Блох-Дано
    ISBN: 0226056422
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: University Of Chicago Press
    Язык: Английский
    Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time opens with one of the most famous scenes in literature, as young Marcel, unable to fall asleep, waits anxiously for his mother to come to his bedroom and kiss him good night. Proust's own mother is central to the meaning of his masterpiece, and she has always held a special role in literary history, both as a character and as a decisive influence on the great writer’s career. Without knowing much about her, we think of her as the quintessential writer's mother.

    Now Evelyne Bloch-Dano’s touching biography acquaints Proust fans with the real Jeanne Weil Proust. Written with the imaginative force of a novel, but firmly grounded in Jeanne and Marcel Proust’s writings, Madame Proust skillfully captures the life and times of Proust’s mother, from her German-Jewish background and her marriage to a Catholic grocer’s son to her lifelong worries about her son’s sexuality, health problems, and talent. As well as offering intimate glimpses of the Prousts’ daily life, Madame Proust also uses the family as a way to explore the larger culture of fin-de-siècle France, including high society, spa culture, Jewish assimilation, and the Dreyfus affair. Throughout, Bloch-Dano offers sensitive readings of Proust’s work, drawing out the countless interconnections between his mother, his life, and his magnum opus.

    Those coming to In Search of Lost Time for the first time will find in Madame Proust a delightful primer on Marcel Proust’s life and times. For those already steeped in the pleasures of Proust, this gem of a biography will give them a fresh understanding of the rich, fascinating background of the writer and his art.
  • Une Jeunesse de Marcel Proust Эвелин Блох-Дано
    ISBN: 9782234075696
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Stock
    Язык: Французский
    Qui n’a jamais entendu parler du questionnaire de Proust ?
    Les réponses de l’écrivain ont traversé le temps et fait le tour du monde. On a oublié qu’elles provenaient d’un album intitulé Confessions, appartenant à Antoinette Faure, la fille du futur président de la République.
    En participant à ce jeu de société à la mode, Marcel Proust ne se doutait pas qu’il livrerait des indices sur l’adolescent qu’il était. Ses réponses ont été commentées. Mais jamais contextualisées ou comparées. Jamais datées avec exactitude.
    De Gilberte aux Champs-Élysées à la petite bande d’Albertine et des jeunes filles en fleurs, quelles traces ont-elles laissées dans son oeuvre ?
    Évelyne Bloch-Dano a mené l’enquête. Elle est parvenue à identifier les autres amis de l’album d’Antoinette. C’est alors tout un monde qui a surgi, celui des jeunes filles de la bourgeoisie de la Belle Époque. Quelques garçons aussi. À
    travers leurs goûts, leurs rêves, s’est dégagé le portrait d’une génération. Celle de Marcel Proust.