Патрик О'Брайан

Patrick O'Brian

  • 88 книг
  • 31 подписчик
  • 322 читателя
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1 3

Лучшие книги Патрика О'Брайана

  • Командир и штурман Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 985-5-367-02620-7, 978-5-4357-0135-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Амфора, Петроглиф
    Язык: Русский

    "Командир и штурман" - первый роман знаменитой исторической серии Патрика О'Брайана, посвященной эпохе наполеоновских войн. В нем завязывается дружба между капитаном британского королевского флота Джеком Обри и судовым врачом Стивеном Мэтьюрином. Их шлюп "Софи", курсируя у побережья Испании, показывает чудеса героизма в столкновениях с испано-французскими судами.

  • Хозяин морей. Капитан первого ранга Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 5-367-00124-6
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Амфора
    Язык: Русский

    "Капитан первого ранга" - следующий роман из знаменитой исторической серии Патрика О'Брайана "Хозяин морей". После недолгого Амьенского мира (1802) Европа снова в огне. Капитан королевского флота Джек Обри получает в командование каперское судно, которое начинает охоту за кораблями противника.

  • Хозяин морей. На краю земли Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 978-5-367-01622-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Амфора
    Язык: Русский
    В романе Патрика О'Брайана «На краю земли», посвященном эпохе Наполеоновских войн и легшем в основу сценария знаменитого фильма «Хозяин морей», его главные герои, капитан Джек Обри и его друг Стивен Мэтьюрин, участвуют в захватывающей погоне — преследовании американского капера, нападающего на британские китобойные суда.
  • H.M.S. Surprise Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393037036
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    Third in the series of Aubrey/Maturin adventures, this book is set among the strange sights and smells of the Indian subcontinent, and in the distant waters ploughed by the ships of the East India Company. Aubrey is on the defensive, pitting wits and seamanship against an enemy enjoying overwhelming local superiority. But somewhere in the Indian Ocean lies the prize that could make him rich beyond his wildest dream: the ships sent by Napoleon to attack the China Fleet...
  • The Mauritius Command Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393037043
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    Captain Jack Aubrey is ashore on half pay without a command—until Stephen Maturin arrives with secret orders for Aubrey to take a frigate to the Cape of Good Hope under a commodore's pennant, there to mount an expedition against the French-held islands of Mauritius and La Réunion. But the difficulties of carrying out his orders are compounded by two of his own captains—Lord Clonfert, a pleasure-seeking dilettante, and Captain Corbett, whose severity pushes his crew to the verge of mutiny.
  • Desolation Island Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393308129
    Год издания: 1991
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    Commissioned to rescue Governor Bligh of Bounty fame, Captain Jack Aubrey and his friend and surgeon Stephen Maturin sail the Leopard to Australia with a hold full of convicts. Among them is a beautiful and dangerous spy—and a treacherous disease that decimates the crew.
  • Военная фортуна Патрик О'Брайан
    Язык: Русский

    Перевод: Александра Яковлева (1-5) и Евгения (6-9)

    Шестая книга серии повествует о приключениях героев в 1812 году. Джек Обри и Стивен Мэтьюрин находятся в Ост-Индийских колониях Голландии. Капитан Обри получает новое назначение, но для этого необходимо вернуться в Англию.

  • The Ionian Mission Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393037081
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, veterans now of many battles, return in this novel to the seas where they first sailed as shipmates. But Jack is now a senior captain commanding a line-of-battle ship in the Royal Navy's blockade of Toulon, and this is a longer, harder, colder war than the dashing frigate actions of his early days. A sudden turn of events takes him and Stephen off on a hazardous mission to the Greek Islands, where all his old skills of seamanship and his proverbial luck when fighting against odds come triumphantly into their own.
  • Letter of Marque Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393028744
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: W. W. Norton & Company
    Язык: Английский
    Captain Jack Aubrey, a brilliant and experienced officer, has been struck off the list of post-captains for a crime he did not commit. His old friend Stephen Maturin, usually cast as a ship's surgeon to mask his discreet activities on behalf of British Intelligence, has bought for Aubrey his former ship the Surprise to command as a privateer, more politely termed a letter of marque. Together they sail on a desperate mission against the French, which, if successful, may redeem Aubrey from the private hell of his disgrace.
  • The Surgeon's Mate Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393308204
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: W. W. Norton & Company
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are ordered home by dispatch vessel to bring the news of their latest victory to the government. But Maturin is a marked man for the havoc he has wrought in the French intelligence network in the New World, and the attention of two privateers soon becomes menacing. The chase that follows through the fogs and shallows of the Grand Banks is as tense, and as unexpected in its culmination, as anything Patrick O'Brian has written.
  • Treason's Harbour Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393037098
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    All Patrick O'Brian's strengths are on parade in this novel of action and intrigue, set partly in Malta, partly in the treacherous, pirate-infested waters of the Red Sea. While Captain Aubrey worries about repairs to his ship, Stephen Maturin assumes the center stage for the dockyards and salons of Malta are alive with Napoleon's agents, and the admiralty's intelligence network is compromised. Maturin's cunning is the sole bulwark against sabotage of Aubrey's daring mission.
  • The Reverse of the Medal Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393037111
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    Captain Jack Aubrey, R. N., ashore after a successful cruise, is persuaded by a casual acquaintance to make certain investments in the City. This innocent decision ensnares him in the London criminal underground and in government espionage—the province of his friend Stephen Maturin. Is Aubrey's humiliation and the threatened ruin of his career a deliberate plot? This dark tale is a fitting backdrop to the brilliant characterization and sparkling dialogue which O'Brian's readers have come to expect.
  • Thirteen Gun Salute Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393309072
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский

    Captain Jack Aubrey sets sail for the South China Sea with a new lease on life. Following reinstatement into the Royal Navy. Maturin climbs the Thousand Steps of the sacred crater of the orangutans. A killer typhoon catches Aubrey and his crew trying to work the Diane off a reef. In the barbaric court of Pulo Prabang a diplomatic mission tries to prevent links between Bonaparte and the Malay princes which would put English merchant shipping at risk.

  • Nutmeg of Consolution Patrick O'Brian
    ISBN: 9780393309065
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский

    Shipwrecked on a remote island in the Dutch East Indies, Captain Aubrey, surgeon and secret intelligence agent Stephen Maturin, and the crew of the Diane fashion a schooner from the wreck. A vicious attack by Malay pirates is repulsed, but the makeshift vessel burns, and they are truly marooned. Their escape from this predicament is one that only the whimsy and ingenuity of Patrick O'Brian—or Stephen Maturin—could devise. In command now of a new ship, the Nutmeg, Aubrey pursues his interrupted mission. The dreadful penal colony in New South Wales, harrowingly described, is the backdrop to a diplomatic crisis provoked by Maturin's Irish…

  • The Complete Short Stories Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780008525439
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    The Complete Short Stories is the most comprehensive collection of O’Brian’s short fiction ever published. An essential volume, certain to enchant O’Brian admirers as well as readers who are fortunate enough to be journeying with him for the very first time.
    Patrick O’Brian is acclaimed as one of the greatest historical novelists of the twentieth century, celebrated throughout the world for his masterful roman fleuve, the Aubrey?Maturin series. But he was also a prolific writer of short stories, and it is in this form that he first made his mark.
    Encompassing stories written in his unvarnished youth to tales told by a seasoned traveller, this is the most comprehensive collection of O’Brian’s short fiction ever published. It is a treasure chest, overflowing with riches, containing more than sixty tales, including rarities, uncollected works, and forgotten jewels that have been out of print for decades.
    These are stories of friendship, travel, adventure and the wonders of the natural world. Some are enchantingly funny, others exciting, terrifying, passionate. All of them prove Patrick O’Brian to be a true master of the form.
  • The Unknown Shore Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780006497950
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    The second book Patrick O’Brian wrote about the sea and a brilliant sequel to The Golden Ocean.
    As in The Golden Ocean, The Unknown Shore tells the tale of another ill-fated ship on Anson’s expedition round the world – the Wager. Parted from her squadron in the fearful storms off Cape Horn, the Wager struggles on alone up the ironbound coast of Chile, before she is driven onto rocks and sinks. The survivors include Jack Byron, a midshipman, and his eccentric protege Toby, an alarmingly naive surgeon’s mate with a single-minded devotion to zoology.
    Faced with a surplus of rum, a disappearing stock of food, and a hard, detested captain, the survivors soon descend into trouble of every kind, including drunkeness, mutiny and bloodshed. As they make their way northwards under the guidance of a band of stony and depraved Indians, they at last find safety and good treatment in Valparaiso.
    Admirers of O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin novels will see in Jack Byron a matter-of-fact, bluff precursor to the great Jack Aubrey. Whilst Toby, raging in Greek against a corrupt Member of Parliament, stripped by thieves in the Farthing Pie House, asking the Commodore to carry his snake, arousing the darkest suspicions in the Chilean Inquisition, is an amiable companion whose vagaries afford endless diversion on a hard and dramatic journey.
  • The Golden Ocean Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780007333882
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    The first novel Patrick O’Brian ever wrote about the sea – and the precursor to the famous Aubrey-Maturin series.
    The Golden Ocean is the first novel Patrick O’Brian ever wrote about the sea. The novel shares the same sense of excitement and the rich humour of the Aubrey-Maturin novels, invoking the eloquent style and attention to historical detail that O’Brian readers admire so much.
    The protagonist of this story is Peter Palafox, son of a poor Irish parson, who signs on as a midshipman, never before having seen a ship. He is a fellow who would have delighted the young Stephen Maturin or Jack Aubrey … and quarrelled with them as well. Together with his life-long friend Sean, Peter sets out to seek his fortune, embarking on a journey of danger, disappointment, foreign lands and excitement.
    Written in 1956, this is a tale certain to please not only the many admirers of O’Brian, but any reader with an adventurous soul.
  • The Thirteen-Gun Salute Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780006499282
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Entrusted with a secret mission, the perils of the South China Sea await.
    In the fight against the French, a treaty with the Sultan of Pulo Prabang, a piratical Malay state, may prove decisive. Captain Jack Aubrey and ship’s surgeon Stephen Maturin, along with a hand-picked crew, must survive the dangers of the high forties and convey a diplomatic envoy to ensure this key alliance, but dangers, both natural and man-made, will dog their every move.
    When echoes of the past return, no one is safe.
  • Blue at the Mizzen Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780006513780
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    For a man of war, peacetime is the ultimate challenge.
    Leaving behind them a Europe still taking stock after the definitive battle of Waterloo, Jack Aubrey and his friend Stephen Maturin set sail for Chile. But even with the newly minted peace, life at sea remains beset with danger and imminent disaster, and the political turmoil of the South American continent is equal to any threat they have yet faced.
    Out of loss – of purpose, of love – can the two friends rescue what they most desire?
  • The Mauritius Command Патрик О'Брайан
    ISBN: 9780006499183
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Can Captain Jack Aubrey and his crew defy the odds, and outmanoeuvre the French, to take two small but vital islands in the Indian Ocean?
    Life ashore on half pay, despite the joys of family life, is unlikely to satisfy a man of action such as Jack Aubrey. The sea calls to him. And so, when his friend, ship’s surgeon and secret agent Stephen Maturin, arrives with secret orders, Aubrey soon finds himself in command of a frigate and setting sail for the Cape of Good Hope.
    But, in Nelson’s navy, there are as many enemies within as without.
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