Кристина Джонс

Christina Jones

  • 9 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 151 читатель
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 32
4 52
3 47
2 15
1 2

Кристина Джонс – лучшие книги

  • Волшебный пирог Кристина Джонс
    ISBN: 5-483-00002-1, 0749934972
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Амфора, Ред Фиш
    Язык: Русский
    Что делать, если вас досрочно выпихнули на пенсию, если муж бросил вас в день серебряной свадьбы, а личная жизнь затерялась в тумане? Конечно, колдовать! Кулинарная книга со старинными рецептами, найденная на чердаке, полностью меняет жизнь Митци Блессинг и возвращает счастье в ее дом.
  • Семейный бизнес Кристина Джонс
    ISBN: 5-483-00004-8
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Амфора
    Язык: Русский
    Транспортная компания "Диадема" принадлежит Джорджии Драммонд и ее энергичной бабушке Сесилии. Компания процветает, сама Джорджия удачлива во всех отношениях. Но когда в ее жизнь входит красавец Рори Фолкнер, "Диадема" начинает терять клиентов, а ее
  • Moonshine: A magical romantic comedy Christina Jones
    Издательство: Piatkus
    Язык: Английский
    Cleo Moon is starting life over again after a divorce. She lands a job as PA to Lady of the Manor - Mimi - having settled herself in a caravan in the sleepy little village of Lovers' Knot. But the trouble starts when the most beautiful boy in the world - Dylan - turns up on her doorstep drunk one night.
  • An Enormously English Monsoon Wedding Christina Jones
    ISBN: 9780749957124
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Piatkus Books
    Язык: Английский
    Wedding heaven or wedding hell?
    Life simply couldn't be better for Erin Boswell. At twenty-seven, she is engaged to the simply divine Jay Keskar - and every minute of her day currently revolves around planning the wedding of her dreams. Until, that is, Jay's parents announce that they want to 'discuss' things - and this is when Erin's wedding heaven turns into her wedding hell . . .
    Tavish and Deena are Indian and have very firm beliefs about the form of wedding their only son should have. Of course, they say, Erin will be wearing a sari. And of course all the Indian pre-wedding ritual ceremonies - including tilak, mehendi, sangeet - will be observed.
    As Bollywood comes to Berkshire, can East eventually meet West in perfect harmony? And if not, will Erin and Jay's dream wedding even take place?
  • Never Can Say Goodbye Christina Jones
    ISBN: 9780749953324
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Piatkus Books
    Frankie Meredith - immersed in her fledgling business and happy to be single - watches Dexter Valentine's philanderings with amusement. However, Frankie has other things to occupy her mind when village medium, Maisie Fairbrother, insists that the shop is haunted and offers to hold a seance."
  • Summer at Sandcastle Cottage Кристина Джонс
    ISBN: 9781786157287
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Headline
    After trials, tears and a torturous break-up, Kitty Appleby has finally found where she's meant to be. Tumbledown Sandcastle Cottage, in the delightful seaside village of Firefly Common, is home, and Kitty's eccentric band of friends and neighbours are enjoying a glorious summer.
    There's just one tiny little problem. Sandcastle Cottage doesn't belong to them. And Mavis Mullholland, Kitty's landlord, is on her way home from her round-the-world cruise . . .
    Kitty can't bear to lose the community that's welcomed her in. But secretly, she can't bear to leave Sandcastle Cottage without finding out more about the mysterious and enigmatic Vinny . . . Why can't she stop thinking about him, when she's faced with losing everything?
  • Tickled Pink Christina Jones
    ISBN: 9781783759897
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Accent Pres
    Язык: Английский
    When Posy planned her wedding, she assumed that she would be at the altar, not skulking in the last pew wishing premature death on the bride. Lola planned her happily-ever-after for twenty-eight years. When a sudden death makes her homeless and jobless, she must leave the fancy biscuit trade without so much as a custard cream for the journey. The village of Steeple Fritton appears to be their only salvation. They have to utilise their assets or go under. But when the assets are a showman’s traction engine, an ailing pub and a village full of eccentrics, the new life plan is not immediately obvious to either of them.
  • Walking on Air Christina Jones
    ISBN: 978-0006513445
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: HarperCollins

    An enchanting, exuberant novel, featuring a girl who hates flying adrift in the world of aeronautical acrobatics, by a favourite storyteller.
    Billie Pascoe, currently a taxi driver in a country town, takes an impulsive risk when she spends her grandmother’s small legacy on a warehouse on the edge of a small airfield.
    But her attempt at business enterprise and at a new image of professional efficiency is marred by her ex-boss’s determination to keep her under control; her friends’ and family’s attempts to find her a suitable mate; and the mystery about her past, complicated by cover-ups.
    Among the first items in her warehouse is an old ‘plane waiting to be restored. Billie hates flying, so it is even more surprising that she finds herself offering to perform acrobatic stunts and wing-walking…
    Filled with a great cast of characters from her flatmate who runs the local beauty salon to the fellow owners of the neighbouring warehouses, from the unspeakably glamorous air engineer to her redoubtable, interfering mother, Walking on Air is Christina Jones’s most exhilarating novel.