Шери Лапенья

Shari Lapena

  • 44 книги
  • 11 подписчиков
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Лучшие книги Шери Лапенья

  • Супруги по соседству Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 978-5-17-121535-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    На первый взгляд может показаться, что семья Конти живет обычной счастливой жизнью. Энн и Марко любят друг друга, у них красивый дом и очаровательный ребенок, вдобавок им хватает времени на веселые вечеринки с соседями. Однако они совершают непростительную ошибку: отправляются в гости, оставив полугодовалую Кору спать в кроватке. Казалось бы, что может случиться, если они находятся в соседнем доме, каждые полчаса проверяют дочь, да к тому же установили видеоняню? Тем не менее, вернувшись домой, они обнаруживают, что Кору похитили. Эта трагедия обнажает язвы внешне благополучной семьи - депрессию Энн, финансовые проблемы Марко, двоякую роль…

  • Нежеланный гость Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137312-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Метель, уютный старомодный отель в горах, теплая компания. О таком уикенде мечтает каждый: здесь можно кататься на лыжах, пить изысканные коктейли или устроиться в библиотеке с интересной книгой… Вот только мечта быстро превращается в жуткий кошмар. В отеле нет Интернета и мобильной связи, а из-за снежной бури отказывает электричество. А ночью у подножия лестницы обнаруживают тело ослепительно красивой девушки — самой привлекательной постоялицы отеля. Хочется верить, что это всего лишь случайность, но вскоре появляется еще один труп. И перепуганным, продрогшим постояльцам остается только жаться друг к другу и ждать, когда придет…

  • Посторонний в доме Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 978-5-17-112146-4
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Молодая красивая женщина выбегает из заброшенного ресторана, садится в машину, мчится на бешеной скорости и врезается в столб. Том Крапп, успешный и привлекательный мужчина, возвращается после работы в свой красивый особняк и обнаруживает, что Карен, его жены, нет дома. Все указывает на то, что она совсем недавно была здесь и покинула дом в страшной спешке. Стук в дверь: пришел полицейский, он сообщает Тому, что его жена попала в аварию и теперь в больнице. Карен получила сотрясение мозга и не может вспомнить, что с ней произошло. Вскоре она возвращается домой, и в ее голове понемногу начинают всплывать обрывки воспоминаний. Карен…

  • Нещаслива родина Шарі Лапена
    ISBN: 978-617-15-0368-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: КСД
    Язык: Украинский
    У цій родині всі мають таємниці - навіть мерці

    Фред Мертон жорстоко зарізаний, його дружина Шейла - задушена. Обох знайшли в їхньому розкішному маєтку після родинної вечері. Отож детективам треба визначити, хто з-поміж підозрюваних скоїв подвійне вбивство. А це нелегке завдання, адже чи не кожен з родичів та близьких убитої пари має мотив…

    Кетрін, найстарша дочка з успішною кар’єрою, розлютилася, дізнавшись, що батьки збираються продати маєток. Ден - син загиблих - постійно піддавався критиці батька через проблеми у власному бізнесі. А Дженна - наймолодша - вважалася ганьбою сім’ї через легковажний богемний спосіб життя. Сестра Фреда також має претензії на багатомільйонний спадок, а ще детективи виходять на двох жінок, які певним чином пов’язані з Фредом Мертоном. Та і як бути з покоївкою, яка - свідомо чи ні - знищила значну частку речових доказів?

    Справа, яка здавалася очевидною, ускладнюється з кожною хвилиною, і що сильніше детективи тягнуть за нитку, то більше заплутується клубок. Кожен у сім’ї підозрює іншого, та навіть партнери не довіряють своїм половинкам. Тож детективи виявлять ще не один скелет у шафі, перш ніж доберуться до правди. Адже щасливою цю родину точно не назвеш…
  • Someone We Know Shari Lapena
    ISBN: 0525557652? 978-0525557654
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Pamela Dorman Books
    Язык: Английский
    The new domestic suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door, A Stranger in the House, and An Unwanted Guest, Shari Lapena

    Maybe you don't know your neighbors as well as you thought you did . . .

    "This is a very difficult letter to write. I hope you will not hate us too much. . . My son broke into your home recently while you were out."

    In a quiet, leafy suburb in upstate New York, a teenager has been sneaking into houses--and into the owners' computers as well--learning their secrets, and maybe sharing some of them, too.

    Who is he, and what might he have uncovered? After two anonymous letters are received, whispers start to circulate, and suspicion mounts. And when a woman down the street is found murdered, the tension reaches the breaking point. Who killed her? Who knows more than they're telling? And how far will all these very nice people go to protect their own secrets?

    In this neighborhood, it's not just the husbands and wives who play games. Here, everyone in the family has something to hide . . .
  • Everyone Here Is Lying Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 0593489934, 978-0593489932
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Pamela Dorman Books
    Язык: Английский
    Welcome to Stanhope. A safe neighborhood. A place for families.

    William Wooler is a family man, on the surface. But he’s been having an affair, an affair that ended horribly this afternoon at a motel up the road. So when he returns to his house, devastated and angry, to find his difficult nine-year-old daughter, Avery, unexpectedly home from school, William loses his temper.

    Hours later, Avery’s family declares her missing.

    Suddenly Stanhope doesn’t feel so safe. And William isn’t the only one on his street who’s hiding a lie. As witnesses come forward with information that may or may not be true, Avery's neighbors become increasingly unhinged.

    Who took Avery Wooler?

    Nothing will prepare you for the truth.
  • The End of Her Shari Lapena
    ISBN: 1984880519, 978-1984880512
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Pamela Dorman Books
    Язык: Английский
    Stephanie and Patrick are adjusting to life with their colicky twin girls. The babies are a handful, but even as Stephanie struggles with the disorientation of sleep deprivation, there's one thing she's sure of: she has all she ever wanted.

    Then Erica, a woman from Patrick's past, appears and makes a disturbing accusation. Patrick had always said his first wife's death was an accident, but now Erica claims it was murder.

    Patrick insists he's innocent, that this is nothing but a blackmail attempt. Still, Erica knows things about Patrick--things that make Stephanie begin to question her husband. Stephanie isn't sure what, or who, to believe. As Stephanie's trust in Patrick begins to falter, Patrick stands to lose everything. Is Patrick telling the truth--is Erica the persuasive liar Patrick says she is? Or has Stephanie made a terrible mistake?
  • A Stranger in the House Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 978-0-552-17497-8
    Издательство: Corgi
    Язык: Русский
    You're waiting for your beloved husband to get home from work. You're making dinner, looking forward to hearing about his day. That's the last thing you remember. You wake up in hospital, with no idea how you got there. They tell you that you were in an accident; you lost control of your car whilst driving in a dangerous part of town.The police suspect you were up to no good. But your husband refuses to believe it. Your best friend isn't so sure. And even you don't know what to believe.
  • An Unwanted Guest Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 978-0-525-50607-2
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Русский
    A weekend retreat at a cozy mountain lodge is supposed to be the perfect getaway . . . but when the storm hits, no one is getting away.It's winter in the Catskills and Mitchell's Inn, nestled deep in the woods, is the perfect setting for a relaxing--maybe even romantic--weekend away. It boasts spacious old rooms with huge woodburning fireplaces, a well-stocked wine cellar, and opportunities for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, or just curling up with a good murder mystery.So when the weather takes a turn for the worse, and a blizzard cuts off the electricity--and all contact with the outside world--the guests settle in and try to make the best of it.Soon, though, one of the guests turns up dead--it looks like an accident. But when a second guest dies, they start to panic.Within the snowed-in paradise, something--or someone--is picking off the guests one by one. And there's nothing they can do but hunker down and hope they can survive the storm--and one another.
  • An Unwanted Guest Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9780552174879
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Corgi book
    We can't choose the strangers we meet.
    As the guests arrive at beautiful, remote Mitchell's Inn, they're all looking forward to a relaxing weekend deep in the forest, miles from anywhere. They watch their fellow guests with interest, from a polite distance.
    Usually we can avoid the people who make us nervous, make us afraid.
    With a violent storm raging, the group finds itself completely cut off from the outside world. Nobody can get in - or out. And then the first body is found . . . and the horrifying truth comes to light. There's a killer among them - and nowhere to run.
    Until we find ourselves in a situation we can't escape. Trapped.
  • The End of Her Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9781787633001
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский
    It starts with a shocking accusation . . .
    Stephanie and Patrick are recently married, with new-born twins. While Stephanie struggles with the disorienting effects of sleep deprivation, there's one thing she knows for certain - she has everything she ever wanted.
    Then a woman from his past arrives and makes a horrifying allegation about his first wife. He always claimed her death was an acciden
  • La pareja de al lado Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9788466342803
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Debolsillo
    Tu vecina te dijo que preferiria que no llevaras a tu bebe de seis meses a la cena. No es nada personal, simplemente no soporta sus llantos.
    Tu marido estaba de acuerdo. Despues de todo, vivis en la casa de al lado. Podiais llevaros el monitor infantil y turnaros para pasar a verla cada media hora.
    Tu hija dormia cuando fuiste a comprobar por ultima vez. Sin embargo, en este momento, mientras subes corriendo las escaleras hasta su habitacion envuelta en un absoluto silencio, confirmas que tu peor pesadilla se ha hecho realidad: ha desaparecido.
    Nunca antes habias tenido que llamar a la policia. Ahora estan en tu casa y quien sabe lo que pueden llegar a descubrir.
  • The End of Her Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9780525508410
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Penguin
    A long-ago accident-and a visitor from out of the blue. . .
    Stephanie and Patrick are adjusting to life with their colicky twin girls. The babies are a handful, but even as Stephanie struggles with the disorientation of sleep deprivation, there's one thing she's sure of: she has all she ever wanted.
    Then Erica, a woman from Patrick's past, appears and makes a disturbing accusation. Patrick had always said his first wife's death was an accident, but now Erica claims it was murder.
    Patrick insists he's innocent, that this is nothing but a blackmail attempt. Still, Erica knows things about Patrick--things that make Stephanie begin to question her husband. Stephanie isn't sure what, or who, to believe. As Stephanie's trust in Patrick begins to falter, Patrick stands to lose everything. Is Patrick telling the truth--is Erica the persuasive liar Patrick says she is? Or has Stephanie made a terrible mistake?
    How will it end?
  • Someone We Know Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9780525505365
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Penguin
    Another thrilling domestic suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door and Not a Happy Family
    Maybe you don't know your neighbors as well as you thought you did . . .
    "This is a very difficult letter to write. I hope you will not hate us too much. . . My son broke into your home recently while you were out."
    In a quiet, leafy suburb in upstate New York, a teenager has been sneaking into houses--and into the owners' computers as well--learning their secrets, and maybe sharing some of them, too.
    Who is he, and what might he have uncovered? After two anonymous letters are received, whispers start to circulate, and suspicion mounts. And when a woman down the street is found murdered, the tension reaches the breaking point. Who killed her? Who knows more than they're telling? And how far will all these very nice people go to protect their own secrets?
    In this neighborhood, it's not just the husbands and wives who play games. Here, everyone in the family has something to hide . . .
    You never really know what people are capable of.
  • The Couple Next Door Шери Лапенья
    ISBN: 9780552174060
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    You never know what's happening on the other side of the wall.
    Your neighbour told you that she didn't want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn't stand her crying.
    Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you only live next door. You'll have the baby monitor and you'll take it in turns to go back every half hour.
    Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race up the stairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realized. She's gone.
    You've never had to call the police before. But now they're in your home, and who knows what they'll find there.
    What would you be capable of, when pushed past your limit?