Дженнифер Клемент

Jennifer Clement

  • 9 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 280 читателей
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5 60
4 111
3 68
2 7
1 3

Дженнифер Клемент – лучшие книги

  • Молитвы об украденных Дженнифер Клемент
    ISBN: 978-5-00131-008-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Синдбад
    Язык: Русский

    Для нас Мексика это страна текилы, такос и сомбреро. Для живущих в мексиканских деревушках девушек их родная страна — смертельно опасное место. Здесь не слышали слова «закон», а власть принадлежит наркоторговцам, которые ежедневно крадут из деревень красавиц. В сегодняшней Мексике женщин похищают на улице или уводят из дома под дулом пистолета. Они пропадают, возвращаясь с работы, учёбы или вечеринки, по пути в магазин или в аптеку. Домой никто из них уже никогда не вернётся. Все они молоды, привлекательны и бедны. Ледиди Гарсия Мартинес родилась здесь, и прекрасно понимает: жизни не будет. Можно сколько угодно уродовать себя, брить…

  • Widow Basquiat: A Love Story Jennifer Clement
    ISBN: 9780553419917
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Broadway Books
    Язык: Английский
    The beautifully written, deeply affecting story of Jean-Michel Basquiat's partner, her past, and their life together

    New York City in the 1980s was a mesmerizing, wild place. A hotbed for hip hop, underground culture, and unmatched creative energy, it spawned some of the most significant art of the 20th century. It was where Jean-Michel Basquiat became an avant-garde street artist and painter, swiftly achieving worldwide fame. During the years before his death at the age of 27, he shared his life with his lover and muse, Suzanne Mallouk.

    A runaway from an unhappy home in Canada, Suzanne first met Jean-Michel in a bar on the Lower East Side in 1980. Thus began a tumultuous and passionate relationship that deeply influenced one of the most exceptional artists of our time.

    In emotionally resonant prose, award-winning author Jennifer Clement tells the story of the passion that swept Suzanne and Jean-Michel into a short-lived, unforgettable affair. A poetic interpretation like no other, Widow Basquiat is an expression of the unrelenting power of addiction, obsession and love.
  • Gun Love Jennifer Clement
    ISBN: 978-1524761684
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Hogarth

    The searing, unforgettable story of a young girl's resilience, by the award-winning author of "Prayers for the Stolen". Pearl's mother took her away from her family just weeks after she was born, and drove off to central Florida determined to begin a new life for herself and her daughter--in the parking lot next to a trailer park. Pearl grew up in the front seat of their '94 Mercury, while her mother lived in the back. Despite their hardships, mother and daughter both adjusted to life, making friends with the residents of the trailers and creating a deep connection to each other. All around them, Florida is populated with gun…

  • Prayers for the Stolen Дженнифер Клемент
    ISBN: 9780099587590
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    ‘Now we make you ugly,’ my mother said. ‘The best thing you can be in Mexico is an ugly girl.’
    On the mountainside in rural Mexico where Ladydi lives, being a girl is dangerous. Especially a pretty one. If the Narcos hear there is a pretty girl on the mountain, they steal her. So when the black SUVs roll into town, Ladydi and her friends hide in the warren of holes scattered across the mountain, safely out of sight. Because the stolen girls don’t come back.
    Ladydi is determined to get out, to find a life that offers more than just the struggle to survive. But she soon finds that the drug cartels have eyes everywhere, and the cities are no safer than the mountains.
  • Gun Love Дженнифер Клемент
    ISBN: 9781784706760
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Gun Love is a hypnotic story of family, community and violence. Told from the perspective of a sharp-eyed teenager, it exposes America's love affair with firearms and its painful consequences.
    'My mother called anyone or anything that seemed alone, or ended up in the wrong place, a stray. There were stray people, stray dogs, stray bullets, and stray butterflies.'
    Fourteen-year-old Pearl France lives in the front seat of a broken down car and her mother Margot lives in the back. Together they survive on a diet of powdered milk and bug spray, love songs and stolen cigarettes.
    Life on the edge of a Florida trailer park is strange enough, but when Pastor Rex's 'Guns for God' programme brings Eli Redmond to town Pearl's world is upended. Eli pays regular visits to Margot in the back seat, forcing Pearl to find a world beyond the car. Margot is given a gift by Eli, a gun of her own, just like he's given her flowers. It sits under the driver's seat, a dark presence...
  • Palved röövitud tüdrukute eest Дженнифер Клемент
    ISBN: 9789949953790
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Эстонский
    Mehhikos on eluliselt tähtis olla inetu või vähemalt väga tavalise välimusega tüdruk. Ilusad tüdrukud röövitakse ära. Mehhikos ütlevad emad tihti, et sündis hoopiski poiss.
    Raamatu peategelane Ladydi Garcia Martínez elab kuuliaukudest rõugearmilises Guerreros, halbade uudiste osariigis. Ta elab külas, kuhu ükski õpetaja ei jää. Ladydi ja ta sõprade telekaharidusega emad kaevavad tütarde narkokaupmeeste eest peitmiseks põldudele auke, tüdrukute isad on läinud ära üle jõe Ühendriikidesse.
    See on lugu suureks saamisest, mis toimub ka siis, kui lapsepõlve ei ole eriti olnudki. Seda põhjusel, et Ladydi ja tema ema teavad liiga hästi, kuidas Mehhikos asjad käivad. Tihtipeal ületab nende kahe diagnoos maa hädadele tabavuselt, aga eelkõige vaimukuselt ja elujaatavuselt, sadade ajakirjanike, inimõiguslaste ja rahvusvaheliste ekspertide analüüsi.
    Jennifer Clement (1960) on USA päritolu Mehhikos elav luuletaja ja kirjanik, vastne PEN-klubi president. Tema viimane ja seni auhinnatuim romaan „Palved röövitud tüdrukute eest“ (Prayers for the Stolen, 2014) jõudis paljudesse Euroopa ja Ameerika raamatugallupitesse ning on tõlgitud juba enam kui 20 keelde.
    Ka kirjaniku ametivennad on kinnitanud, et raamatu rolli teadlikkuse tõstmisel ja empaatia sisselülitamisel on võimatu üle hinnata. Äärmiselt täpsed, leidlikud ja vaimukad kujundid õitsevad lugejas edasi sama värvikalt nagu raamatus tegelastele nende saatust ette kirjutavad moonipõllud ning kirja pandud read suudavad šokeerimisest enamat.
  • True Story Based on Lies Jennifer Clement
    ISBN: 1841953725
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Canongate Books
    Язык: Английский
    A True Story Based on Lies is a remarkable and original novel that addresses the universal issues of class discrimination, male oppression and female servitude through dual narratives ofspellbinding power.
    Set in contemporary Mexico, the book charts the consequences of a sexual relationship between Leonora, a servant in the wealthy O'Connor home, and her master. When a child, Aura Olivia, is born from this union she is brought up as the daughter of the house. As the novel unfolds, the 'true' story gradually emerges.