Балли Каур Джасвал

Balli Kaur Jaswal

  • 9 книг
  • 105 читателей
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Балли Каур Джасвал – лучшие книги

  • Эротические истории пенджабских вдов Балли Каур Джасвал
    ISBN: 978-5-907338-73-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Аркадия
    Язык: Русский

    Никки, молодая дочь индийских иммигрантов, живет в космополитичном Лондоне и работает в пабе. Большую часть своей жизни она провела вдали от традиционной пенджабской общины, которой принадлежит по рождению, предпочитая считать себя свободной англичанкой. После внезапной смерти отца девушка начинает преподавать "творческое письмо" в общественном центре при самом известном сикхском храме Лондона. И тут оказывается, что ее немолодые вдовы-ученицы, во-первых, почти неграмотны, а во-вторых, предпочитают сочинять истории исключительно эротического толка. Запретная для женщин тема сплачивает маленький кружок настолько, что, когда Никки угрожает…

  • The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters Балли Каур Джасвал
    ISBN: 0008209936, 9780008209933
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins UK
    Язык: Английский
    The British-born Punjabi Shergill sisters—Rajni, Jezmeen, and Shirnia—were never close and barely got along growing up, and now as adults, have grown even further apart. Rajni, a school principal is a stickler for order. Jezmeen, a thirty-year-old struggling actress, fears her big break may never come. Shirina, the peacemaking "good" sister married into wealth and enjoys a picture-perfect life.

    On her deathbed, their mother voices one last wish: that her daughters will make a pilgrimage together to the Golden Temple in Amritsar to carry out her final rites. After a trip to India with her mother long ago, Rajni vowed never to return. But she’s always been a dutiful daughter, and cannot, even now, refuse her mother’s request. Jezmeen has just been publicly fired from her television job, so the trip to India is a welcome break to help her pick up the pieces of her broken career. Shirina’s in-laws are pushing her to make a pivotal decision about her married life; time away will help her decide whether to meekly obey, or to bravely stand up for herself for the first time.

    Arriving in India, these sisters will make unexpected discoveries about themselves, their mother, and their lives—and learn the real story behind the trip Rajni took with their Mother long ago—a momentous journey that resulted in Mum never being able to return to India again.

    The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters is a female take on the Indian travel narrative. "I was curious about how different the trip would be if it were undertaken by women, who are vulnerable to different dangers in a male-dominated society," Balli Kaur Jaswal writes. "I also wanted to explore the tensions between tradition and modernity in immigrant communities, and particularly how those tensions play out among women like these sisters, who are the first generation to be raised outside of India."

    Powerful, emotionally evocative, and wonderfully atmospheric, The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters is a charming and thoughtful story that illuminates the bonds of family, sisterhood, and heritage that tether us despite our differences. Funny and heartbreaking, it is a reminder of the truly important things we must treasure in our lives.
  • Sugarbread Балли Каур Джасвал
    ISBN: 9789814757300
    Год издания: 2016
    Shortlisted for the 2018 Singapore Literature Prize for Fiction
    Shortlisted for the 2017 Singapore Book Award for Fiction
    Finalist for the 2015 Epigram Books Fiction Prize

    Pin must not become like her mother, but nobody will tell her why. She seeks clues in Ma’s cooking when she’s not fighting other battles—being a bursary girl at an elite school and facing racial taunts from the bus uncle. Then her meddlesome grandmother moves in, installing a portrait of a watchful Sikh guru and a new set of house rules. Old secrets begin to surface but can Pin handle learning the truth?