Суад Мехеннет

Souad Mekhennet

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Суад Мехеннет — новинки

  • Powiedzieli, żebym przyszła sama Суад Мехеннет
    ISBN: 978-83-66517-10-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Poznańskie
    Язык: Польский
    „Oznajmiłam moim kontaktom w ISIS, że zadam takie pytania, jakie zechcę, ale nie zamierzam autoryzować ich wypowiedzi ani nie pokażę im artykułu przed publikacją. Musiałam też otrzymać gwarancję, że nie zostanę porwana.”

    Powiedzieli, żebym przyszła sama to reporterskie spojrzenie na „wojnę z terroryzmem” i jej konsekwencje na Bliskim Wschodzie. W porywającej narracji Souad Mekhennet łączy amerykańską okupację Iraku z powstaniem ISIS, zarysowuje konflikt sunnicko-szyicki, pisze o walkach z Al-Kaidą, traktowaniu muzułmanów w Europie oraz analizuje przyczyny i skutki Arabskiej Wiosny. Spoiwem tych historii jest sama autorka – niemiecka dziennikarka marokańskiego pochodzenia. Jedno z jej pierwszych śledztw dotyczyło dżihadystów, którzy do ataku na WTC i Pentagon przygotowywali się w Hamburgu. Dzięki swojemu pochodzeniu dociera do ludzi, do których zachodni dziennikarze nie mają dostępu. To ona jako pierwsza opisała tortury w tajnych więzieniach CIA i odkryła, że Jihadi John był Brytyjczykiem, który nazywał się Mohammed Emwazi.
  • I Was Told To Come Alone. My Journey Behind the Lines of Jihad Суад Мехеннет
    ISBN: 978-0-349-00837-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Virago
    Язык: Английский
    For her whole life, Souad Mekhennet, a reporter for «The Washington Post» who was born and educated in Germany, has had to balance the two sides of her upbringing — Muslim and Western. She has also sought to provide a mediating voice between these cultures, which too often misunderstand each other.
    In this compelling and evocative memoir, we accompany Mekhennet as she journeys behind the lines of jih
  • Мне сказали прийти одной Суад Мехеннет
    ISBN: 978-5-17-982414-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    На протяжении всей своей жизни Суад Мехеннет, репортер The Washington Post, родившаяся и получившая образование в Германии, должна была балансировать между двумя сторонами ее жизни: мусульманским воспитанием и европейской жизнью. Она всегда пыталась выстроить мост между этими мусульманской и европейской культурой, пытаясь примирить тех, кто никак не может услышать и понять друг друга.

    В книге-мемуарах "Мне сказали прийти одной" Суад Мехеннет, отважная журналистка предлагает вам отправится вместе с ней в опасное путешествие – по ту сторону джихада. Только в этой книге вы прочтете всю правду о радикалах 9/11 в немецких кварталах, вместе с ней отправитесь на границу Турции и Сирии, где не дремлет ИГИЛ, побываете на интервью с людьми из "Аль-Каиды", одними из самых разыскиваемых людей в мире.

    Это история, которую вы не скоро забудете.
  • I Was Told to Come Alone: My Journey Behind the Lines of Jihad Суад Мехеннет
    ISBN: 1627798978, 9781627798976
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Henry Holt & Company
    Язык: Английский
    “I was told to come alone. I was not to carry any identification, and would have to leave my cell phone, audio recorder, watch, and purse at my hotel. . . .”

    For her whole life, Souad Mekhennet, a reporter for The Washington Post who was born and educated in Germany, has had to balance the two sides of her upbringing – Muslim and Western. She has also sought to provide a mediating voice between these cultures, which too often misunderstand each other.

    In this compelling and evocative memoir, we accompany Mekhennet as she journeys behind the lines of jihad, starting in the German neighborhoods where the 9/11 plotters were radicalized and the Iraqi neighborhoods where Sunnis and Shia turned against one another, and culminating on the Turkish/Syrian border region where ISIS is a daily presence. In her travels across the Middle East and North Africa, she documents her chilling run-ins with various intelligence services and shows why the Arab Spring never lived up to its promise. She then returns to Europe, first in London, where she uncovers the identity of the notorious ISIS executioner “Jihadi John,” and then in France, Belgium, and her native Germany, where terror has come to the heart of Western civilization.

    Mekhennet’s background has given her unique access to some of the world’s most wanted men, who generally refuse to speak to Western journalists. She is not afraid to face personal danger to reach out to individuals in the inner circles of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and their affiliates; when she is told to come alone to an interview, she never knows what awaits at her destination.

    Souad Mekhennet is an ideal guide to introduce us to the human beings behind the ominous headlines, as she shares her transformative journey with us. Hers is a story you will not soon forget.
  • The Eternal Nazi: From Mauthausen to Cairo, the Relentless Pursuit of SS Doctor Aribert Heim Nicholas Kulish
    ISBN: 9780385532433, 978-0--385-53243-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский
    Dr. Aribert Heim worked at the Mauthausen concentration camp for only a few months in 1941 but left a horrifying mark on the memories of survivors. According to their testimony, Heim euthanized patients with injections of gasoline into their hearts. He performed surgeries on otherwise healthy people. Some recalled prisoners' skulls set out on his desk to display perfect sets of teeth.
    In the chaos of the postwar period, Heim was able to slip away from his dark past and establish himself as a reputable doctor in the resort town of Baden-Baden. He was tall, handsome, a bit of a charmer, and quickly settled down with a wife and children in peace and comfort. But certain rare individuals in Germany were unwilling to let Nazi war criminals go unpunished. Among them was a police investigator named Alfred Aedtner, who turned finding Heim into an overriding obsession; his quest took him across Europe and across decades, and into a close alliance with legendary Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal.
    This is the incredible story of how Aribert Heim evaded capture, living in a working-class neighborhood of Cairo, praying in Arabic, beloved by an adopted Muslim family, while inspiring a manhunt that outlived him by many years. He became the ETERNAL NAZI a symbol of Germany's evolving attitude toward the sins of its past, which finally crested in a desire to see justice done at almost any cost.