Ким Слейтер

Kim Slater

  • 13 книг
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Новинки Ким Слейтер

  • The Marriage. Свадьба Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-175555-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Десять лет назад любимый и единственный сын Бриджет Уилсон был убит. Виновным оказался сын ее лучшей подруги, Том Биллингерст. Жизнь Бриджет потеряла всякий смысл. Ее красивый, сильный мальчик превратился в воспоминание — фотографию, которую она всегда носит с собой. Бриджет ненавидела Тома. Но спустя десять лет она вышла за него замуж… Десять лет назад любимый и единственный сын Джилл Биллингерст попал в тюрьму, случайно убив лучшего друга одним-единственным ударом. Он получил максимально суровое наказание, но Джилл уверена: ее мальчик невиновен, а приговор — максимально несправедлив. И когда Тома наконец освободили, новость о свадьбе…

  • The Widow Kim Slater
    ISBN: 1800199139
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Bookouture
    Язык: Английский
    My husband was not a monster. No matter what they say…

    The day my husband, Michael, stepped in front of a lorry after being questioned by the police, my world fell apart. He was devoted to me and our six-year-old daughter. But they’d connected him to the disappearance of a young mother from our tiny village.

    Now I stand at Michael’s funeral, clutching my little girl’s hand, with tears in my eyes as I insist to all our friends that he died an innocent man. Yet the questions have started, and nothing I say will stop them digging for the truth.

    But none of them can read the secrets in my heart, or know about the phone I found hidden in his toolbox…

    I’m determined that my daughter will not remember her father as a monster. I will erase any hint of wrongdoing in this house whatever the cost.

    Because to keep my daughter safe, the last thing I need is for people to start looking at me…

    A completely gripping psychological thriller from the author of the number one bestseller The Marriage. If you like Gone Girl, The Girl on The Train and The Wife Between Us then you will love The Widow.
  • Запертая в своем теле Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122214-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Можно ли спастись из тюрьмы, если тюрьма - твое собственное тело?

    Бип, хис-с, бип, хис-с…

    Это - все, что осталось от моей жизни: шипение аппарата для искусственной вентиляции легких, чтобы поддерживать жизнь в неподвижном теле.

    Я - овощ. Списанная единица. Почти что труп.

    Но есть кое-что, чего никто не знает: на самом деле я жива, просто заперта в своем теле, как в тюрьме. И все, что мне остается, - воспоминания.

    О моей Эви; о том, как три года назад кто-то забрал ее у меня.

    Я знаю, что эти воспоминания помогут найти ее. Они собираются воедино из множества мелких деталей, словно пазл.

    Три года назад я совершила страшную ошибку. Три года назад я связалась не с тем, с кем следовало. Три года назад я страшно подвела своего близкого человека…

    И теперь я обязана отыскать способ быть услышанной, чтобы помочь Эви найтись.
  • Single Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 0751574945, ‎ 978-0751574944
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский
    When single mother Darcy's son falls from a rope bridge at a local playground, life stands still. She clutches his small, limp body, frozen, until a pair of strong hands push her aside, and she watches as George, a local doctor, saves her son's life.

    George is a single parent too, and with his twinkling hazel eyes, easy charm, and lack of wedding band is almost too good to be true, but coffee becomes lunch, lunch becomes dinner, and soon they can't go an evening without seeing each other. When he invites her to move into his beautiful home with its sprawling garden for her boys, Darcy doesn't hesitate.

    But as Darcy is settling in, she receives a bunch of flowers with a chilling message. George says they're from an obsessed ex-girlfriend, Opal, and days later Opal turns up at Darcy's son's football match. She claims to have shocking information that could threaten George's custody of his daughter.
  • 928 миль від дому Кім Слейтер
    ISBN: 978-617-679-758-6
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: ВСЛ
    Язык: Украинский
    14-літній Калум мріє стати кіносценаристом, але не дуже вірить, що це можливо у його маленькому містечку. Аж тут тато приводить додому свою нову дівчину і її сина. Виявляється, геть непросто вжитися з отаким хлопцем, який раптом стає твоїм братом, і з новою мамою. Водночас герой відчуває, що його зведений брат щось приховує. І Калум починає проводити розслідування...

    Проникливий роман британської письменниці, лауреатки численних літературних нагород Кім Слейтер «928 миль від дому» пропонує підліткам замислитися над проблемами міграції, ксенофобії, дискримінації, упереджень і булінгу та пропагує відкритість, прийняття й емпатію...
  • A Seven-Letter Word Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 9781529009200
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Macmillan Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    'I need to find my voice - before it's too late' - an award-winning novel about courage and acceptance with a compelling mystery at its heart.
    Finlay's mother vanished two years ago. And ever since then his stutter has become almost unbearable. Bullied at school and ignored by his father, the only way to get out the words which are bouncing around in his head is by writing long letters to his ma which he knows she will never read, and by playing Scrabble online. But when Finlay i
  • 928 Miles from Home Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 9781529009224
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Macmillan Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    Fourteen year old Calum Brooks has big dreams. One day, he'll escape this boring life and write movies, proper ones, with massive budgets and A-list stars. For now though, he's stuck coping alone while his dad works away, writing scripts in his head and trying to stay 'in' with his gang of mates at school, who don't like new kids, especially foreign ones.
    But when his father invites his new Polish girlfriend and her son, Sergei, to move in, Calum's life is turned upside down. He's
  • Розумник Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 978-617-679-495-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Видавництво Старого Лева
    Язык: Украинский
    У британському місті Ноттінґем загинув безхатченко, та поліція цією справою не надто переймається. Кіран Вудз, допитливий школяр, який мріє стати журналістом і розслідувати злочини, береться самотужки з’ясувати, що ж трапилось насправді. І куди зникла його бабця, яка одного дня перестала навідуватись до них із мамою. Захоплива і водночас щемка розповідь, написана від імені особливого хлопчика, нікого не залишить байдужим. Вона про те, як нелегко буває жити у сім’ї, коли вітчим ображає маму, як почуваєшся, коли однокласники вважають тебе «не таким», і як це — бути бідним і втратити власну домівку... А ще — це історія про любов, яка здатна подолати всі труднощі і страхи. Історія, від якої — як не раз повторює сам головний герой — «тріскає серце». За цю книжку британська письменниця Кім Слейтер отримала десять літературних нагород.
  • Blink Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 9781786811288
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Bookouture
    Язык: Английский

    What if the person you love most in the world was in terrible danger … because of you? Three years ago, Toni’s five-year-old daughter Evie disappeared after leaving school. The police have never been able to find her. There were no witnesses, no CCTV, no trace. But Toni believes her daughter is alive. And as she begins to silently piece together her memories, the full story of the past begins to reveal itself, and a devastating truth. Toni’s mind is trapped in a world of silence, her only chance to save herself is to manage the impossible. She must find a way to make herself heard. She must find her daughter. A compelling,…

  • The Mistake Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 1786812444
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Bookouture
    You think you know the truth about the people you love. But one discovery can change everything…

    Eight-year-old Billy goes missing one day, out flying his kite with his sister Rose. Two days later, he is found dead. Sixteen years on, Rose still blames herself for Billy’s death. How could she have failed to protect her little brother?

    Rose has never fully recovered from the trauma, and one of the few people she trusts is her neighbor Ronnie, who she has known all her life. But one day Ronnie falls ill, and Rose goes next door to help him… and what she finds in his attic room turns her world upside down.

    Rose thought she knew the truth about what happened to Billy. She thought she knew her neighbor. Now the only thing she knows is that she is in danger…
  • Liar K.L. Slater
    ISBN: 1786812118, 9781786812117
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Bookouture
    Язык: Английский
    Single dad Ben is doing his best to raise his children alone, with the help of his devoted mother Judi. Life isn’t easy, but Judi’s family means everything to her and together, they manage.

    Then Ben meets Amber. Everyone thinks this is a perfect match for Ben but Judi isn’t sure … there’s just something about Amber that doesn’t add up.

    Ben can’t see why his mother dislikes his new girlfriend. And Amber doesn’t want Judi anywhere near her new family. Amber just wants Ben and the children.

    The further Judi delves into Amber’s personal life, the closer she gets to shocking secrets that could change everything. And Judi must make a decision that could lead to the most disastrous consequences.
  • Smart Ким Слейтер
    ISBN: 9781529009217
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
    Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, the Federation of Children's Book Groups Prize and longlisted for the 2015 Carnegie Medal, Kim Slater's outstanding debut, Smart, is moving and compelling novel with a loveable character at its heart.
    'I found Jean's friend dead in the river. His name was Colin Kirk. He was a homeless man, but he still wanted to live.'
    There's been a murder, but the police don't care. It was only a homeless old man after all.
    Kieran cares. He's made a promise, and when you say something out loud, that means you're going to do it, for real. He's going to find out what really happened. To Colin. And to his grandma, who just stopped coming round one day. It's a good job Kieran's a master of observation, and knows all the detective tricks of the trade.
    But being a detective is difficult when you're Kieran Woods. When you're amazing at drawing but terrible at fitting in. And when there are dangerous secrets everywhere, not just outside, but under your own roof.
  • Smart Kim Slater
    ISBN: 1447254090
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
    Язык: Английский
    There's been a murder, but the police don't care.
    It was only a homeless old man after all.

    Kieran cares. He's going to find out what really happened.
    But being a detective is difficult when you're Kieran Woods. When you're amazing at drawing but terrible at fitting in. And when there are dangerous secrets everywhere - not just outside, but under your own roof.