Moorad Choudhry – лучшие книги
- 16 произведений
- 10 изданий на 2 языках
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Fixed Income Markets. Management, Trading and Hedging Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9781118171745 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский A comprehensive, in-depth look at global debt capital markets in the post-crisis world Fully updated with comprehensive coverage of the post-crisis debt markets and their impact on key industry issues, Fixed Income Markets: Management, Trading, and Hedging, Second Edition offers insights into derivative pricing, cross-currency hedging, and new liquidity legislation. Written by Choudhry, Moskovic, and Wong, Fixed Income Markets is an indispensable read for anyone working in bond markets, interest-rate markets, and credit derivatives markets looking to better understand today's debt markets. This acclaimed book takes a unique look into the leading practices in bond markets as well as post-credit-crunch impacts on pricing that are rarely captured in textbooks. The new edition provides expanded coverage on a wide range of topics within hedging, derivatives, bonds, rebalancing, and global debt capital markets. New topics include: Dynamic hedging practices and cross-currency hedging Collateralized and uncollateralized derivatives, and their impact on valuation Callable bonds, pricing, trading, and regulatory aspects related to liquidity Rebalancing as a method for capturing contingencies and other complex imbedded risks As a bonus, the book includes reference information for statistical concepts and fixed income pricing, as well as a full glossary and index. Written in Choudhry's usual accessible style, Fixed Income Markets is a comprehensive and in-depth account of the global debt capital markets in today's post-crisis world. -
The Money Markets Handbook Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9781118178850 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский In The Money Markets Handbook Moorad Choudhry provides, in one comprehensive volume, the description, trading, analysis and calculations of the major markets around the world, providing worked examples and exercises throughout to provide a landmark publication on this important topic. Unique features, including a list of conventions and trading rules in virtually every market in the world, means that this book is relevant to virtually every money market in the world. Includes an in depth treatment of repo markets, asset and liability management, banking regulatory requirements and other topics that would usually be found only in separate books Written with clarity in mind, this book is vital reading for anyone with an interest in the global money markets Features coverage of derivative money market products including futures and swaps, and the latest developments not covered in current texts -
Fixed-Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9780470879078 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский The definitive guide to fixed-come securities-revised to reflect today's dynamic financial environment The Second Edition of the Fixed-Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook offers a completely updated and revised look at an important area of today's financial world. In addition to providing an accessible description of the main elements of the debt market, concentrating on the instruments used and their applications, this edition takes into account the effect of the recent financial crisis on fixed income securities and derivatives. As timely as it is timeless, the Second Edition of the Fixed-Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook includes a wealth of new material on such topics as covered and convertible bonds, swaps, synthetic securitization, and bond portfolio management, as well as discussions regarding new regulatory twists and the evolving derivatives market. Offers a more detailed look at the basic principles of securitization and an updated chapter on collateralized debt obligations Covers bond mathematics, pricing and yield analytics, and term structure models Includes a new chapter on credit analysis and the different metrics used to measure bond-relative value Contains illustrative case studies and real-world examples of the topics touched upon throughout the book Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Moorad Choudhry's new book offers the ideal mix of practical tips and academic theory within this important field. -
The Moorad Choudhry Anthology Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9781118779743 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский The definitive and timeless guide to the principles of banking and finance, addressing and meeting the challenges of competition, strategy, regulation and the digital age. Moorad Choudhry Anthology compiles the best of renowned author Professor Moorad Choudhry's incisive writings on financial markets and bank risk management, together with new material that reflects the legislative changes in the post-crisis world of finance and the impact of digitization and global competition. Covering the developments and principles of banking from the 1950s to today, this unique book outlines the author's recommended best practices in all aspects of bank strategy, governance and risk management, including asset-liability management, liquidity risk management, capital planning, Treasury risk, and corporate framework, and describes a «vision of the future» with respect to a sustainable bank business model. You will gain the insight of a global authority on topics essential to retail, corporate, and investment/wholesale banking, including strategy, risk appetite, funding policies, regulatory requirements, valuation, and much more. The companion website is a goldmine for senior practitioners that provides templates that can applied in virtually any bank, including policy documents, pricing models, committee terms of reference, teaching aids and learning tools including PowerPoint slides and spreadsheet models. These facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject and the requirements of the senior executive, making this book an ideal companion for practitioners, graduate students and professional students alike. The intense demand for knowledge and expertise in asset-liability management, liquidity, and capital management has been driven by the regulatory challenges of Basel III, the European Union’s CRDIV, the Volcker Rule, Dodd-Frank Act, and a myriad of other new regulations. This book meets that need by providing you with a complete background and modern insight on every aspect of bank risk management. Re-engage with timeless principles of finance that apply in every market and which are the drivers of principles of risk management Learn strategic asset liability management practices that suit today's economic environment Adopt new best practices for liquidity models and choosing the appropriate liquidity risk management framework Examine optimum capital and funding model recommendations for corporate, retail, and investment/wholesale banks Dig deeper into derivatives risk management, balance sheet capital management, funding policy, and more Apply best-practice corporate governance frameworks that ensure a perpetual and viable robust balance sheet Adopt strategy formulation principles that reflect the long-term imperative of the banking business In the 21st century more than ever banks need to «re-learn» traditional risk management principles and apply them every day. Every bank in the world needs to be up to speed on these issues, and Anthology from Professor Moorad Choudhry is the answer to this new global policy response. -
The Handbook of European Fixed Income Securities Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9780471649519 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский A well-rounded guide for those interested in European financial markets With the advent of the euro and formation of the European Union, financial markets on this continent are slowly beginning to gain momentum. Individuals searching for information on these markets have come up empty-until now. The Handbook of European Fixed Income Markets is the first book written on this burgeoning market. It contains extensive, in-depth coverage of every aspect of the current European fixed income markets and their derivatives. This comprehensive resource includes both a qualitative approach to products, conventions, and institutions as well as quantitative coverage of valuation and analysis of each instrument. The Handbook of European Fixed Income Markets introduces readers to developed markets such as the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Holland, as well as emerging markets in Eastern Europe. Government and corporate bond market instruments and institutions are also discussed. U.S.-based investors, researchers, and academics as well as students and financial professionals in other parts of the world will all turn to this book for complete and accurate information on European financial instruments and markets. Frank J. Fabozzi (New Hope, PA) is a financial consultant, the Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, and Adjunct Professor of Finance at Yale University's School of Management. Moorad Choudhry (Surrey, UK) is a Vice President with JPMorgan Chase structured finances services in London. -
The Principles of Banking Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9780470827017 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский The ultimate guide for bank management: how to survive and thrive throughout the business cycle An essential guide for bankers and students of finance everywhere, The Principles of Banking reiterates that the primary requirement of banking—sound capital and liquidity risk management—had been forgotten in the years prior to the financial crash. Serving as a policy guide for market practitioners and regulators at all levels, the book explains the keys to success that bankers need to follow during good times in order to be prepared for the bad, providing in-depth guidance and technical analysis of exactly what constitutes good banking practice. Accessible to professionals and students alike, The Principles of Banking covers issues of practical importance to bank practitioners, including asset-liability management, liquidity risk, internal transfer pricing, capital management, stress testing, and more. With an emphasis on viewing business cycles as patterns of stable and stressful market behavior, and rich with worked examples illustrating the key principles of bank asset-liability management, the book is an essential policy guide for today and tomorrow. It also offers readers access to an accompanying website holding policy templates and teaching aids. Illustrates how unsound banking practices that were evident in previous bank crashes were repeated during the creation of the 2007-2008 financial market crisis Provides a template that can be used to create a sound liquidity and asset-liability management framework at any bank An essential resource for the international banking community as it seeks to re-establish its credibility, as well as for students of finance Explains the original principles of banking, including sound lending policy and liquidity management, and why these need to be restated in order to avoid another bank crisis at the time of the next economic recession Covers topics of particular importance to students and academia, many of which are marginally—if ever—addressed in current text books on finance Offers readers access to a companion website featuring invaluable learning and teaching aids Written by a banking practitioner with extensive professional and teaching experience in the field, The Principles of Banking explains exactly how to get back to basics in risk management in the banking community, essential if we are to maintain a sustainable banking industry. “engaging and interesting and, more importantly, easily understood, allowing a clear picture to emerge of how the principle or concept under discussion is to be applied in the real world.” – Graeme Wolvaardt, Head of Market & Liquidity Risk Control, Europe Arab Bank Plc -
Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9781118177150 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский Updated coverage of structured credit products with in-depth coverage of the latest developments Structured credit products are one of today's fastest growing investment and risk management mechanisms, and a focus of innovation and creativity in the capital markets. The building blocks of these products are credit derivatives, which are among the most widely used products in finance. This book offers a succinct and focused description of the main credit derivative instruments, as well as the more complex products such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations. This new edition features updated case studies from Europe and Asia, the latest developments in synthetic structures, the impact of the subprime meltdown, along with models and teaching aids. Moorad Choudhry returns with this excellent update of the credit derivatives market. The second edition of his classic work is, like the subject matter itself, at the forefront of the financial industry. It deserves a wide readership. —Dr Didier Joannas Regional Director, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong This is the perfect companion for both experienced and entry level professionals working in the structured credit fraternity. It is an erudite, insightful and enjoyable read that successfully demystifies one of the most topical subject areas in banking today, while also providing important practical examples that link the theory to the job itself. —Dr James Berriman Global Pricing Unit, Royal Bank of Scotland Moorad Choudhry has earned a deserved reputation from both academics and practitioners as one of the leading practical yet rigorous authors of finance books. In this Second Edition, his practical knowledge of credit derivatives keeps the audience engaged with straightforward explanations of complicated structures, and an accessible level of mathematical sophistication necessary to understand structured credit products. The author offers complete, rigorous analysis while avoiding overuse of mathematical formulas and carefully balanced practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. I strongly recommend this book for those wishing to gain an intuitive understanding of structured credit products, from practitioners to students of finance! —Mohamoud Barre Dualeh Senior Product Developer, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE This is THE book for credit derivative trading. From first steps to advanced trading strategies, this is invaluable. Well written and insightful, perfect for ad hoc reference or reading cover to cover. —Andrew Benson ETF Market Making, KBC Peel Hunt, London Professor Choudhry has inspired me to really get into credit derivatives. It’s great to be lectured by someone with such energy and practical hands-on experience, as well as the ability to get stuck into the details. —George Whicheloe Equity-Linked Technology, Merrill Lynch, London Moorad Choudhry is Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc in London. He is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at London Metropolitan University. -
The Mechanics of Securitization. A Practical Guide to Structuring and Closing Asset-Backed Security Transactions Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9781118220733 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский A step-by-step guide to implementing and closing securitization transactions Securitization is still in wide use despite the reduction in transactions. The reality is that investors and institutions continue to use this vehicle for raising funds and the demand for their use will continue to rise as the world's capital needs increase. The Mechanics of Securitization specifically analyzes and describes the process by which a bank successfully implements and closes a securitization transaction in the post subprime era. This book begins with an introduction to asset-backed securities and takes you through the historical impact of these transactions including the implications of the recent credit crisis and how the market has changed. Discusses, in great detail, rating agency reviews, liaising with third parties, marketing the deals, and securing investors Reviews due diligence and cash flow analysis techniques Examines credit and cash considerations as well as how to list and close deals Describes the process by which a bank will structure and implement the deal, and how the process is project managed and tested across internal bank departments While securitization transactions have been taking place for over twenty-five years, there is still a lack of information on exactly how they are processed successfully. This book will put you in a better position to understand how it all happens, and show you how to effectively implement an ABS transaction yourself. -
An Introduction to Banking. Liquidity Risk and Asset-Liability Management Moorad Choudhry, Oldrich Masek
ISBN: 9781119993582 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский A great write-up on the art of banking. Essential reading for anyone working in finance. Dan Cunningham, Senior Euro Cash & OBS Dealer, KBC Bank NV, London «Focused and succinct review of the key issues in bank risk management.» Graeme Wolvaardt, Head of Market Risk Control, Europe Arab Bank plc, London The importance of banks to the world's economic system cannot be overstated. The foundation of consistently successful banking practice remains efficient asset-liability management and liquidity risk management. This book introduces the key concepts of banking, concentrating on the application of robust risk management principles from a practitioner viewpoint, and how to incorporate these principles into bank strategy. Detailed coverage includes: Bank strategy and capital Understanding the yield curve Principles of asset-liability management Effective liquidity risk management The role of the bank ALM committee Written in the author's trademark accessible style, this book is a succinct and focused analysis of the core principles of good banking practice. -
An Introduction to Bond Markets Moorad Choudhry
ISBN: 9780470973363 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский The bond markets are a vital part of the world economy. The fourth edition of Professor Moorad Choudhry's benchmark reference text An Introduction to Bond Markets brings readers up to date with latest developments and market practice, including the impact of the financial crisis and issues of relevance for investors. This book offers a detailed yet accessible look at bond instruments, and is aimed specifically at newcomers to the market or those unfamiliar with modern fixed income products. The author capitalises on his wealth of experience in the fixed income markets to present this concise yet in-depth coverage of bonds and associated derivatives. Topics covered include: Bond pricing and yield Duration and convexity Eurobonds and convertible bonds Structured finance securities Interest-rate derivatives Credit derivatives Relative value trading Related topics such as the money markets and principles of risk management are also introduced as necessary background for students and practitioners. The book is essential reading for all those who require an introduction to the financial markets.