Peter Fisk – лучшие книги
- 7 произведений
- 3 издания на 2 языках
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Chemical Risk Assessment. A Manual for REACH Peter Fisk
ISBN: 9781118683132 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский This book is an essential guide and support to understanding of the science and policy, procedure and practice that underpins the REACH risk assessments required for the use and placing on the market of chemicals in the European Union. A clear understanding of information provision and how this affects the assessment of chemical safety is fundamentally important to the success of policy on chemicals and ultimately to the sustainability of the chemicals industry. Within the book, the scientific processes that underpin the policy are explained in a practical way. Importantly, it includes coverage of techniques to help solve the problems of using potentially risky and hazardous chemicals through the use of less hazardous alternatives and ‘green chemistry’, and also the analysis of the risks of the use of the most hazardous substances against the social and economic benefits of use. Chemical Risk Assessment: A Manual for REACH covers the following main themes: i) Assessment of chemical risk; ii) Risk management; iii) Hazard reduction, substitution and green chemistry; iv) Risk versus benefit – socio-economic analysis. The book acts as a practical guide and overview to chemicals risk assessment and risk management (in the EU context), as well as a support text for planning for the challenges of the future, which will see ever-increasing pressure to withdraw hazardous substances from the EU (and global) market, balanced against opportunities for innovation in the development of less hazardous chemicals. -
Business Genius. A More Inspired Approach to Business Growth Peter Fisk
ISBN: 9781906465087 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский At last, a more inspired approach to business. Business Genius describes how to grow your business more effectively through intelligent strategy and imaginative leadership, radical innovation and sustained change. Combining the entrepreneurial passion of a start-up with the commercial rigour of large enterprises… this is for everyone who seeks the inspiration to think and act differently. Business Genius helps you drive more profitable, sustainable growth in today’s fast changing and connected markets. It explores the challenges of strategy and innovation, leadership and change as you grow your business, and yourself, in order to achieve high performance. From the craze for Crocs to the cool of Diesel, the secrets of Kikkoman and energy of Red Bull, the vision of Google and disruption of Current TV, the revolution of P&G and the phenomenon of Umpqua – the book captures the best insights from around the world, and a new agenda for today’s business. Seeing things differently is the foundation of genius. Connecting your left and right brain to think more holistically, exploring opportunities from the future back as well as now forward – then doing business from the outside in rather than the inside out, in order to turn radical ideas into practical action. -
Creative Genius. An Innovation Guide for Business Leaders, Border Crossers and Game Changers Peter Fisk
ISBN: 9781906465186 Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited Язык: Английский Time and space. Genetics and robotics. Education and fashion. Possibilities limited only by our imaginations. The future is yours to create. Could you be the Leonardo da Vinci of our times? Most ideas are incremental, quickly copied and suffocated by conventions. «Future back» thinking starts with stretching possibilities then makes them a reality «now forward». The best ideas emerge by seeing what everyone has seen, and thinking like nobody else. Newness occurs in the margins not the mainstream. Solutions emerge through powerful fusions of the best ideas into practical, useful concepts. Creative people rise up. Visionaries, border crossers and game changers. Engage your right brain, open your eyes, think more holistically… intuition rules. From Apple to Blackberry, GE to Google, innovative companies stand out from the crowd not so much for their exceptional products, despite what one might assume, but for the way they challenge conventions, redefine markets, and change consumer expectations. Apple didn't just create the iPod; it envisioned the future of music and then made a product to service that future. And the same holds true for every highly innovative company. In Creative Genius, Peter Fisk presents ten tracks for innovation and provides business blueprints for making that innovation happen. Creative Genius is inspired by the imagination and perspective of Leonardo da Vinci, in order to drive creativity, design and innovation in more radical and powerful ways. It includes practical tools ranging from scenario planning and context reframing to accelerated innovation and market entry, plus 50 tracks, 25 tools, and 50 inspiring case studies. Creative Genius is «the best and last» in the Genius series by bestselling author Peter Fisk. Others include Business Genius, Marketing Genius and Customer Genius.