Джилл Симс

Gill Sims

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Джилл Симс — библиография

  • The Saturday Night Sauvignon Sisterhood Джилл Симс
    Дата написания: 2022
    It's time for a w(h)ine
    'Oh, for f*ck's sake' muttered Claire under her breath, as she opened the fridge to see what she could find for a no effort dinner. The children continued to fight behind her. They regarded any form of fish not encased in breadcrumbs as toxic, and were resistant enough to the delicious homemade fishfingers Claire had made for them, insisting they much preferred Captain Birdseye's version. White wine was starting to look like quite an appealing dinner actually. Maybe just a small glass.
    'Are you having wine, Mum? You know you're not supposed to have wine every night. We did about alcohol units at school. That's quite a big glass of wine, how many units do you think are in it?'
    'Bet the bastards didn't tell you that wine is remarkably good at cancelling out whining though, did they?' muttered Claire.
    Claire's family has gone nuclear. Her precious moppets keep calling Childline when she feeds them broccoli, she's utterly Ottolenghied out at weekends, and her darling husband is having an affair with her best friend.
    The question isn't whether she needs a glass of wine, but is there one big enough?
    Enter the Sauvignon Sisterhood, a new set of friends brought together by a shared love of liquid therapy. Together they might just be able to convince Claire that, like a good bottle of red, life really can get better with age. Or at least there's more to it than the joy of an M&S non-iron school uniform.
  • Why Mummy Drinks: Sunday Times Bestseller Джилл Симс
    Дата написания: 2018
    Tuesday 8th September
    First day back at school. I am going to 100% nail being a school mummy this year. I can totally do this. Yes, this year is definitely going to be much better - I am absolutely not going to shout at the children, let them stuff their faces with crisps or goggle away on the iPad. And I most certainly will not slump on the sofa at the end of the day, glugging wine and muttering 'FML' repeatedly.
    Unfortunately I have not yet actually managed to buy the bento boxes for their lunches or book jiu jitsu lessons, and I will have to learn to like green tea, as it is foul, and I have not yet mastered French plaits, but I am quietly confident that these are mere details in my grand master plan…
    It is Mummy's 39th birthday. She is staring down the barrel of a future of people asking if she wants to come to their advanced yoga classes, and polite book clubs where everyone claims to be tiddly after a glass of Pinot Grigio and says things like 'Oooh gosh, are you having another glass?'
    But Mummy does not want to go quietly into that good night of women with sensible haircuts who 'live for their children' and stand in the playground trying to trump each other with their offspring's extracurricular activities and achievements, and boasting about their latest holidays.
    Instead, she clutches a large glass of wine, muttering 'FML' over and over again. Until she remembers the gem of an idea she's had…
  • Почему мама снова навеселе Джилл Симс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Why Mummy’s Sloshed
    Дата написания: ~2020
    Первая публикация: 2021
    Перевод: Д. Дорджиева
    Язык: Русский
    Эллен так долго была мамой и женой, что полностью растерялась. И несмотря на ее титанические усилия, ни один из обожаемых членов ее семьи так и не знает, где в доме искать корзину для грязного белья, или в чем разница между скукой и голодом, или что фраза "Мамочка, я никак не могу этого найти" - совсем не то же самое, что активные поиски! Полностью одурев от школьных экзаменов деток и испытаний в автошколе, она делает все возможное и невозможное, чтобы удержать свою семью на плаву, даже когда каждый тянет одеяло на себя и норовит улизнуть в нежелательном направлении - не забывая потребовать у нее сверток с бутербродами и яблоком поутру. Она чувствует себя восьмируким, но недооцененным индийским божеством.
    Единственное, что мама знает наверняка, - чем старше дети, тем крупнее бокал нужно запасти. Смешное и лирическое завершение серии маминых откровений.
  • Why Mummy’s Sloshed Джилл Симс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Why Mummy’s Sloshed
    Дата написания: 2020
    Первая публикация: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    I just want them to stop wittering at me, eat vegetables without complaining, let me go to the loo in peace and learn to make a decent gin and tonic. It genuinely never occurred to me when they were little that this would ever end - an eternity of Teletubbies and Duplo and In The Night Bastarding Garden and screaming, never an end in sight. But now there is. And despite the busybody old women who used to pop up whenever I was having a bad day and tell me I would miss these days when they were over, I don't miss those days at all. I have literally never stood wistfully in the supermarket and thought 'Oh, how I wish someone was trailing behind me constantly whining 'Mummy, can I have, Mummy can I have?' while another precious moppet tries to climb out the trolley so they land on their head and we end up in A Again. Mummy has been a wife and mother for so long that she's a little bit lost. And despite her best efforts, her precious moppets still don't know the location of the laundry basket, the difference between being bored and being hungry, or that saying 'I can't find it Mummy' is not the same as actually looking for it. Amidst the chaos of A-Levels and driving tests, she's doing her best to keep her family afloat, even if everybody is set on drifting off in different directions, and that one of those directions is to make yet another bloody snack. She's feeling overwhelmed and under appreciated, and the only thing that Mummy knows for sure is that the bigger the kids, the bigger the drink.  
  • Miks emme joob. ?he kurnatud ema p?evaraamat Джилл Симс
    Issi on V?ga T?htis Mees ja talle meeldivad tehnikavidinad. Ja tema kuur. Lapsed Peter ja Jane istuvad lakkamatult m?ne ekraani taga, ning kui nad seda ei tee, ?ritavad nad teineteist ?ra tappa ja ajavad emmet hulluks.On emme 39. s?nnip?ev. Tema ees seisab lohutu pilt tulevikust, t?is inimesi, kes kutsuvad teda edasij?udnute joogasse, ning ontlikke raamatuklubisid, kus iga?ks v?idab end olevat svipsis p?rast esimest klaasi veini ja ?tleb asju nagu „Isver, kas sa jood t?esti veel ?he?“.Aga emme ei taha seda k?ike! Ta ei taha, et temast saaks ?ks neist m?istliku soenguga naistest, kes „elavad oma laste jaoks“ ja kiitlevad v?sukeste erikuradieriliste kooliv?liste tegevuste ja „saavutustega“ ning hooplevad puhkusereisidega. Selle asemel haarab ta suure klaasi veini ning saadab k?ik perse. Kuni talle meenub idee, mis talle k?rtsis juua t?is peaga tuli …Gill Sims peab tohutult populaarset lastekasvatusblogi ja Facebooki lehte „Peter ja Jane“. Ta elab Šotimaal koos abikaasa, kahe lapse ja varjupaigast v?etud kasvatamatu borderterjeriga. Gilli hobid on veinijoomine, aja raiskamine sotsiaalmeedias, katsed taas l?bi elada oma kadunud noorust ning koera otsimine, kui see on j?rjekordselt otsustanud oma asju ajama minna.
  • Miks emme vannub Джилл Симс
    Tere tulemast emme maailma!Emme r?blikust poeg Peter on oma iPhone’iga kokku kasvanud, nagu ?hendaks neid naban??r. Puberteediikka j?udnud Jane on v?tnud kindlalt p?he Instagramis staariks saada. Issi k?ib aga aina tihedamini eksootilistel ?rireisidel …Pinged emme abielus kasvavad, lapsed muutuvad aina p??rasemaks ja maja kipub igast otsast lagunema. Ainult Judgy, Uhke ja ?llas Terjer, j??b ustavaks. Lisaks ootavad emmet uued v?ljakutsed, sest ta asub t??le trendikas start-up’is. Lisaks sellele, et 42aastasena pole kuigi lihtne kott-toolist mingigi v??rikusega p?sti saada, on ta endast suutnud j?tta kolleegidele (kogemata) mulje kui vallalisest peoloomast, kes elab ?ksnes t??le ja l?budele ega tea midagi lastekasvatamise muredest ja r??mudest.Kas emme tuleb toime? Kas ta suudab s?ilitada ma-olen-nii-lahe fassaadi t??l ja hoida pere koos? Ja mis veel olulisem, kas ta leiab aega m?ne l?dvestava veiniklaasi jaoks?Kuramuse t?en?oliselt mitte. J?rg raamatule “Miks emme joob”
  • Why Mummy Swears: The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller Джилл Симс
    The hilarious second novel, and Sunday Times No 1 Bestseller, from author of the smash hit Why Mummy Drinks.Welcome to Mummy’s world…The Boy Child Peter is connected to his iPad by an umbilical cord, The Girl Child Jane is desperate to make her fortune as an Instagram lifestyle influencer, while Daddy is constantly off on exotic business trips…Mummy’s marriage is feeling the strain, her kids are running wild and the house is steadily developing a forest of mould. Only Judgy, the Proud and Noble Terrier, remains loyal as always.Mummy has also found herself a new challenge, working for a hot new tech start-up. But not only is she worrying if, at forty-two, she could actually get up off a bean bag with dignity, she’s also somehow (accidentally) rebranded herself as a single party girl who works hard, plays hard and doesn’t have to run out when the nanny calls in sick.Can Mummy keep up the facade while keeping her family afloat? Can she really get away with wearing ‘comfy trousers’ to work? And, more importantly, can she find the time to pour herself a large G+T?Probably effing not.
  • Miks emme joob Джилл Симс
    Issi on V?ga T?htis Mees ja talle meeldivad tehnikavidinad. Ja tema kuur. Lapsed Peter ja Jane istuvad lakkamatult m?ne ekraani taga, ning kui nad seda ei tee, ?ritavad nad teineteist ?ra tappa ja ajavad emmet hulluks.
    On emme 39. s?nnip?ev. Tema ees seisab lohutu pilt tulevikust, t?is inimesi, kes kutsuvad teda nende edasij?udnute joogasse, ning ontlikke raamatuklubisid, kus iga?ks v?idab end olevat svipsis p?rast esimest klaasi veini ja ?tleb asju nagu „Isver, kas sa jood t?esti veel ?he?“.
    Aga emme ei taha seda k?ike! Ta ei taha, et temast saaks ?ks neist m?istliku soenguga naistest, kes „elavad oma laste jaoks“ ja kiitlevad v?sukeste erikuradieriliste kooliv?liste tegevuste ja „saavutustega“ ning hooplevad puhkusereisidega. Selle asemel haarab ta suure klaasi veini ning saadab k?ik perse. Kuni talle meenub idee, mis talle k?rtsis juua t?is peaga tuli …
    Gill Sims peab tohutult populaarset lastekasvatusblogi ja Facebooki lehte „Peter ja Jane“. Ta elab Šotimaal koos abikaasa, kahe lapse ja varjupaigast v?etud kasvatamatu borderterjeriga.
    Gilli hobid on veinijoomine, aja raiskamine sotsiaalmeedias, katsed taas l?bi elada oma kadunud noorust ning koera otsimine, kui see on j?rjekordselt otsustanud oma asju ajama minna.