Сара Перри

Sarah Perry

  • 17 книг
  • 7 подписчиков
  • 1593 читателей
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Сара Перри - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • After Me Comes The Flood Sarah Perry
    ISBN: 1846689457
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    One hot summer's day, John Cole decides to leave his life behind.

    He shuts up the bookshop no one ever comes to and drives out of London. When his car breaks down and he becomes lost on an isolated road, he goes looking for help, and stumbles into the grounds of a grand but dilapidated house.

    Its residents welcome him with open arms - but there's more to this strange community than meets the eye. They all know him by name, they've prepared a room for him, and claim to have been waiting for him all along.

    As nights and days pass John finds himself drawn into a baffling menagerie. There is Hester, their matriarchal, controlling host; Alex and Claire, siblings full of child-like wonder and delusions; the mercurial Eve; Elijah - a faithless former preacher haunted by the Bible; and chain-smoking Walker, wreathed in smoke and hostility. Who are these people? And what do they intend for John?

    Elegant, gently sinister and psychologically complex, this is a haunting and hypnotic debut novel by a brilliant new voice.
  • Мельмот Сара Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-848-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Хелен Франклин, неприметная англичанка, живет в Праге, зарабатывает на жизнь переводами и вот уже двадцать лет хранит какую-то страшную тайну. Ее секрету, казалось бы, суждено остаться в прошлом, но все меняется, когда через Карела, одного из ее немногочисленных друзей, в руки Хелен попадает странная исповедь. Впервые прочитав историю о Мельмот Свидетельнице — пугающей фигуре из старинных легенд, обреченной вечно скитаться по земле и наблюдать за людскими прегрешениями, — Хелен убеждена, что это просто сказка. Но Карел внезапно исчезает, а сама Хелен обнаруживает, что ее кто-то преследует, и вот тогда-то существование Мельмот начинает…

  • Every Cradle Is a Grave: Rethinking the Ethics of Birth and Suicide Sarah Perry
    ISBN: 978-0989697293
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Nine-Banded Books
    Язык: Английский
    Millions of years ago, humans just happened. Accidents of environment and genetics contributed to the emergence of sentient beings like us. Today, however, people no longer "just happen"; they are created by the voluntary acts of other people.

    This book examines several questions about the ethics of human existence. Is it a good thing, for humans, that humans "happened"? Is it ethical to keep making new humans, now that reproduction is under our control? And given that a person exists (through no fault or choice of his own), is it immoral or irrational for him to refuse to live out his natural lifespan? Sarah Perry answers these questions in the negative--not out of misanthropy, but out of empathy for human suffering and respect for human autonomy.

    " Every Cradle Is a Grave undertakes a difficult task—to write on discomforting matters from a perspective that is socially unsanctioned. Strange as it may seem to some of us, there are scads of volumes that praise the abuses we endure in our lives. Such works have always been well thumbed, though they are only prayer-books for the purpose of worshiping misery. Sarah Perry is more honest and less perverse on the subject of suffering, treating pain as both a philosophical and a practical problem to which, it is admitted, there is no ultimate solution. Nonetheless, in her view there still remains intelligence and compassion as a means for confronting the insoluble. That is what makes this book as much a necessity as it is a rarity."

    --Thomas Ligotti, author of The Conspiracy against the Human Race

    Meaning. Value. Birth. Death. Sanctity. These subjects and others are reexamined through the lens of suicide rights and procreation ethics in Sarah Perry's Every Cradle Is a Grave. If you're at all fond of asking the truly Big Questions, this is the read you've been waiting for. Why are we here, and why do we stay? Prepare to have your assumptions dissected and turned on their heads. It's a bumpy ride, but then, so is this little journey we're on as we spin aimlessly around a sun that's destined to burn out, just as surely as each individual life will one day fall back down into the mud from which all life arises. Asking the hard questions is one thing, but hearing answers that might shake us to the core can be something else again.

    --Jim Crawford, author of Confessions of an Antinatalist

    "In this eminently rational, clear and serious book, Sarah Perry is courageous and strong enough to confront the forbidden truths of human life. Every Cradle Is a Grave should be mandatory reading for anyone who plans to have children."

    –Mikita Brottman, author of Thirteen Girls
  • Змей в Эссексе Сара Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-777-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Конец XIX века, научно-технический прогресс набирает темпы, вовсю идут дебаты по медицинским вопросам. Эмансипированная вдова Кора Сиборн после смерти мужа решает покинуть Лондон и перебраться в уютную деревушку в графстве Эссекс, где местным викарием служит Уилл Рэнсом. Уже который день деревня взволнована слухами о мифическом змее, что объявился в окрестных болотах и питается человеческой плотью. Кора, увлеченная натуралистка и энтузиастка научного знания, не верит ни в каких сказочных драконов и решает отыскать причину странных россказней. Она считает, что змей — попросту неизвестный науке вид пресмыкающегося, который нужно описать для…
