Киран Флэнаган

Kieran Flanagan

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Лучшие книги Киран Флэнаган

  • Нами движут эгоизм, страх и лень. Перестаньте бороться против природы — и вы добьетесь влияния, вовлеченности и отдачи. Саммари Дэнни Грэгори
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Смарт Ридинг
    Язык: Русский
    О книге Нами движут эгоизм, страх и лень – вот основные инстинкты, отвечающие за выживание вида. Дэн Грегори и Киран Флэнаган исследуют психологию, стоящую за этими моделями поведения, и объясняют, как они проявляются во всех типах контактов, включая коммерческие. Если строить бизнес или вступать в брак, рассчитывая на идеальные отношения, то можно остаться у разбитого корыта. Самые успешные стратегии строятся с учетом уязвимой человеческой природы. Апеллируя к инстинктам, можно создавать услуги и продукты, которым невозможно сопротивляться. Для этого придется расстаться с мифами об эффективности позитивного мышления и мотивации, потому что они противоречат эволюционной теории. Традиционно выживает тот, кто заботится о себе и своих, не лезет на рожон и не ест неизвестных растений. Зачем слушать • Получить от опытных маркетологов сведения, какие рекламные стимулы работают, а какие используются по традиции. • Узнать, как сделать процесс покупки товара или услуги неизбежным. • Заставить действовать себя и других, используя силу эгоизма и страха перед неизвестностью. Об авторе Киран Флэнаган – австралийская исследовательница поведения, маркетолог, спикер. Преподаватель Сиднейского университета. Сотрудник компании The Impossible Institute. Работала в сингапурском отделении ООН, готовила стратегии по борьбе с торговлей людьми в Азии. Разработала инновационные программы для компаний Unilever, Bayer, правительства Австралии. Проводит обучающие семинары для руководства компаний в австралийской бизнес-школе Thought Leaders. Соавтор и деловой партнер Дэна Грегори. Дэн Грегори – австралийский исследователь поведения, спикер. Создатель и руководитель The Impossible Institute, задача которого – помогать компаниям создавать линейки продукции, новые медиа-форматы и формы взаимодействия, которые будут востребованы. Среди его клиентов – Coca-Cola и Unilever, Vodafone и MTV, министерства и сети фастфуда. Участвует в экологических кампаниях и борьбе за права женщин. Регулярно принимает участие в передаче Gruen Planet, собирая 1,4 миллиона зрителей.
  • Selfish, Scared and Stupid: Stop Fighting Human Nature And Increase Your Performance, Engagement And Influence Киран Флэнаган
    ISBN: 978-0-730-31278-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Wrightbooks
    Язык: Английский
    Appealing to humans' basic instincts to increase influence, buy-in and results
    Survival of the species comes down to three basic instincts, say behavioural research strategists Dan Gregory and Kieran Flanagan—fear, self-interest and simplicity. These basic human behaviours come into play in all types of relationships, including those between businesses and customers. Selfish, Scared and Stupid: Stop fighting human nature and increase your performance, engagement and influence, demystifies these behaviours and examines the psychology behind why even the best ideas sometimes fail.

    This book helps businesses design their organisations for reality rather than perfection, and also offers strategies to head off unprecedented levels of disengagement within, and outside, the business. It answers baffling questions around why the public sometimes fails to engage despite overwhelming data suggesting otherwise, why so many new products end up on clearance shelves and why so many great salespeople often fall short of their monthly targets.

    Learn how the survival of the species plays into business, including delusionary realities and the reasons ideas can fail
    Discover how to offer customers strategic rewards, thereby making the buying process more attractive to selfish natures
    Examine the link between fear and the unknown, including strategies for quelling fears and turning them into action
    Learn to use a simple mindset to create low-involvement products, helping appeal to instinct and making products hard to resist
    This provocative book is built on the idea that businesses must return to a more human engagement methodology in order to succeed. It is an informative read for anyone interested in improving influence, growing business reach, improving sales figures or understanding the complexities of human behaviour.
  • Selfish, Scared and Stupid. Stop Fighting Human Nature And Increase Your Performance, Engagement And Influence Киран Флэнаган
    ISBN: 9780730312802
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Appealing to humans' basic instincts to increase influence, buy-in and results Survival of the species comes down to three basic instincts, say behavioural research strategists Dan Gregory and Kieran Flanagan—fear, self-interest and simplicity. These basic human behaviours come into play in all types of relationships, including those between businesses and customers. Selfish, Scared and Stupid: Stop fighting human nature and increase your performance, engagement and influence, demystifies these behaviours and examines the psychology behind why even the best ideas sometimes fail. This book helps businesses design their organisations for reality rather than perfection, and also offers strategies to head off unprecedented levels of disengagement within, and outside, the business. It answers baffling questions around why the public sometimes fails to engage despite overwhelming data suggesting otherwise, why so many new products end up on clearance shelves and why so many great salespeople often fall short of their monthly targets. Learn how the survival of the species plays into business, including delusionary realities and the reasons ideas can fail Discover how to offer customers strategic rewards, thereby making the buying process more attractive to selfish natures Examine the link between fear and the unknown, including strategies for quelling fears and turning them into action Learn to use a simple mindset to create low-involvement products, helping appeal to instinct and making products hard to resist This provocative book is built on the idea that businesses must return to a more human engagement methodology in order to succeed. It is an informative read for anyone interested in improving influence, growing business reach, improving sales figures or understanding the complexities of human behaviour.
  • Forever Skills Киран Флэнаган
    ISBN: 9780730359197
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    What skills will matter most for work, business and life in the future? Where should you focus your energy and effort when the world is changing at an extraordinary rate? How can you future proof yourself, your organisation and your kids? In this ground-breaking book Kieran Flanagan and Dan Gregory have interviewed hundreds of successful business people, educators, futurists, economists and historians to uncover the key skills that will always be critical to success in business and in life. Where most futurists increase your sense of panic and anxiety with dystopian images of the not-too-distant future characterised by Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking our jobs, algorithms hacking our most private moments and Austrian-accented cyborgs raising our children, Kieran and Dan remind us that we need to look beyond the things changing around us and focus on the things that won’t change within us. Identify the skills you have that will always be relevant Gain insight from business leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, sport leaders and more Learn why each skill matters, and how to make it stronger Discover the things that won ’ t change as we inch toward the future These 12 FOREVER SKILLS are designed to set you up for whatever the future may throw at you plus help you get more success in your work and life, today.