Ровена Кори Дэниеллс

Rowena Cory Daniells

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
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Ровена Кори Дэниеллс — новинки

  • Sanctuary Ровена Кори Дэниеллс
    ISBN: 1781080151, 9781781080153
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    The mystic Wyrds have been banished by King Charald, whose descent into madness grows ever steeper. Exiled and forced to set sail on the first day of winter, Imoshen’s people are packed onto seven crowded ships. Tensions flare under the pressure and the all-fathers and all-mothers are put to the test controlling their hardened warriors. Ronnynand his sister Aravelle have been separated, just as they feared, and look to an uncertain future. Sorne is betrayed and captured on the seas. Tobazim faces a confrontation with the bloodthirsty All-father Kyredeon and his notorious assassin, Graelen. And, while Imoshen has promised the T’Enatuath a home with the Sagoras, the enigmatic scholars have not yet replied to her plea for sanctuary. This is the thrilling climax to The Outcast Chronicles.
  • Exile Ровена Кори Дэниеллс
    ISBN: 1781080135, 9781781080139
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    Book two of The Outcast Chronicles; the thrilling story of Imoshen, Tobazim, Ronnyn and Aravelle, continues.

    The Outcast Chronicles follows the fate of a tribe of dispossessed mystics. Vastly outnumbered by people without magical abilities, they are persecuted because ordinary people fear their gifts. This persecution culminates in a bloody pogrom sanctioned by the king who lays siege to the Celestial City, last bastion of the mystics. When the city falls, the mystic leader negotiates their surrender and her people are exiled from their homeland.
    King Chald has banished the mystics. Their leader, Imoshen, hopes to find a new home for her people but first, they must reach port. Fearing they will be waylaid, robbed and murdered, Imoshen offers a reward for living mystics.
    When he arrives in port, Tobazim discovers the mystics’ ships have been stolen and merchants are charging exorbitant prices for supplies. Meanwhile, Ronnyn and his family are kidnapped by fishermen eager for the reward.
    Whether the ships are ready or not, on the first day of winter all the mystics must leave. Those who remain behind will be hunted down and executed. Time is running out for Imoshen, Tobazim, and the children.
  • Besieged Rowena Cory Daniells
    ISBN: 1-78108-011-9, 978-1-78108-011-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Solaris
    Язык: Английский
    For nearly 300 years the mystics have lived alongside the true-men, who barely tolerate them, until...

    King Charald is cursed with a half-blood mystic son. Sorne is raised to be a weapon against the mystics. Desperate to win his father’s respect, Sorne steals power to trigger visions. Unaware King Charald plans their downfall, the mystics are consumed by rivalry. although physically stronger, the males’ gifts are weaker than the females. Imoshen, the only female mystic to be raised by males, wants to end the feud. But the males resent her power and, even within her own sisterhood Imoshen’s enemies believe she is addicted to the male gifts.

    Sorne tries, but cannot win the respect of true-men. When he has a vision of half-bloods in danger he has to ask himself where his loyalty lies.

    Convinced he can destroy the mystics, King Charald plans to lay siege to their island city. Will Imoshen win the trust of the mystic leaders and, if she does, will she believe the visions of a half-blood?