Лусия Берлин

Lucia Berlin

  • 14 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 186 читателей
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3 28
2 6
1 4

Лусия Берлин — библиография

  • A Manual for Cleaning Women Лусия Берлин
    Дата написания: 2022
    Celebrating Fifty Years of Picador Books
    The world just goes along. Nothing much matters, you know? I mean really matters. but then sometimes, just for a second, you get this grace, this belief that it does matter, a whole lot.
    With an introduction from Lydia Davis
    Lucia Berlin's stories in A Manual for Cleaning Women make for one of the most remarkable unsung collections in twentieth-century American fiction.
    With extraordinary honesty and magnetism, Lucia Berlin invites us into her rich, itinerant life: the drink and the mess and the pain and the beauty and the moments of surprise and of grace, with a voice is witty, anarchic, compassionate, and completely unique.
    Part of the Picador Collection, a series showcasing the best of modern literature.
  • A Manual for Cleaning Women Лусия Берлин
    Дата написания: 2016
    The New York Times bestseller
    'This selection of 43 stories should by all rights see Lucia Berlin as lauded as Jean Rhys or Raymond Carver' - Independent
    The stories in A Manual for Cleaning Women make for one of the most remarkable unsung collections in twentieth-century American fiction.
    With extraordinary honesty and magnetism, Lucia Berlin invites us into her rich, itinerant life: the drink and the mess and the pain and the beauty a
  • Abend im Paradies Лусия Берлин
    Sie kennt sie alle. Die H?hen und Tiefen des Alltags, die Momente des Gl?cks, der Verzweiflung, die Gef?hle dazwischen: Lucia Berlin, deren Erz?hlungen seit ihrer Wiederentdeckung 2015 auf den Bestsellerlisten stehen. In 22 weiteren Storys begegnen wir ihnen wieder, den Ex-Ehefrauen und alleinerziehenden M?ttern, den M?nnern, die sie verlassen haben, den S?chtigen, den Kranken, den Liebenden. Zwischen Texas und Chile, New Mexico und New York ziehen sie hin und her, suchen, wie Lucia Berlin selbst, nach einem Ort, an dem sie zu Hause sein k?nnen. Ob ein Sommer voller Sternschnuppen im texanischen El Paso w?hrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs, die Angst vor den Drogendealern im mexikanischen Yelapa oder der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen: Immer entfaltet Lucia Berlin ihre einzigartige F?higkeit, ehrlich und unsentimental, voller Melancholie und dunklem Humor davon zu erz?hlen, wie sich das Leben anf?hlt..
  • Un vespre al parad?s Лусия Берлин
    Manual per a dones de fer feines, un recull de contes p?stum d'una escriptora desconeguda que L'Altra va publicar el 2016, va tenir una acollida inesperada i entusiasta per part de la cr?tica i dels lectors, va guanyar el Premi Llibreter aquell mateix any i Lucia Berlin, que n'era l'autora, es va convertir en una de les escriptores revelaci? m?s celebrada dels ?ltims anys. A Un vespre al parad?s, un nou recull de vint-i-dos contes, hi retrobem l'estil llumin?s, la calidesa i l'humor negre propis de la Berlin, i la veu ing?nua i l?cida, a voltes crua i desoladora,de les seves protagonistes, sempre dones amb vides complicades i l'?nima immensament lliure. Els relats, la majoria autobiogr?fics, salten de Texas a Xile, de les platges de M?xic als carrers de Nova York, i testimonien l'esperit poc convencional i vital de l'autora, els horrors de l'addicci? i de la s?ndrome d'abstin?ncia, la for?a irracional de la passi? amorosa i la fragilitat del desamor i la solitud. Lucia Berlin troba la bellesa als racons m?s foscos i la foscor als llocs aparentment m?s impol·luts, i els seus relats s?n d'una autenticitat i una candidesa desarmants, unes hist?ries plenes de vida, d'?nima i de veritat que tenen la for?a de canviar la nostra mirada sobre el m?n i les relacions entre les persones.
  • Where I Live Now Лусия Берлин
    Homesick (1990) and So Long (1993), her immensely popular short story collections, established Lucia Berlin as the Sister of Mercy of contemporary fiction. In Where I Live Now, Berlin once again contemplates the human condition with a compassionate understanding. Berlin's vision is sometimes remorseful, sometimes resigned, always courageous and unmisgiving.The elusive nature of happiness is a compelling theme here: the survivors in these stories – many of them society's marginal or excluded people, fighting alcohol or drug addiction, bearing emotional scars – recognize it all too well. They mourn the lost dreams of youth, the roads not taken. They suffer the damage life inflicts: the ache of loneliness, the pain of separation, the fear of death.
  • So Long Лусия Берлин

    Lucia Berlin is widely recognized as a master of the short story. This collection captures distilled moments of crisis or epiphany, placing the protagonists in moments of stress or personal strain, and all told in an almost offhand, matter-of-fact voice. Weaving through the places she loved—Chile, Mexico, the Southwest, and California—each story delivers a poignant moment that lingers in the mind, not resolved, not decoded, but resonating, as questions of the human condition always do, in the heart of the reader.