Лучшие книги Дональда Кина
- 4 произведения
- 13 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Японская литература XVII - XIX столетий Дональд Кин
Год издания: 1978 Издательство: Наука Язык: Русский Книга продается без суперобложки. Книга дает развернутую картину развития японской литературы XVII - XVIII и первой половины XIX в., когда литература, преодолев узкие средневековые рамки, приобрела популярный демократический характер, породив -
Японцы открывают Европу. 1720–1830 Дональд Кин
Год издания: 1972 Издательство: Наука Язык: Русский В книге американского ученого Дональда Кина рассказывается о Японии XVIII и начала XIX в. Автор приводит очень интересный, малоизвестный у нас материал о контактах японцев с европейцами, знакомство их с европейской культурой и отдельными отраслями науки, о влиянии этого знакомства на быт, религию, философию, искусство.
Перевод с английского. -
The First Modern Japanese: The Life of Ishikawa Takuboku Donald Keene
ISBN: 0231179723, 978-0231179720 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Columbia University Press Язык: Английский Many books in Japanese have been devoted to the poet and critic Ishikawa Takuboku (1886–1912). Although he died at the age of twenty-six and wrote many of his best-known poems in the space of a few years, his name is familiar to every literate Japanese. Takuboku's early death added to the sad romance of the unhappy poet, but there has been no satisfactory biography of his life or career, even in Japanese, and only a small part of his writings have been translated. His mature poetry was based on the work of no predecessor, and he left no disciples. Takuboku stands unique.
Takuboku's most popular poems, especially those with a humorous overlay, are often read and memorized, but his diaries and letters, though less familiar, contain rich and vivid glimpses of the poet's thoughts and experiences. They reflect the outlook of an unconstrained man who at times behaved in a startling or even shocking manner. Despite his misdemeanors, Takuboku is regarded as a national poet, all but a saint to his admirers, especially in the regions of Japan where he lived. His refusal to conform to the Japan of the time drove him in striking directions and ranked him as the first poet of the new Japan. -
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature Дональд Кин
ISBN: 0231067372, 978-0231067379 Год издания: 1993 Издательство: Columbia University Press Язык: Английский Perhaps no one is more qualified to write about Japanese culture than Donald Keene, considered the leading interpreter of that nation's literature to the Western world. The author, editor, or translator of nearly three dozen books of criticism and works of literature, Keene now offers an enjoyable and beautifully written introduction to traditional Japanese culture for the general reader.
The book acquaints the reader with Japanese aesthetics, poetry, fiction, and theater, and offers Keene's appreciations of these topics. Based on lectures given at the New York Public Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the University of California, Los Angeles, the essays -though written by a renowned scholar- presuppose no knowledge of Japanese culture. Keene's deep learning, in fact, enables him to construct an overview as delightful to read as it is informative.
His insights often illuminate aspects of traditional Japanese culture that endure today. One of these is the appreciation of "perishability." this appreciation os seen in countless little bits of Japanese life: in temples made of wood instead of durable materials; in the preference for objects -such as pottery- that are worn, broken, or used rather than new; and in the national love of the delicate cherry blossom, which normally falls after a brief three days of flowering. Keene quotes the fourteenth-century Buddhist monk Kenko, who wrote that "the most precious thing about life is its uncertainty."
Throughout the volume, Keene demonstrates that the rich artistic and social traditions of Japan can indeed be understood by readers from our culture. This book will enlighten anyone interested in Japanese literature and culture. -
Five Modern Japanese Novelists Дональд Кин
ISBN: 0231126115 Издательство: Columbia Univ Pr The New Yorkerhas called Donald Keene "America's preeminent scholar of Japanese literature." Now he presents a new book that serves as both a superb introduction to modern Japanese fiction and a memoir of his own lifelong love affair with Japanese literature and culture. Five Modern Japanese Novelistsprofiles five prominent writers whom Donald Keene knew personally: Tanizaki Jun'ichiro, Kawabata Yasunari, Mishima Yukio, Abe Kobo, and Shiba Ryotaro. Keene masterfully blends vignettes describing his personal encounters with these famous men with autobiographical observations and his trademark learned literary and cultural analysis. Keene opens with a confession: before arriving in Japan in 1953, despite having taught Japanese for several years at Cambridge, he knew the name of only one living Japanese writer: Tanizaki. Keene's training in classical Japanese literature and fluency in the language proved marvelous preparation, though, for the journey of literary discovery that began with that first trip to Japan, as he came into contact, sometimes quite fortuitously, with the genius of a generation. It is a journey that will fascinate experts and newcomers alike -
Dawn to the West – Japanese Literature of the Modern Era, Poetry,Drama, Criticism Дональд Кин
ISBN: 9780231114387 Год издания: 1999 Язык: Русский Dawn to the West – Japanese Literature of the Modern Era, Poetry,Drama, Criticism -
Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan Дональд Кин
ISBN: 978-0231130578 Год издания: 2006 Язык: Английский Yoshimasa may have been the worst shogun ever to rule Japan. He was a failure as a soldier, incompetent at dealing with state business, and dominated by his wife. But his influence on the cultural life of Japan was unparalleled. According to Donald Keene, Yoshimasa was the only shogun to leave a lasting heritage for the entire Japanese people.
Today Yoshimasa is remembered primarily as the builder of the Temple of the Silver Pavilion and as the ruler at the time of the Onin War (1467-1477), after which the authority of the shogun all but disappeared. Unable to control the daimyos--provincial military governors--he abandoned politics and devoted himself to the quest for beauty. It was then, after Yoshimasa resigned as shogun and made his home in the mountain retreat now known as the Silver Pavilion, that his aesthetic taste came to define that of the Japanese: the no theater flourished, Japanese gardens were developed, and the tea ceremony had its origins in a small room at the Silver Pavilion. Flower arrangement, ink painting, and shoin-zukuri architecture began or became of major importance under Yoshimasa. Poets introduced their often barely literate warlord-hosts to the literary masterpieces of the past and taught them how to compose poetry. Even the most barbarous warlord came to want the trappings of culture that would enable him to feel like a civilized man.
Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion gives this long-neglected but critical period in Japanese history the thorough treatment it deserves. -
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 Дональд Кин
ISBN: 978-0231123402 Год издания: 2005 Издательство: Columbia University Press Язык: Английский When Emperor Meiji began his rule, in 1867, Japan was a splintered empire, dominated by the shogun and the daimyos, who ruled over the country's more than 250 decentralized domains and who were, in the main, cut off from the outside world, staunchly antiforeign, and committed to the traditions of the past. Before long, the shogun surrendered to the emperor, a new constitution was adopted, and Japan emerged as a modern, industrialized state.
Despite the length of his reign, little has been written about the strangely obscured figure of Meiji himself, the first emperor ever to meet a European. Most historians discuss the period that takes his name while barely mentioning the man, assuming that he had no real involvement in affairs of state. Even Japanese who believe Meiji to have been their nation's greatest ruler may have trouble recalling a single personal accomplishment that might account for such a glorious reputation. Renowned Japan scholar Donald Keene sifts the available evidence to present a rich portrait not only of Meiji but also of rapid and sometimes violent change during this pivotal period in Japan's history.
In this vivid and engrossing biography, we move with the emperor through his early, traditional education; join in the formal processions that acquainted the young emperor with his country and its people; observe his behavior in court, his marriage, and his relationships with various consorts; and follow his maturation into a "Confucian" sovereign dedicated to simplicity, frugality, and hard work. Later, during Japan's wars with China and Russia, we witness Meiji's struggle to reconcile his personal commitment to peace and his nation's increasingly militarized experience of modernization. Emperor of Japan conveys in sparkling prose the complexity of the man and offers an unrivaled portrait of Japan in a period of unique interest. -
So Lovely a Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers Дональд Кин
ISBN: 978-0-231-15146-7 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Columbia University Press The attack on Pearl Harbor, which precipitated the Greater East Asia War and its initial triumphs, aroused pride and a host of other emotions among the Japanese people. Yet the single year in which Japanese forces occupied territory from Alaska to Indonesia was followed by three years of terrible defeat. Nevertheless, until the shattering end of the war, many Japanese continued to believe in the invincibility of their country. But in the diaries of well-known writers including Nagai Kafu, Takami Jun, Yamada Futaru, and Hirabayashi Taikoand the scholar Watanabe Kazuo, varying doubts were vividly, though privately, expressed.
Donald Keene, renowned scholar of Japan, selects from these diaries, some written by authors he knew well. Their revelations were sometimes poignant, sometimes shocking to Keene. Ito Sei's fervent patriotism and even claims of racial superiority stand in stark contrast to the soft-spoken, kindly man Keene knew. Weaving archival materials with personal recollections and the intimate accounts themselves, Keene reproduces the passions aroused during the war and the sharply contrasting reactions in the year following Japan's surrender. Whether detailed or fragmentary, these entries communicate the reality of false victory and all-too-real defeat. -
Странники в веках Дональд Кин
ISBN: 5-02-016653-7 Год издания: 1996 Издательство: Восточная литература Язык: Русский Издание 1996 года. Сохранность хорошая.
Впервые в истории изучения японской литературы автор дает исчерпывающую характеристику жанра литературного дневника. В работе приведены изложение и подробный анализ "дневников" знаменитых писателей древности, средневековья и нового времени. -
Modern Japanese Literature Дональд Кин
ISBN: 0802150950 Год издания: 1994 Издательство: Grove Press Modern Japanese Literature is Donald Keene’s critically acclaimed companion volume to his landmark Anthology of Japanese Literature. Now considered the standard canon of modern Japanese writing translated into English, Modern Japanese Literature includes concise introductions to the writers, as well as a historical introduction by Professor Keene. Includes: “Growing Up” by Ichiyo, a lyrical story of pre-adolescence in the 90s; Natsume’s story of “Botchan,” an ill-starred and ineffectual Huck Finn; Nagai’s “The Sumida River”; Kokomitsu’s Kafkaesque “Time”; Kawabata’s “The Mole”; “Firefly Hunt”; a glimpse into Tanizaki’s masterpiece “Thin Snow”; and the postwar work of such writers as Dazai and Mishima.