Hannah Witton — об авторе
- Родилась: 19 февраля 1992 г. , Манчестер, Великобритания
Биография — Hannah Witton
I am a 20-something northern girl living in London and slowly losing my accent. I make weekly YouTube videos about sex education, feminism and life stuff. I’ve been making videos since 2011 and it has been my full time job (whaaaaat?!) since 2015. I talk about things that are important to me and I want to spread positive messages about sex, relationships, body image, gender & sexuality. But I also like to have a laugh on my channel and I don’t take myself too seriously.
In 2017, I published my first book Doing It which is a young adult non-fiction book all about sex and relationships.
I produced and hosted the web series “Girl on Girl” where myself and a guest have a chat about different…
topics that women want to talk about but don’t necessarily get the chance to. I am also one of the co-hosts of the Banging Book Club podcast; myself, Leena Norms and Lucy Moon read a book about sex each month and talk about it!
My sex positive work has been recognised by MTV, Durex & Bodyform. In 2013 I was shortlisted for Young Person of the Year at the Sexual Health Awards in partnership with Brook and FPA. And in 2014 I was shortlisted for Best Vlog at the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.
I studied history at the University of Birmingham with a particular focus on sexual history; my dissertation was about the history of sexology and sex manuals. My short film on the History of Homosexuality was a finalist in the Guardian and Oxford University Press’ Very Short Film Competition in 2013.
And most importantly, I am a Hufflepuff.
Source of information — Hannah's blog