Barry England
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Barry England — новинки

  • Figures in a Landscape Barry England
    ISBN: 9781784875992
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    'Masterful and beautifully written. Riveting and compellingly authentic. Grips you like a vice from the first page and never lets you go' Damien Lewis
    Two men are on the run. They have four hundred miles to go across hostile territory. Soldiers on the ground track them day and night, a helicopter circles above, life becomes a second-by-second fight for survival. Each muscle movement, drop of sweat, glance and instinct matters. Every second counts.
    Through long slogs across country, risky raids for supplies, moments of sheer panic, and under the intense pressure to survive, an unbreakable bond between two men is forged. This stunningly written, adrenaline-pumping novel is a little-known classic of its genre.
  • Figures in a Landscape Barry England
    ISBN: 9781939140548
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Valancourt Books
    Язык: Английский

    Two prisoners of war make a daring escape from their captors, fleeing across a hostile and alien terrain towards safety across the border, more than four hundred miles away. Equipped only with the few supplies they are able to steal and with nothing to fall back on but their courage and determination to survive, MacConnachie and Ansell suffer almost unimaginable horrors as their bodies are pushed by heat, hunger, and exhaustion to the limits of endurance. And all the while, they are pursued on foot by enemy soldiers and from above by a black helicopter hovering in the sky, menacing . . . and waiting. A thrilling, page-turning story of…
