Джон Хоукс

John Hawkes

  • 16 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 195 читателей
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Джон Хоукс - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Whistlejacket John Hawkes
    ISBN: 9781564781765
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
  • Virginie – Her Two Lives Ltd Ed John Hawkes
    ISBN: 9780811208406
    Год издания: 1982
    Язык: Английский
    Virginie – Her Two Lives Ltd Ed
  • Людоед Джон Хоукс
    ISBN: 978-5-905-40925-7, 978-5-86471-831-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс, Додо Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Добро пожаловать в одну из самых долгих ночей в мировой литературе. Время - апрель 1945 года, над третью уже почти полностью оккупированной союзниками Германии надзирает единственный американец на мотоцикле, а в городке Шпицене-на-Дайне зреет заговор по возрождению нации… Что это будет за нация, удастся ли заговорщикам взять власть в свои руки? И, что немаловажно, кто такой этот людоед в названии романа? Джон Хоукс (1925-1998) сам участвовал во Второй мировой войне, учился у Владимира Набокова и вдохновлялся его произведениями - а также работами Уильяма Фолкнера, Франца Кафки и Джуны Барнз. В романе, ставшем одной из самых знаковых книг…

  • Лягух Джон Хоукс
    ISBN: 5-699-08180-1
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Маленький шедевр современной литературы - роман Джона Хоукса "Лягух" - впервые на русском языке. Незауряден тот, кто приютил лягушку! Да-да, у главного героя изысканной и филигранной сказки выдающегося американского постмодерниста XX века Джона Хоукса в животе поселилась лягушка по имени Арман - не метафора, не аллегория и не символ. Совершенно реальное и живое земноводное, обладающее к тому же ненасытным любопытством, прескверным характером и незаурядным сексуальным аппетитом.

  • Second Skin John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0811216449
    Год издания: 1964
    Издательство: New Directions Publishing
    Язык: Русский
    Skipper, an ex-World War II naval Lieutenant and the narrator of Second Skin, interweaves past and present—what he refers to as his "naked history"—in a series of episodes that tell the story of a volatile life marked by pitiful losses, as well as a more elusive, overwhelming, joy. The past: the suicides of his father, wife and daughter, the murder of his son-in-law, a brutal rape, and subsequent mutiny at sea. The present: caring for his granddaughter on a "northern" island where he works as an artificial inseminator of cows, and attempts to reclaim the innocence with which he faced the tragedies of his earlier life.
    Combining unflinching descriptions of suffering with his sense of beauty, Hawkes is a master of nimble and sensuous prose who makes the awful and mundane fantastic, and occasionally makes the fantastic surreal.
  • Adventures in the Alaskan Skin Trade John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0140092837
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
  • The Lime Twig John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0-8112-0065-3
    Год издания: 1961
    Издательство: New Directions Publishing Corporation
    Язык: Русский
    An English horse race, the Golden Bowl at Aldington, provides the background for John Hawkes' exciting novel, The Lime Twig, which tells of an ingenious plot to steal and race a horse under a false name. But it would be unfair to the reader to reveal what happens when a gang of professional crooks gets wind of the scheme and moves to muscle in on this bettors' dream of a long-odds situation.
    Worked out with all the meticulous detail, terror, and suspense of a nightmare, the tale is, on one level, comparable to a Graham Greene thriller; on another, it explores a group of people, their relationships, fears, and loves. For as Leslie A.Fiedler says in his introduction, "John Hawkes . . . makes terror rather than love the center of his work, knowing all the while, of course, that there can be no terror without the hope for love and love's defeat. . . ." "The 'Lime Twig' is one of the most perfect novels of the 60's, a masterwork of the bizarre, made like a poem so that every word resonates mystery and meaning forward and backward as the story moves".
  • Ирландский прищур Джон Хоукс
    ISBN: 5-699-06641-1
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Джона Хоукса называли "писателем для писателей", а Джон Барт считал его "самой яркой - и самой темной - звездой американской литературы XX века". "Ирландский прищур" - сказка братьев Гримм, рассказанная Джойсом, где главная героиня, ирландская сиротка Дервла О'Шэннон, не всегда та, кем кажется на первый взгляд. Для того чтобы разглядеть правду в мире фантазий и обмана, мрачных галлюцинаций, напоенных черным юмором, следует немного прищуриться... Последний роман одного из величайших постмодернистов Джона Хоукса (1925-1998) - впервые на русском языке.

  • The Beetle Leg John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0811200622
    Год издания: 1951
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    The Beetle Leg, John Hawkes's second full-length novel, was first published by New Directions in 1951. Now, after more than sixty years, this brilliant novel is emerging as a classic of visionary writing and still remains Hawkes's only work devoted solely to American life. As a "surrealist Western" (Newsweek), and a violent and poetic portrayal of "a landscape of sexual apathy" (A.J. Guerard), The Beetle Leg is a rich flight into the special vein of comedy that Hawkes had begun to exploit a decade before the popular acceptance of "black humor."
  • The Blood Oranges John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0811200615
    Год издания: 1974
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    "Rich, evocative, highly original piece of fiction. It gilds contemporary American literature with real, not synthetic, gold."—Anthony Burgess

    "Need I insist that the only enemy of the mature marriage is monogamy? That anything less than sexual multiplicity . . . is naive? That our sexual selves are merely idylers in a vast wood?" Thus the central theme of John Hawkes's widely acclaimed novel The Blood Oranges is boldly asserted by its narrator, Cyril, the archetypal multisexualist. Likening himself to a white bull on Love's tapestry, he pursues his romantic vision in a primitive Mediterranean landscape. There two couples—Cyril and Fiona, Hugh and Catherine—mingle their loves in an "lllyria" that brings to mind the equally timeless countryside of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

    Yet no synopsis or comparison can convey the novel's lyric comedy or, indeed, its sinister power—sinister because of the strength of will Cyril exerts over his wife, his mistress, his wife's reluctant lover; lyric, since he is also a “sex-singer" in the land where music is the food of love.
  • Death, Sleep & the Traveler John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0811205696
    Год издания: 1975
    Издательство: New Directions
    Death, Sleep & The Traveler is about a middle-aged Dutchman, his dissolving marriage, his involvement in two sexual triangles, his obsession with the murder he is accused of having committed on a pleasure cruise.
    The author of seven full-length novels, several plays, and numerous short fictions, John Hawkes over the course of two and a half decades has won international acclaim. Death, Sleep & The Traveler is about a middle-aged Dutchman, his dissolving marriage, his involvement in two sexual triangles, his obsession with the murder he is accused of having committed on a pleasure cruise. “It is an exceptionally concise and beautiful work,” writes the novelist-critic Jonathan Baumbach, “delicate, erotic, dreamlike—in all, a luminous novel by the richest prose stylist in American letters since Faulkner.”
  • Travesty John Hawkes
    ISBN: 978-0811206402
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    Travesty is John Hawkes’s most extreme vision of eroticism and comic terror. In the south of France, an elegant sportscar is speeding through the night, hearing a man, his daughter, and his best friend toward a fatal crash. As he drives, the “privileged man” justifies, in sustained monologue, his firm persuasion that willed destruction is the ultimate act of the poetic imagination. “What I have in mind is an ‘accident’ so perfectly contrived that it will he unique, spectacular and instantaneous, a physical counterpart to that vision in which it was in fact conceived.”

    This is the final work in a triad of novels concerned with sex, myth, the imagination, and the absurd. The Blood Oranges (1971) is the acting out of a lyric dream; Death, Sleep & The Traveler (1974) a descent into the depths of psychic darkness to the edge of death; and Travesty (1976) an icily comic portrait of the poet as suicide and murderer. It is one of the most cruelly and brilliantly ironic works to be found in contemporary literature.

    .. there is 110 doubt that lie is one of the very best living American writers, and Travesty one of his most remarkable fictions.”
    — Tony Tanner, The New York Times

    ".. one of the few writers for whom every new work is a major literary event. Travesty is not to be missed."
    — John V. Knapp, Chicago Sun-Times