Стивен Адли Гирджис

Stephen Adly Guirgis

  • 4 книги
  • 2 подписчика
  • 4 читателя
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Стивен Адли Гирджис – лучшие книги

  • The Last Days of Judas Iscariot Стивен Адли Гирджис
    ISBN: 9780571211012
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    From one of our most admired playwrights, "an ambitious, complicated and often laugh-out-loud religious debate" (Toby Zinman, The Philadelphia Inquirer)

    Set in a time-bending, seriocomically imagined world between Heaven and Hell, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a philosophical meditation on the conflict between divine mercy and human free will that takes a close look at the eternal damnation of the Bible's most notorious sinner. This latest work from the author of Our Lady of 121st Street "shares many of the traits that have made Mr. Guirgis a playwright to reckon with in recent years: a fierce and questing mind that refuses to settle for glib answers, a gift for identifying with life's losers and an unforced eloquence that finds the poetry in lowdown street talk. [Guirgis brings to the play] a stirring sense of Christian existential pain, which wonders at the paradoxes of faith" (Ben Brantley, The New York Times).
  • Between Riverside and Crazy Стивен Адли Гирджис
    ISBN: 978-1559365154
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Theatre Communications Group
    Язык: Английский

    "Guirgis, like other storytellers who explore the sacred and profane, is most interested in how grace transforms us."—The New Yorker Written with humor, tenderness, grit, and wonderment by acclaimed playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis, Between Riverside and Crazy is an extraordinary new play: a dark comedy about a man trying to maintain control as the world unravels around him. City Hall is demanding more than his signature, the Landlord wants him out, the liquor store is closed, and the Church won't leave him alone. As ex-cop and recent widower Walter "Pops" Washington struggles to hold on to one of the last great rent-stabilized…
