Стивен Эриан

Stephen Aryan

  • 9 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 71 читатель
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Новинки Стивена Эриана

  • The Judas Blossom Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9781915202192
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Angry Robot
    Язык: Английский
    An imaginative and sprawling epic fantasy reimagining of the Mongol Empire's invasion of Persia, following the lives and treacherous journeys of four key figures in the heart of war.

    1260, Persia:

    Due to the efforts of the great Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire covers a vast portion of the known world. In the shadow of his grandfather, Hulagu Khan, ruler of the Ilkhanate, is determined to create a single empire that covers the entire world. His method? Violence.

    His youngest son, Temujin Khan, struggles to find his place in his father’s bloody rule. After another failure, Temujin is given one last chance to prove himself to Hulagu, who is sure there is a great warrior buried deep inside. But there’s something else rippling under the surface… something far more powerful and dangerous than they could ever imagine…

    Reduced to the position of one of Hulagu’s many wives, the famed Blue Princess Kokochin is the last of her tribe. Alone and forgotten in a foreign land, Kokochin is unwilling to spend her days seeking out trivial pursuits. Seeking purpose, she finds herself wandering down a path that grants her more power than a wife of the Khan may be allowed.

    Kaivon, the Persian rebel who despises the Mongols for the massacre of his people, thirsts for revenge. However, he knows alone he cannot destroy the empire. When given the opportunity to train under the tutelage of Hulagu, Kaivon must put aside his feelings and risk his life for a chance to destroy the empire that aims to conquer the world.

    Family and war collide in this thrilling and bloody reimagining of the Mongol Empire’s invasion of Persia.
  • The Warrior Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9780857669582
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Angry Robot
    Язык: Английский
    The story of Kell Kressia continues in Book II of the gripping fantasy duology. Kell, two time saviour of the Five Kingdoms, is now the King of Algany. He has fame, power, respect, and has never been more miserable...

    Bound, by duty and responsibility, Kell is King only in name. Trapped in a loveless marriage, he leaves affairs of state to his wife, Sigrid. When his old friend, Willow, turns up asking him to go on a journey to her homeland he can't wait to leave.

    The Malice, a malevolent poison that alters everything it infects, runs rampant across Willow's homeland. Desperate to find a cure her cousin, Ravvi, is willing to try a dark ritual which could damn her people forever. Journeying to a distant land, Kell and his companions must stop Ravvi before it's too late. While Kell is away Reverend Mother Britak's plans come to a head. Queen Sigrid must find a way to protect her family and her nation, but against such a ruthless opponent, something has to give...
  • The Coward Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9780857668882
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Angry Robot
    Язык: Английский
    Kell Kressia is a legend, a celebrity, a hero. Aged just seventeen he set out on an epic quest with a band of grizzled fighters to slay the Ice Lich and save the world, but only he returned victorious. The Lich was dead, the ice receded and the Five Kingdoms were safe.

    Ten years have passed Kell lives a quiet farmer's life, while stories about his heroism are told in every tavern across the length and breadth of the land. But now a new terror has arisen in the north. Beyond the frozen circle, north of the Frostrunner clans, something has taken up residence in the Lich's abandoned castle. And the ice is beginning to creep south once more.

    For the second time, Kell is called upon to take up his famous sword, Slayer, and battle the forces of darkness. But he has a terrible secret that nobody knows. He's not a hero - he was just lucky. Everyone puts their faith in Kell the Legend, but he's a coward who has no intention of risking his life for anyone...
  • Magebane Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9780316554848
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    A plague rages in the streets of Perizzi. City guards rally to deal with riots while the young magicians of the Tower pool their healing powers to find a cure.

    Elsewhere, new alliances are formed to stem the rising darkness strengthening a deity who feeds on pestilence and decay. Gods, Sorcerers and Battlemages must set aside the past and their vendettas to work together or risk unleashing greater suffering than they can possibly imagine...
  • Magefall Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9780316554824
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    The land is in turmoil. Mages are hunted by men and gods alike. Even their own kind betray each other in the name of safety and protection.

    With their last refuge fallen, two young mages must conspire against a god to show the world that their abilities aren't a curse; they are the only way to ensure lasting peace. Under the threat of anti-magic fanatics, Wren struggles to find her place as a leader and to keep her people safe as they build a new home. While Danoph searches for answers on a spiritual journey, determined to find out who he really is and where he came from in an effort to calm the coming storm.

    Their world has turned against them, yet only they can save the world
  • Mageborn Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 9780316554787
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    It's been ten years since the battlemage war, where thousands died as mages sundered the earth and split the sky.
    Habreel believes eradicating magic is the only way to ensure a lasting peace. He will do anything to achieve his goal, even if it means murdering every child born with the ability.
    As deaths involving magic increase and the seat of magical learning - the Red Tower - falls under suspicion, two students and one lawbringer must do everything they can to combat Habreel and his followers, before magic disappears from the world for good.
  • Боевой маг Стивен Эриан
    ISBN: 978-5-17-090593-5
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Магия – могущественнейшая сила во вселенной, но лишь один из десятков тысяч смертных обладает даром черпать из ее Источника. Безумный король Тэйкон, захвативший несколько королевств на Западе, заполучил в свое войско именно такого чародея – молодого, амбициозного, упивающегося своими возможностями. Боевой маг способен сжигать в пепел целые города и устраивать песчаные бури. Ему неведомы страх и сомнение. Единственное, что могло бы ввергнуть боевого мага в ужас... Но тссс! Об этом лучше молчать.

  • Chaosmage Stephen Aryan
    ISBN: 0316298344, 9780316298346
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    The final book in the epic fantasy trilogy that began with Battlemage - expect fireball-filled battles, otherworldy enemies, and heroically powerful mages Voechenka is a city under siege. Decimated by the Battlemage War, its dead now walk the city at night, attacking survivors, calling their names and begging the living to join them beyond the grave.Tammy is a watchman sent to the city to investigate, so the ruling powers can decide whether to help Voechenka or leave it to its grisly fate.Zannah is a pariah in Voechenka - making up for her people's war crimes by protecting refugees who fear her far more than they fear their unearthly…

  • Bloodmage Stephen Aryan
    ISBN: 031629831X, 9780316298315
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    The people of Perizzi have survived the battlemage war, but their future is looking darker than ever. BYRNE is a Guardian of the Peace, investigating a series of murders in which the corpse was drained entirely of life. FRAY's expertise with magic is needed to catch the killer, but working with the Watch destroyed his father, years before.