robot 10 февраля 2018 г., 05:26 Пожаловаться “Here, bhikkhus, when one knows covert speech to be untrue, incorrect, and unbeneficial, one should on no account utter it. When one knows covert speech to be true, correct, and unbeneficial, one should try not to utter it. But when one knows covert speech to be true, correct, and beneficial, one may utter it, knowing the… Развернуть The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bhikkhu Nanamoli 0,0
robot 8 февраля 2018 г., 02:13 Пожаловаться 17. “Here, student, some man or woman does not visit a recluse or a brahmin and ask: ‘Venerable sir, what is wholesome? What is unwholesome? What is blameable? What is blameless? What should be cultivated? What should not be cultivated? What kind of action will lead to my harm and suffering for a long time? What kind of… Развернуть The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bhikkhu Nanamoli 0,0
robot 8 февраля 2018 г., 02:12 Пожаловаться 13. “Here, student, some man or woman does not give food, drink, clothing, carriages, garlands, scents, unguents, beds, dwelling, and lamps to recluses or brahmins. Because of performing and undertaking such action… he reappears in a state of deprivation… But if instead he comes back to the human state, then wherever he… Развернуть The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bhikkhu Nanamoli 0,0
robot 19 августа 2017 г., 15:02 Пожаловаться Venerable sir, there are new bhikkhus here, just gone forth, recently come to this Dhamma and Discipline. If they get no opportunity to see the Blessed One, there may take place in them some change or alteration. Venerable sir, just as when young seedlings get no water there may take place in them some change or… Развернуть The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bhikkhu Nanamoli 0,0
robot 13 апреля 2017 г., 17:30 Пожаловаться When this was said, a certain bhikkhu asked the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, can there be agitation about what is non-existent externally?” ʺThere can be, bhikkhu,ʺ the Blessed One said. ʺHere, bhikkhu, someone thinks thus: ‘Alas, I had it! Alas, I have it no longer! Alas, may I have it! Alas, I do not get it!’ Then he… Развернуть The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (The Teachings of the Buddha) Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bhikkhu Nanamoli 0,0