Хелен Кляйн Росс

Helen Klein Ross

  • 4 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 571 читатель
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5 126
4 240
3 128
2 18
1 4

Лучшие книги Хелен Кляйн Росс

  • Опоздавшие Хелен Кляйн Росс
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-859-9
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Глубокая, трогательная и интригующая семейная драма об ирландской эмигрантке, старом фамильном доме в Новой Англии и темной тайне, которую дом этот скрывал на протяжении пяти поколений. В 1908 Брайди было шестнадцать, и она сбежала с возлюбленным Томом из родного ирландского захолустья. Юная пара решила поискать счастья за океаном, но Том не смог пересечь Атлантику. Беременная Брайди, совсем еще девочка, оказывается одна в странном новом мире. Она не знает, что именно она, бедная ирландская девчонка, определит вектор истории богатой семьи. Жизнь Брайди полна мрачных и романтических секретов, которые она упорно держит в себе, но у и…

  • Someone Else's Child Helen Klein Ross
    ISBN: 978-1785033803
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    Lucy is not a kidnapper. She is a woman desperate for a baby, failing at one of the most natural things women are made for. It breaks her marriage, her soul and her heart.

    She doesn’t plan to take the baby, she just sees a vulnerable little girl, left on her own in a supermarket trolley, with no one around to take care of her. She thinks the baby is cold and uncomfortable. So she pushes the trolley towards the exit to give her some fresh air. And she keeps pushing. She doesn’t stop at the exit, she doesn’t stop in the car park or when she puts the baby girl in her car. She keep going until she knows that what she has done will change her life forever.
  • What Was Mine Хелен Кляйн Росс
    ISBN: 9781442396371
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Simply told but deeply affecting, in the bestselling tradition of Alice McDermott and Tom Perrotta, this urgent novel unravels the heartrending yet unsentimental tale of a woman who kidnaps a baby in a superstore—and gets away with it for twenty-one years.

    Lucy Wakefield is a seemingly ordinary woman who does something extraordinary in a desperate moment: she takes a baby girl from a shopping cart and raises her as her own. It’s a secret she manages to keep for over two decades—from her daughter, the babysitter who helped raise her, family, coworkers, and friends.

    When Lucy’s now-grown daughter Mia discovers the devastating truth of her origins, she is overwhelmed by confusion and anger and determines not to speak again to the mother who raised her. She reaches out to her birth mother for a tearful reunion, and Lucy is forced to flee to China to avoid prosecution. What follows is a ripple effect that alters the lives of many and challenges our understanding of the very meaning of motherhood.

    Author Helen Klein Ross, whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, weaves a powerful story of upheaval and resilience told from the alternating perspectives of Lucy, Mia, Mia’s birth mother, and others intimately involved in the kidnapping. What Was Mine is a compelling tale of motherhood and loss, of grief and hope, and the life-shattering effects of a single, irrevocable moment.