Моя оценка

Six weeks. Thirty-five cities. One more chance to get it right.

Noah McCallister.
Extreme athlete. Habitual heartbreaker. The only boy I’ve ever loved.

We’re a tragedy. A beautiful melody with dissonant chords. A soaring ballad of heartache, enduring love, and lost youth.

Despite the unbreakable bond tethering us, we can’t seem to get our act together.
Once upon a time, he was my everything. My once in a lifetime. My past and my future. The white knight who balanced my entire world on the palm of his hand.
Until I lost him.

Now I’m out there reaching for the stars while he’s off chasing his next adrenaline rush.
Цикл: Lost Stars

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: When the Stars Rise

Язык: Английский

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