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The Iron Prince will claim his crown.

Reidon Ward’s first semester at the Galens Institute hasn't been without reward. In just over half a year he’s gone from the weakest cadet at school to one of the strongest in his class, and there’s no one left who would argue that his Device, Shido, isn’t the most terrifying CAD they’ve ever laid eyes on. Still, Rei knows that his climb has barely begun, like he knows that the true fight is only just starting.

After all… The Sectionals tournament has arrived.

Rei, along with Aria, Viv, Catcher, and a couple unexpected squadmates, are about to face the first real battle of their careers.…
Цикл: Warformed: Stormweaver, книга №2

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Fire and Song

Язык: Английский

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