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Ragna Riegel works at Europris and lives alone in her childhood home. Her parents have died and her only son has moved to Berlin, and they have no contact other than occasional Christmas and birthday cards.

Ragna lives within close confines. She likes her job because it is full of routine, she likes to sit on the same seat on the bus every day and she likes to buy the same things at the local shop each day. She must have order in her life. And she does, until one day she finds a letter in her mailbox with her name on the envelope and a clear threat written in block capitals on the sheet inside.

The letter reinforces a nightmare where…
Цикл: Инспектор Конрад Сейер, книга №13

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Hviskeren

Первая публикация: 2016

Язык: Английский (в оригинале Норвежский)

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