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Locals recognize the Sugar House as a stubborn and defiant legacy of the city's past that competes with Charm City's glitzy present. Tess thought she knew it, too--until she is forced to take on the most disturbing case of her accidental career.

First there's her client, former barmaid Ruthie Dembrow, who seems to know Tess's father well, a little too well as far as his daughter is concerned. Then there's the nature of the crime she's asked to investigate--and its cast of characters.

"Ever heard of a Jane Doe murder?" Ruthie asks Tess, and with that question there's no turning back. Fourteen months ago, Ruthie's low-life brother,…
Цикл: Тесс Монаган, книга №5

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2001 г.Премия Ниро

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