Моя оценка

When Perry ends up in Venice on a European tour with his band Inchworm, he can’t resist a visit to Harry’s Bar, where Gobi told him she’d meet him someday. The last time he saw Gobi, five people were assassinated one crazy night in New York City. Well . . . Gobi shows up, and once again Perry is roped into a wild, nonstop thrill ride with a body count. Double crossings, kidnappings, CIA agents, arms dealers, boat chases in Venetian canals, and a shootout in the middle of a Santa Claus convention ensue.
Цикл: Стервоза, книга №2

Роман "Perry's Killer Playlist" издавался в Великобритании под названием "Ciao for Now, Crazy European Chick". Переиздан в 2015 г. под названием "Pretty Lethal".

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2012

Язык: Английский

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