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The Blades are back! Once again acclaimed fantasist Dave Duncan leads us past the imposing gates of Ironhall -- training ground for elite warrior swordsmen unequaled in any time or realm -- to witness the astonishing ascendance of three most unlikely heroes.

Deposed by a foul usurper, the Grand Duke Rubin is on the run and in desperate need of protection. While the King has decreed that new Blades will be magically bound to the guard, not one of the rough youths being readied at Ironhall yet possesses the seasoning and maturity to accept such an assignment. Left with no choice, the Grand Master approaches two with an offer of early…
Циклы: Хроники Королевских Клинков, книга №2
Королевские Клинки, книга №8

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2003

Язык: Английский

Популярные книги

Всего 765

Новинки книг

Всего 241