Kurt Cobain & NIRVANA — 84 книги — стр. 5

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Kurt Cobain & NIRVANA
картинка XAPOH

I'm not like them, But I can pretend.
The sun is gone, But I have a light.
The day is done, But I'm having fun,
I think I'm dumb Or maybe just happy…

В подборке собраны зарубежные и отечественные книги, посвящённые замечательной группе из Абердина.
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Год издания: 2003

In more than one hundred full-color and black-and-white photographs, this insightful pictorial biography celebrates the cultural icon Kurt Cobain became, while also presenting him… Развернуть 


"Godspeed: The Kurt Cobain Graphic" takes Cobain's story and plays it out as a totally unique graphic novel. From the luminous colors of an idyllic childhood through the… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2003

All new, note-for-note transcriptions (with guitar and bass tab) for all the instruments on all 14 songs from the 2002 best-of compilation by this extraordinarily influential… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2003

8 Nisan 1994 yılında intihar ederek ölen Nirvana grubunun solisti Kurt Cobain için hazırlanan bu kitap, ölümünden önce ve sonra onunla ilgili yazılan yazılardan, sanatçının hayat… Развернуть 


Session-by-session, track-by-track, this work tells the story of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana's musical evolution and their recorded legacy. With Smells Like Teen Spirit and the… Развернуть 


Подробная биография группы и впервые полная коллекция всех песен.


Год издания: 2004

Updated and redesigned editions of the classic guides to the music of the world's best known acts. Written by experts, each book examines every song in a given artist's recorded… Развернуть 


0 26.06.18

Nirvana - Lithium

0 28.06.18