Книги, которые сформировали Америку — 26 книг

На сайте Библиотеки Конгресса США увидела интересную подборку книг под названием Books That Shaped America (Книги, которые сформировали Америку). Переношу эту подборку на ЛайвЛиб :)
Книги будут расположены по году выхода. Всего в подборке будет 88 книг. Русский перевод (если есть) указан в описании. Мне показалось так делать логичнее. Описания переведу, но чуточку позже.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
Год издания:2002
Издательство:Penguin Books
Серия:Penguin Classics


Novelist Ernest Hemingway famously said, “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ ... All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.” During their trip down the Mississippi on a raft, Twain depicts in a satirical and humorous way Huck and Jim’s encounters with hypocrisy, racism, violence and other evils of American society. His use in serious literature of a lively, simple American language full of dialect and colloquial expressions paved the way for many later writers, including Hemingway and William Faulkner.

Перевод: "Приключения Гекльберри Финна"

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:13

Alcoholics Anonymous
Год издания:2002
Издательство:Alcoholics Anonymous World Services


The famous 12-step program for stopping an addiction has sold more than 30 million copies. Millions of men and women worldwide have turned to the program co-founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith to recover from alcoholism. The “Big Book,” as it is known, spawned similar programs for other forms of addiction.

Перевод: "Анонимные алкологики"

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:22

American Cookery, Or The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables
Amelia Simmons
Год издания:2012


This cornerstone in American cookery is the first cookbook of American authorship to be printed in the United States. Numerous recipes adapting traditional dishes by substituting native American ingredients, such as corn, squash and pumpkin, are printed here for the first time. Simmons’ “Pompkin Pudding,” baked in a crust, is the basis for the classic American pumpkin pie. Recipes for cake-like gingerbread are the first known to recommend the use of pearl ash, the forerunner of baking powder.

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:24

And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic, 20th-Anniversary Edition
Randy Shilts
Год издания:2007
Издательство:St. Martin's Griffin


“And the Band Played On” is the story of how the AIDS epidemic spread and how the government’s initial indifference to the disease allowed its spread and gave urgency to devoting government resources to fighting the virus. Shilts’s investigation has been compared to other works that led to increased efforts toward public safety, such as Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle.”

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:26

Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Classics


Although mainstream critics reacted poorly to “Atlas Shrugged,” it was a popular success. Set in what novelist and philosopher Rand called “the day after tomorrow,” the book depicts a United States caught up in a crisis caused by a corrupt establishment of government regulators and business interests. The book’s negative view of government and its support of unimpeded capitalism as the highest moral objective have influenced libertarians and those who advocate a smaller government.

Перевод: "Атлант расправил плечи"

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:28

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Малкольм Икс, Алекс Хейли
Год издания:1965
Издательство:Random House Publishing Group


When “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” (born Malcolm Little) was published, The New York Times called it a “brilliant, painful, important book,” and it has become a classic American autobiography. Written in collaboration with Alex Haley (author of “Roots”), the book expressed for many African-Americans what the mainstream civil rights movement did not: their anger and frustration with the intractability of racial injustice.

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:31

Toni Morrison
ISBN:1400033411, 9781400033416
Год издания:2004
Издательство:Vintage Books
Серия:Vintage International


Toni Morrison won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction for her post-Civil War novel based on the true story of an escaped slave and the tragic consequences when a posse comes to reclaim her. The author won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, and in 2006 The New York Times named “Beloved” “the best work of American fiction of the past 25 years.”

Перевод: "Возлюбленная"

Sunrisewind 13 августа 2014 г., 21:33

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Dee Brown
Год издания:2009


Until librarian Dee Brown wrote his history of Native Americans in the West, few Americans knew the details of the unjust treatment of Indians. Brown scoured both well-known and little-known sources for his documentary on the massacres, broken promises and other atrocities suffered by Indians. The book has never gone out of print and has sold more than 4 million copies.

Перевод: Схороните мое сердце у Вундед-Ни. История американского Запада, рассказанная индейцами

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 11:02

The Call of the Wild
Jack London
Год издания:1990
Издательство:Dover Publications
Серия:Dover Thrift Editions


Jack London’s experiences during the Klondike gold rush in the Yukon were the inspiration for “The Call of the Wild.” He saw the way dogsled teams behaved and how their owners treated (and mistreated) them. In the book, the dog Buck’s comfortable life is upended when gold is discovered in the Klondike. From then on, survival of the fittest becomes Buck’s mantra as he learns to confront and survive the harsh realities of his new life as a sled dog.

Перевод: "Зов предков"

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 11:04

The Cat in the Hat
Dr. Seuss
Год издания:1986
Издательство:Random House
Серия:Beginner Books


Theodore Seuss Geisel was removed as editor of the campus humor magazine while a student at Dartmouth College after too much reveling with fellow students. In spite of this Prohibition-era setback to his writing career, he continued to contribute to the magazine pseudonymously, signing his work “Seuss.” This is the first known use of his pseudonym, which became famous in children’s literature when it evolved into “Dr. Seuss.” “The Cat in the Hat” is considered the most important book of his career. More than 200 million Dr. Seuss books have been sold around the world.

Перевод: "Кот в шляпе"

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 11:06

Joseph Heller
ISBN:0684833395, 9780684833392
Год издания:1996
Издательство:Simon & Schuster


Joseph’s Heller’s “Catch-22,” an irreverent World War II novel and a satiric treatment of military bureaucracy, has had such a penetrating effect that its title has become synonymous with “no-win situation.” Heller’s novel is a black comedy, filled with orders from above that make no sense and a main character, Yossarian, who just wants to stay alive. He pleads insanity but is caught in the famous catch: “Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy.” The novel became a cult classic for its biting indictment of war.

Перевод: "Поправка-22" (или "Уловка-22")

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 11:08

The Catcher in the Rye
J. D. Salinger
ISBN:0-316-76948-7, 978-0-316-76948-8
Год издания:1991
Издательство:Back Bay Books


Since his debut in 1951 as the narrator of “The Catcher in the Rye,” 16-year-old Holden Caulfield has been synonymous with adolescent alienation and angst. The influential story concerns three days after Holden has been expelled from prep school. Confused and disillusioned, he wanders New York City searching for truth and rails against the phoniness of the adult world. Holden is the first great American antihero, and his attitudes influenced the Beat generation of the 1950s as well as the hippies of the 1960s. “The Catcher in the Rye” is one of the most translated, taught and reprinted books and has sold some 65 million copies.

Перевод: "Над пропастью во ржи"

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 12:18

Charlotte's Web
E. B. White
Год издания:2003


According to Publishers Weekly, “Charlotte’s Web” is the best-selling paperback for children of all time. One reason may be that, although it was written for children, reading it is just as enjoyable for adults. The book is especially notable for the way it treats death as a natural and inevitable part of life in a way that is palatable for young people.

Перевод: "Паутина Шарлотты"

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 14:02

Common Sense
Thomas Paine
Год издания:2010


Published anonymously in Philadelphia in January 1776, “Common Sense” appeared at a time when both separation from Great Britain and reconciliation were being considered. Through simple rational arguments, Thomas Paine focused blame for Colonial America’s troubles on the British king and pointed out the advantages of independence. This popular pamphlet had more than a half-million copies in 25 editions appearing throughout the Colonies within its first year of printing.

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 14:04

The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
Benjamin Spock


Dr. Spock’s guidebook turned common wisdom about child-rearing on its head. Spock argued that babies did not have to be on a rigid schedule, that children should be treated with a great deal of affection, and that parents should use their own common sense when making child-rearing decisions. Millions of parents worldwide have followed his advice.

Перевод: "Ребенок и уход за ним"

Sunrisewind 14 августа 2014 г., 14:06

Carl Sagan
Год издания:1985
Издательство:Ballantine Books


Carl Sagan’s classic, bestselling science book accompanied his avidly followed television series, “Cosmos.” In an accessible way, Sagan covered a broad range of scientific topics and made the history and excitement of science understandable and enjoyable for Americans and then for an international audience. The book offers a glimpse of Sagan’s personal vision of what it means to be human.

Перевод: "Космос"

Sunrisewind 17 августа 2014 г., 20:35

A curious hieroglyphick Bible: or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth
Год издания:2010
Издательство:Gale ECCO


Hieroglyphic Bibles were popular in the late 18th century as an effective and entertaining way to teach children biblical passages. Isaiah Thomas, the printer of this 1788 edition, is widely acclaimed as America’s first enlightened printer of children’s books and is often compared to John Newbery of London, with whom he shared the motto “Instruction with delight.”

Sunrisewind 17 августа 2014 г., 20:40

The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
James D. Watson
ISBN:074321630X, 9780743216302
Год издания:2011


James D. Watson’s personal account of the discovery of DNA changed the way Americans regarded the genre of the scientific memoir and set a new standard for first-person accounts. Dealing with personalities, controversies and conflicts, the book also changed the way the public thought about how science and scientists work, showing that scientific enterprise can at times be a messy and cutthroat business.

Перевод: "Двойная спираль"

Sunrisewind 17 августа 2014 г., 20:45

The Education of Henry Adams
Henry Adams
ISBN:9780199552368, 0199552363
Год издания:2008
Издательство:Oxford University Press
Серия:Oxford World's Classics


The dawn of the 20th century and the changes it brought are the subjects of Henry Adams’ “education.” Adams lived through the Civil War and died just before World War I. During that time, he witnessed cataclysmic transformations in technology, society and politics. Adams believed that his traditional education left him ill-prepared for these changes and that his life experiences provided a better education. One survey called it the greatest nonfiction English-language book of the last century.

Перевод: "Воспитание Генри Адамса"

Sunrisewind 17 августа 2014 г., 20:49

Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America, by Mr. Benjamin Franklin, ...
Benjamin Franklin
Год издания:2010
Издательство:Gale ECCO


In 1751, Peter Collinson, president of the Royal Society, arranged for the publication of a series of letters from Benjamin Franklin, written between 1747 and 1750, describing his experiments with electricity. Through the publication of these experiments, Franklin became the first American to gain an international reputation for his scientific work. In 1753 he received the Copley Medal of the Royal Society for his contributions.

Перевод: "Опыты и наблюдения над электричеством"

Sunrisewind 17 августа 2014 г., 20:53

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такая... эээ... странная подборка! )

Поддерживаю, но это я ее по алфавиту начала вносить. Когда будет полностью, будет получше чуток :)

мм, понятно. А книг-то много?

там вверху в описании ссылочка на оригинал есть. Можно глянуть общий объем :)

ну вот, гоняешь больного человека невесть куда, а ведь сама наверняка циферь знаешь! эх ты!

Няяя ))) ну чего вы так на меня! )) Там нет номерочков! Я еще не успела посчитать )))) Это же пальчиком в экран тыкать надо! А если зайти на сайт, то можно просто посмотреть и на глаз прикинуть ))

88, к Вашему сведению, господин торопыга (или неторопыга?)
два действия: выделить таблицу/скопировать, вставить в эксель — и вуаля!
PS и куда подевалось человеческое любопытство?

Любопытство съедено просящими жрать котом и мужем )) Я тут 10 секундными набегами ))

Хм. Как в таком случае метко я попадаю в каждые 10 секунд! Как Леонид Кравчук, "поміж крапельками"

Большое спасибо :) Оказалось, что на ЛЛ не авторы англ. и русской версии - разные. Отправила заодно и заявку на объединение.

А я, как раз, ее и сделаю)))

Всегда пожалуйста

Дай, думаю, зайду между делом погляжу, как стройка идёт. А прораб-то запил! )))
Эдакими темпами и вторая Америка выстроиться успеет a2bb97da5bc18ebbe0add1527ee5bf45.gif

а удовлетвори-ка моё любопытство: за какой приманкой ходишь на сайт БК США? :)

о, и сразу ишшо один вопрос - почём нынче наземка? а то надо отправить должок, а сто лет и марку-то в глаза не видел :)

Прораб вернулся с дачи и отвечает :)
1) на БК США брожу за библиографиями для иностранных статей :)
2) Наземку только каждый день смотреть по калькулятору, т.к. курс жутко скачет.

однако — хм! А если я сегодня наклею марку и брошу в ящик, а завтра при выемке курс подскочит? И моё письмо пролетит как известный предмет деревообрабатывающей промышленности над ажурными трусиками Франции? )))

Да, совершенно верно. Поэтому кидаешь либо утром, либо в пятницу, т.к. торгов в выходные нет и курс не меняется. Либо заходишь на отделение и заставляешь тетенек гасить твое письмо у тебя на глазах прямо сегодня.

Понятно. Спасибо! Марин, а почта вообще нормально ходит? Вообще и в Россию в частности

Ты знаешь, пока никаких проблем :) И с Россией в том числе :) Все, как обычно.

Дело хорошее!

Спасибо! Буду и дальше работать над подборкой :)

Похожая подборка уже есть, если не ошибаюсь.

О, действительно! Но я свою уже удалять не буду :) Буду совершенствовать :)

Может, "Хижину дяди Тома" и "Убить пересмешника" ещё добавить?

Это не я составитель подборки, а сотрудники библиотеки Конгресса США :) Но кстати обе эти книги в списке есть! Чуточку позже добавлю!