DC Comics (Rebirth; DC Universe) — 393 книги — стр. 4

DC Rebirth (2016 — 2021) — это перезапуск американского издательства комиксов DC Comics. Взяв в качестве отправной точки конец The New 52 в мае 2016, DC Rebirth восстановил вселенную DC в форму, очень похожую на ту, что была до сюжетной линии «Flashpoint», и в то же время включил в себя многочисленные элементы «The New 52».

Список серий

Action Comics Vol 1 (2016-настоящее время)
All-Star Batman Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Aquaman Vol 8 (2016-настоящее время)

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol 1 (2016-2018)
Batgirl Vol 5 (2016-настоящее время)
Batman and the Signal Vol 1 (2018)
Batman Beyond Vol 6 (2016-настоящее время)
Batman Vol 3 (2016-настоящее время)
Batwoman Vol 3 (2017-2018)
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands Vol 1 (2018)
Blue Beetle Vol 9 (2016-2018)
Bug! The Adventures of Forager Vol 1 (2017-2018)

Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye Vol 1 (2018)
Cyborg Vol 2 (2016-2018)

Damage Vol 2 (2018-2019)
Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 (2017-2018)
DC Universe: Rebirth (2016)
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Death of Hawkman Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Deathstroke Vol 4 (2016-настоящее время)
Detective Comics Vol 1 (2016-настоящее время)
Doom Patrol Vol 6 (2016-2018)
Doomsday Clock Vol 1 (2018-2020)

Eternity Girl Vol 1 (2018)

Gotham Academy: Second Semester Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Gotham City Monsters Vol 1 (2019-2020)
Green Arrow Vol 6 (2016-2019)
Green Lanterns Vol 1 (2016-2018)

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol 1 (2016-2018)
Harley Quinn Vol 3 (2016-настоящее время)
Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker Vol 1 (2018)

Justice League of America Vol 5 (2017-2018)
Justice League Vol 3 (2016-2018)
Justice League Vol 4 (2018-настоящее время)
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad Vol 1 (2017)
Justice League: No Justice Vol 1 (2018)

Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 8 (2020-2021)
Lois Lane Vol 2 (2019-2020)

Mera: Queen of Atlantis Vol 1 (2018)
Midnighter and Apollo Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Mister Miracle Vol 4 (2017-2019)
Mother Panic Vol 1 (2017)
Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. Vol 1 (2018)

New Challengers Vol 1 (2018)
New Super-Man Vol 1 (2016-2018)
Nightwing Vol 4 (2016-настоящее время)

Plastic Man Vol 5 (2018-2019)

Ragman Vol 3 (2017-2018)
Raven Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 2 (2016-настоящее время)

Shade the Changing Girl Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Shade the Changing Woman Vol 1 (2018)
Sideways Vol 1 (2018-2019)
Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz Vol 1 (2016-2017)
Suicide Squad Vol 5 (2016-2019)
Super Sons Vol 1 (2017-2018)
Supergirl Vol 7 (2016-настоящее время)
Superman Vol 4 (2016-2018)
Superwoman Vol 1 (2016-2018)

Teen Titans Vol 6 (2016-настоящее время)
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman Vol 1 (2018)
The Curse of Brimstone Vol 1 (2018-2019)
The Demon: Hell Is Earth Vol 1 (2018)
The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom Vol 1 (2017)
The Flash Vol 5 (2016-настоящее время)
The Hellblazer Vol 1 (2016-2018)
The Immortal Men Vol 1 (2018)
The Man of Steel Vol 2 (2018)
The Odyssey of the Amazons Vol 1 (2017)
The Silencer Vol 1 (2018-2019)
The Terrifics Vol 1 (2018-настоящее время)
Titans Vol 3 (2016-2019)
Trinity Vol 2 (2016-2018)

Wonder Woman Vol 5 (2016-настоящее время)


Порядок чтения: DC Rebirth

1) Подборка DC Comics: От начала до Кризиса на Бесконечных Землях
2) Подборка DC Comics: От Кризиса на Бесконечных Землях до Бесконечного кризиса
3) Подборка DC Comics: От Бесконечного кризиса до The New 52
4) Подборка The New 52

DC Rebirth на русском языке

картинка LanoRelieve

Подборка Marvel: От начала до Распада Мстителей
Ultimate Marvel
Подборка Marvel: От Распада Мстителей до Marvel Now!
Подборка: Marvel Now!
Подборка: All-New, All-Different Marvel. Marvel Legacy
Подборка: Marvel Fresh Start

Green Arrow Vol. 5: Hard Travelin' Hero
Бенджамин Перси
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

Green Arrow has lost his fortune, and now he is hitting the road to save America in Green Arrow Vol. 5: Hard-Traveling Hero.

They're called the Ninth Circle--a criminal bank…

Green Arrow Vol. 6: Trial of Two Cities
Бенджамин Перси
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

Oliver Queen may have returned to Star City, but it's not exactly a happy homecoming. His business has been taken over by criminals, and he's facing murder charges that he may not…

Green Arrow, Volume 7: Citizen's Arrest
Shawna Benson, Джули Бенсон
Год издания:2019
Издательство:DC Comics

Seattle’s in for a shake-up when Green Arrow crosses quivers with a new vigilante “hero” dubbed the Citizen, who’s hell-bent on exposing the corrupt and criminal one-percenters…

Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet (сборник)
Sam Humphries
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

Two new members of the galaxy's greatest peacekeeping force are here in GREEN LANTERNS VOL. 1: RAGE PLANET, as a part of the critically acclaimed, best-selling, all-new line of…

Green Lanterns Vol. 2: Phantom Lantern
Sam Humphries
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

They’re the newest recruits to the Green Lantern Corps, but learning to trust each other is the hardest challenge Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz may ever face! Their pasts, their…

Green Lanterns Vol. 3: Polarity
Sam Humphries
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

The acclaimed creative team of writer Sam Humphries and artists Robson Rocha and Eduardo Pansica take Earth’s newest Green Lanterns on thrilling adventures around the Earth and…

Green Lanterns Vol. 4: The First Rings
Sam Humphries
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz both earned their power rings, but are they ready to face the deadly legacy that accompanies them? The very first Lantern—the mad Volthoom—has returned,…

Green Lanterns Vol. 5: Out of Time
Sam Humphries
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

Thanks to the aftermath of their time-traveling battle with the mad Lantern Volthoom, Earth's newest Green Lanterns, Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz, are now Earth's FIRST Green…

Green Lanterns Vol. 6: A World of Our Own
Тим Сили
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

An alien world is ripped apart by a refugee crisis, and the best hope for a peaceful resolution rests with Earth's Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz. But did the Lanterns…

Green Lanterns Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking
Тим Сили
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

When Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz discover that a number of superheroes have vanished from Earth without a trace, their investigation leads them to a lawless planet…

Green Lanterns Vol. 8: Ghosts of the Past
Тим Сили
Год издания:2019
Издательство:DC Comics

Everyone's favorite Earthbound Emerald Warriors, Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, return to Earth after an epic intergalactic battle to save Earth's heroes from a superhuman…

Green Lanterns Vol. 9: Evil's Might
Дэн Юргенс
Год издания:2019
Издательство:DC Comics

A guardian has been murderered. The killer stands in the midst the Green Lantern Corps. Tensions hit the tipping point between Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz changing their…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro's Law (сборник)
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

Fear has a color. It’s the gruesome glow of yellow, wielded by the totalitarian tyrant Sinestro and his Yellow Lanterns. And now the entire universe is bathed in its sinister…

Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light (сборник)
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

A part of DC Rebirth!

Hal Jordan is about to go from the head of the Green Lantern Corps to an army of one. Jordan's long, illustrious--and tumultuous--tenure with the Corps…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Quest for Hope (сборник)
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2017
Издательство:DC Comics

Writer Robert Venditti (THE FLASH) is joined by iconic Green Lantern artist Ethan Van Sciver (GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH, THE FLASH: REBIRTH) and artist Rafa Sandoval (CATWOMAN) to…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture (сборник)
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

New leader of the Sinestro Corps, Soranik Natu, daughter of Sinestro, has seen to it that her brethren set aside their murderous ways for a new mission: to police the universe…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5: Twilight of the Guardians
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

It's action, adventure and conspiracy on a cosmic scale in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5: Twilight of the Guardians, as writer Robert Venditti (The Flash) and…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6: Zod's Will
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2018
Издательство:DC Comics

When Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner arrive on a primitive planet to investigate reports of alien interference with the local population, they're shocked to discover…

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising
Роберт Вендитти
Год издания:2019
Издательство:DC Comics

When the last surviving Controllers--ancient beings who hope to outdo the Guardians at bringing justice to the universe--revive the Darkstars, the result is a force beyond even…

The Green Lantern, Vol. 1: Intergalactic Lawman
Грант Моррисон, Лиам Шарп
Год издания:2019
Издательство:DC Comics

Legendary writer Grant Morrison is taking Green Lantern back to his roots, exploring the popular hero's role as the universe's best space cop. It's Law and Order in space as Hal…

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