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6 марта 2023 г. 09:56


4 does not feel like a debut at all

so intimate. so sexual. so much to process. 

I always enjoy reading books written by women about one woman’s messy life. 

every time it enhances my love of being a woman more and more. 

it certainly did affect my current mental state, and slightly redirected the flow of my thoughts, but i feel like i gained a good experience and learned a few lessons around the topic i’ve never really been interested in. 

this is a good read. although, I think that I chose the wrong timing to read this book. because i believe, that if i’d read it later in life, it would make much more sense to me. 

i am too ‘inexperienced’ in my sexual life right now, to clearly get to every aspect of the story, and that made me a little lost in understanding the authors message. 

i’m giving this book 4/5  

and i am certain that i will come back to this story in a few years and reread it once i’ll feel like i’m ready.