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29 августа 2022 г. 08:31


5 it’s one of the very best cycles I’ve ever read. if not the best one at all!

*this post was made from my notes, so it can look a bit chaotic*

so, with this part we are diving deeper into the universe of Angel warriors. 

the plot from the first book continues without big jumps in time (i personally liked this). 

a lot of new myth appeared, as well as a lot of new faces. 

in the first book, the accent was more on opening who are the Shadowhunters at all, while this book opens a wider understanding of the world we are brought into. 

relationships development between everyone is a good sign (GOD I loved it). the ice melts, somewhere the heat frozens. and the main love triangle(?) is even more intense since all the hidden secrets are known (1st book finale). 

the scene in the faerie world deserves the real special place in my heart. 

these chapters 8-9 just live in my head rent free all the time. 

God, I love everything about this story. I can’t even keep all my thoughts together to make a good review on this.