25 октября 2021 г. 19:56


5 All the social causes

This book was a lot better, that I expected it to be - and needed to say, my expectations were already pretty high. I like Trevor Noah a lot, I liked him before the autobiography and had no doubts it will be clever, thoughtful and sharp. What I didn't expect or, probably, didn't analyze to form such expectations, is for it to be a far better social commentary than most of the articles that try hard to appear socially conscious. By telling a story of his childhood Trevor Noah is telling a story about colonialism, racism, social inequality, domestic violence, cultural differences. Now that I'm saying this, I realize it can be a turnover for some people who are looking to read of a comedian biography. I'm glad that by chance I listened to the audio book narrated by the author - this way I could go through parts closer to his emotions and the stories which would probably leave me crying turned out different, because I heard the voice of a person who lived them and felt emotions he felt.
I'm not a target audience for autobiographies - I imagine there is such. But this book was a real pleasure and a perfectly written book about all people everywhere.


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