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21 октября 2021 г. 18:58


0 This book can be used to make a TV series!

This story is about a closed boarding school for children with special needs. This story is full of secrets and mysticism.

Predictions appear on the walls

walls of the House. Conflicts end the in murder. The fear of children before the outside world is almost religious.

The smoker conflicts with his group, and he is transferred to another.  From this moment begins his real knowledge about the House, with rules and traditions.

The smoker will know that all children and teachers are called only by nicknames and that the previous graduation, seven years ago, became the most terrible in the history of the boarding school.

And the main question for children is to leave or stay, because after this graduation the House will be destroyed.  Some choose to leave and stay forever in the world where they were born.  And others - to stay: to stay with the House and go to another world that belongs only to them.

The 1000-page book "The Gray House" was published 12 years ago.  Now the book has become a cult and unites crowds of fans around.  Serious literary critics are trying to understand the creation of Mariam Petrosyan, and, at the same time, fans are playing role-playing games, and the Internet is flooded with fan-drawings.

I really liked the book, it's impossible to stop and not read!  And after reading it, you begin to believe that magic exists.

Mariam Petrosyan invented and described a huge, complex world. It has an internal hierarchy and a fine line between the real and the fantastic. In the book, two storylines develop in parallel: the Smoker and the Grasshopper, both lines about the adaptation of a person in a closed society. The book has already found audience who adores the world of the novel. I am sure that, with a critical attitude, fans would love to watch the series.

Why is the book better to be filmed into a TV series? The book is not written from the perspective of one character. We know what almost all the heroes of this story think and feel. We know what happens to them outside the horizons of the main characters.

The book, written by an artist-animator, seemed to me very rich in visual images, metaphors, memorable descriptions.

I think that the adaptation of the novel will not be difficult. Rooms and Corridors Houses can be built in a pavilion. And the outside world can be filmed on location. It would be great to involve young authors and directors in the work. I think the small age difference (graduates are 16-17 years old) will be possible to more accurately tell the story of the graduation year at the House.

The biggest challenge I see in filming is the special needs of the characters. In the book, the features of the heroes are not felt, after some time after reading you forget about it. It is important that the characters do not frighten the audience.

Today in Russia there is not enough quality cinema for teenagers. The kind of movie that could compete with Disney films. I think that the adaptation of an extraordinary book would would arouse interest and discussion. Did the House accept you or not?