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30 ноября 2022 г., 01:58

Besides being my birthday, the 6th of December was a Finnish National Holiday. ‘Noh work,’ said Sedelquist. ‘Why?’ ‘Själfständighetsdagen – freedom from Russia.’ ‘Noh work,’ said Taanila. ‘Itsenäisyyspäivä.’ ‘Say that again.’ Taanila mouthed it happily several times. ‘What’s that in aid of?’ ‘Freedom from Russia too, but Finnish word,’ said Sedelquist. ‘If I was a Russian I’d be celebrating too,’ said Kroner who was passing. ‘You are a focking Bolscheviki,’ said Taanila, heatedly. ‘I am not a focking Bolscheviki,’ Kroner replied with good humour, ‘I’m a focking Fascist. But if I was, and you and Karma were living next door, I’d help you to liberate yourselves.’ Nothing else happened to mark the occasion, and Själfständighetsdagen, Itsenäisyyspäivä and my birthday were celebrated without rapture.