Серия книг «Children of the Knight» — 6 книг

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Children of the Knight
Michael J. Bowler
Год издания:2013
Издательство:Dreamspinner Press
Серия:Children of the Knight

A Harmony Ink Press Young Adult Title

According to legend, King Arthur is supposed to return when Britain needs him most. So why does a man claiming to be the once and future…

Running Through a Dark Place
Michael J. Bowler
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Michael J Bowle

King Arthur and his extraordinary young Knights used ‘might’ for ‘right’ to create a new Camelot in the City of Angels. They rallied the populace around their cause, while…

There Is No Fear
Michael J. Bowler
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Michael J Bowler

The most famous boy in the world is a prisoner. He’s been charged with a crime he didn’t commit, a crime that could send him to prison for the rest of his life. Languishing within…

And The Children Shall Lead
Michael J. Bowler
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Michael J. Bowler

The campaign to save California’s children was only the beginning. Now King Arthur and his Round Table of teenaged knights set their sights on fixing something even bigger – the…

Once Upon a Time in America
Michael J. Bowler
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Michael J. Bowler

With Lance leading the way, the Knights of the Round Table have set out to convince the American people that amending the Constitution to protect children is right and just and…

Warrior Kids: A Tale of New Camelot
Michael J. Bowler
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Издательство:Smashwords Edition

The future looks bleak unless eighteen year-old Lance and his New Camelot Earth Warriors can save the planet from catastrophic climate change.

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Надо бы поискать... Был английский молодёжный журнал, вроде даже с громадным тиражом. Вот там был такой вырвиглаз, такое сочетание розового с зелёным, что ни одни другие эксперименты в области фотожопинга никогда не дотянут))