Серия книг «Star Wars (Del Rey)» — 3 книги

Последние добавленные книги

Joe Schreiber - Star Wars: Maul - Lockdown
Joe Schreiber

«Lucas Books» 2014 г. ISBN: 0-345-50903-X, 978-0-345-50903-1
Joe Schreiber - Red Harvest
Joe Schreiber

«Del Rey» 2012 г. ISBN: 0-345-51859-4, 978-0-345-51859-0
Red Harvest
Joe Schreiber
ISBN:0-345-51859-4, 978-0-345-51859-0
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Del Rey
Серия:Star Wars (Del Rey)

Unlike other young Jedi sidelined to the Agricultural Corps—those whose abilities have not proved up to snuff—Hestizo Trace possesses one extraordinary Force talent: a gift with…

Star Wars: Knight Errant
John Jackson Miller
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Del Rey

An original adventure featuring Jedi Kerra Holt—star of the hot new Dark Horse Knight Errant comic series.
A thousand years before Luke Skywalker, a generation before Darth…

Star Wars: Maul - Lockdown
Joe Schreiber
ISBN:0-345-50903-X, 978-0-345-50903-1
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Lucas Books
Серия:Star Wars (Del Rey)

Set before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, this new novel is a thrilling follow-up to Star Wars: Darth Plagueis.

It's kill or be killed in the space…