Книги издательства «Dodd»

Agatha Christie: An Autobiography
Agatha Christie
ISBN:9780396075165, 0396075169
Год издания:1977
Издательство:Mead & Company, Dodd

Begun in 1950 and eventually completed in 1965, Agatha Christie recounts her life from early childhood until the end of the memoir’s composition. The book came about from her…

The Impostor
Элен Макклой
Год издания:1977

Maria Skinner recovers consciousness after a car crash to find herself in a psychiatric clinic. She remembers the crash quite clearly but she is told that she is suffering from…

Swing, Swing TogetherЦикл «Сержант Крибб», №7
Peter Lovesey
Год издания:1976
Издательство:Dodd, Mead and Company

London, 1889: After Jerome K Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat became a Victorian bestseller, rowing on the Thames was the great craze of 1889. When an elementary school teacher in…

What to Draw and How to Draw it
Edwin George Lutz
Год издания:1913
Издательство:Dodd, Mead & Co.

What to draw and how to draw it: a helpful book for young artists; the way to begin and finish your sketches, clearly shown step by step. Written and illustrated by E.G.Lutz and…