The Steal: The Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election and The People Who Stopped It

Марк БоуденMatthew Teague


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In the sixty-four days between November 3 and January 6, President Donald Trump and his allies fought to reverse the outcome of the vote. Focusing on six states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada,…
Издательство: Atlantic Monthly Press

ISBN: 9780802159953

Год издания: 2022

320 pages, Hardcover


"... terrific ... That real insurrection is the subject of this timely and important volume. The authors have used a stethoscope to examine the minutia of the American election process. The result is a thrilling and suspenseful celebration of the survival of democracy ... Their book performs a vital service, demonstrating just how well our tattered democracy managed to function despite vicious partisanship and all the new challenges created by the pandemic. For the first time, I understood how brilliantly new machines used to count the votes performed, the intricacies of opening outer and inner envelopes, capturing the images of both then preserving the vital paper ballots inside, making it possible to confirm electronic results with a hand count in case of any failure in technology ... Bowden and Teague have performed a singular service by revealing the details that disprove Republicans' unceasing inventions about voter fraud ... If democracy does prevail, it will survive because of the ability of authors like Teague and Bowden to make the truth even more compelling than Fox News fictions."

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